Elite: Dangerous

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#1 Sun, 12/23/2012 - 09:32
MadDogMurdock's picture
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Elite: Dangerous

Some of you may remember Elite from the 80s, and it's follow-up Frontier.

Well, it's back in MMO form, at least as a Kickstarter campaign.

It's hit and miss whether they'll make the target, but if you like open world games and want to fly around space, shooting up friends and enemies alike, this is your chance to get that game made (a quick nod to Star Citizen  which is also in the pipeline).

The graphics are looking pretty tasty and it looks like they're going for a more dogfight style of flying than true spaceflight sim.

Check it out and if you like what you see, maybe pledge and take it over the top.




Sat, 09/21/2013 - 14:36
POIDSLY's picture
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Old post, but....


I happily threw down £50 the second I could to get on board. Braben is so full of empty promises but I'm hoping. They made the required 1 million £ needed and development seems to be going well but have my doubts about whether they'll meet the published schedule for release.

Certainly the weekly news updates look like it could be awesome. Some of the in game visuals are jaw dropping.

Having been a total elite nerd having started back on the BBC, I can't wait.

Just hoping that the Asp is going to be the kick arse multirole ship it was back in First Encounters. Either that or tooling around in a gunned up python packed out with shield generators.

So if there are any others intending to buy, post here, and when it lifts off perhaps we can start a little corner of the universe from 2o2p.



POIDSLY (AKA EliteGT: Dreadnought)

Sat, 09/21/2013 - 14:39
CProRacing's picture
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People put 5g down

Holy crap

Sat, 09/21/2013 - 15:27
POIDSLY's picture
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Yeah Church. Crazy.

The original was utterly groundbreaking back in the 80's. We are talking mindblowing shit compared to the platformers of the manic miner, pssst and top down sabre wolf type that were standard fare.

Many of the people who played it compulsively will now be at peak earnings, and it has serious draw. If I did not have the whole Forza/Fanatec expense and 2 young children I'd happily throw a lot more at it.

Its an extra reason why I'm considering more PC racing as I'm going to have to build a decent PC come February anyway.

Sat, 09/21/2013 - 16:27
KnightofRedemption's picture
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Elite was probably the first game that made people buy the computer just to be able to play it, £300 back when £300 was a months wages for many.  The amount of hours I lost to that game just don't bear thinking about. I doubt this one will have anything like the same impact, we have moved on, the things that made this special, analog joystick, vector graphics and open world...kinda. Well there just ain't those sort of game changers around anymore.

I'm intrigued right enough, and bound to buy it when and if it arrives purely for the Elite pedigree and the hope it may be the space combat game I have been waiting for since that first totally addictive experience.

Sun, 09/22/2013 - 02:41
POIDSLY's picture
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I do believe the market is there for a massive open world space sim. I agree its unlikely to radically capture new ground, in fact I have my doubts whether Braben will deliver a coherent product (see the incomplete and bug ridden frontier and first encounters) but I am hoping the core vision is still there. It looks like it at the moment.

Now implement the MP as successfully as Eve online and you would have something very significant and worthwhile.

Groundbreaking - no. But there has not been a good open world space sim in a very long time IMO. The time is ripe.

Thu, 05/08/2014 - 16:17
POIDSLY's picture
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Update: Alpha feels very good.

Brother has early hands on and says its deeply impressive, with a good feel to combat and a slick graphics engine.

I'm currently waiting for Beta. Eagerly.

Sun, 05/11/2014 - 07:35
KnightofRedemption's picture
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Cool, though Star Citizen has also piqued my curiosity...It does look like one way or another one of these will end up on my playlist and a decent Joystick on the shopping list...

Wed, 05/14/2014 - 09:30
KuruptU4Fun1976's picture
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Have you actually pledged to SC Knight?

Fri, 08/08/2014 - 11:48
POIDSLY's picture
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Ok, been running Beta 1.03 for the last week. It is just hugely impressive. Lots of features to add. Bugs to resolve. But..... .....the flight mechanics feel great. The audio makes it feel like you are in control of the gates of HELL. However, BUYER BEWARE - it is in beta and the learning curve is steeper than vertical.
Tue, 09/30/2014 - 16:11
POIDSLY's picture
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OK - beta 2.0 will be live in about 3 hours time.

Lots of new features being introduced. 10 fold increase in player area. Now 550 star systems.

Complete wipe of all progress, for testing. Fine by me.

I can report that whilst it will not suit all space sim fans, and certainly not those who want a win button, it is shaping up very well.

Final release still looking favourable for DDecember, with a gamma release before that.

If anyone wants to ask questions, is interested etc just ask or pm me.



Sat, 10/11/2014 - 14:21
PoltegIce's picture
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Been playing this a bit. Its somewhat satisfying the space sim tooth. Its has a lot of cool things going for it and I especially like the smuggling dynamic which is WAAYYYYYY harder in 2.05. 

I don't like the sluggish flight though and the sleepy dogfighting. 

The most expesive ship i've owned is only a hauler but I was enjoying smuggling in it. Which got wiped in the latst patch. IMO it is not as good as STar cItizen, but it does look like it will be a good game.

Sun, 10/12/2014 - 14:23
POIDSLY's picture
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SC definitely not my thing though game environments do look pretty. Ships on the other hand are ugly IMO. I also have to ask what the hell they think they are doing with the mountains of treasure they have raised.

If you've only used the sidewinder and hauler it is no wonder it feels sluggish. Beta 3.0 will introduce an altered FA on/off flight model, once again. That should liven things up a bit.

2.5 is pretty stable for me - perhaps 1 CDT per 3 hours. Big improvement.




Mon, 10/13/2014 - 16:35 (Reply to #13)
PoltegIce's picture
Last seen: 9 years 4 months ago
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POIDSLY wrote:

If you've only used the sidewinder and hauler it is no wonder it feels sluggish.



What others do you suggest? I have tried the eagle and it was an improvement over the sidewinder but I would have to say not alot, I did trade it in for a hauler as soon as i had the cash though... The cobra you were thinking? 

Fri, 10/17/2014 - 16:17
POIDSLY's picture
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Cobra is good, but TBH they are all less sharp in beta 2. However.....upgrades, upgrades, upgrades - will transform the ships now.

Personally think the beta 1 ships (no real system upgrades available in stations) were actually pre upgraded.

Once upgraded (thrusters, power, and as much weight lost in the process) that the sidewinder is a really fun ship, just limited by the two hardpoints. For learning the ropes and fun combat, I really don't think you can do better - AND its cheap to rebuy with the old load out.

Upgraded viper is still a beast.

Lots of commanders do swear by the eagle as a cheapish middle ground in B2, but again it needs upgrading and I'm told is fragile once the shields are down. I simply have not spent any time with it.

I'm currently about 6-7 hours play from an Asp. It's a ship that alot of 84's aspire to. Problem is that theres almost certainly a wipe on the 30th with the arrival of beta 3.

But hey, its a beta, and thats what I accepted when I signed up for the kickstarter.

Happy to share trading/money making tips for any 2O2P commanders out there. People are getting very secretive over at the ED forums as the money is a lot tighter and the economy/stock model means runs seem to deplete quickly.

See you out there Commander.

Poids (aka Cmdr Dreadnought)

Sat, 10/18/2014 - 10:26
PoltegIce's picture
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Ya I am commander: Unhygienix I'll have to try upgradin never tried before as wipes came before real progress is made. I am playing too many games at once lol. Running an eagle at the moment. Wish I wasn't. What's up with a cargo hold of 2? Anywho ya pretty fragile. Was picking off wanted NPC at a extraction site and even though I had received no attacks, a federal authorities eagel crashed into me resulting in instance death. Oh well. My biggest problem at the moment is after a couple jumps I can't leave the jump animation anymore . its like a freeze but not. Anyway let me in on any other tricks ya got I havent got much experience with it yet.
Fri, 10/31/2014 - 07:18
POIDSLY's picture
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Have accepted in game.

Will probably sign up for the Mobius PvE group.

Beta 3 interesting. Mining is not well balanced or implemented at the moment.


Otherwise great.

Fri, 11/14/2014 - 17:35
POIDSLY's picture
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Tears are flowing in the official beta forums following some release news and a perceived lack of communication.

Dummies spat out!

Toys no longer in the pram!

Lots of folks in denial. Fanboys quiet as they are too busy eating a large slice of reality. Doom mongers crowing.

Reminds me of my reaction when FM3 was released and I ended up with a T10 enforced leave of absence. :)

Personally I'm not that worried. A lot of hot air, and no point in raising my blood pressure. If my passion for the FM series has taught me anything, its to be philosophical about this sort of BS.


I am really enjoying beta 3. Gamma on the 22nd. Full release on Dec 16th with ongoing updates and expansions thereafter.



Sat, 11/15/2014 - 07:37
PoltegIce's picture
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What is their concern? How are things changing? I mean we have pretty close to the full version now how are they gonna fuck it up enough for anyone to be upset?

Sat, 11/15/2014 - 11:37
POIDSLY's picture
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Oh, well, they have announced no offline mode which was a kick starter pledge, and that is pretty poor given many of the target audience wanted that option.

Also the 16th of dec release build is looking likely to be short on some features that were pretty prominent in the design intentions. Not a game breaker IMO as these are very likely to come later.

So, the ED community is being whipped up into a right old froth by trolls and doommongers calling for Braben et al to be tarred and feathered etc. Suggestions of subscription play etc. Threats of suing lol

Mostly unfounded rumours.

It will all blow over within a few weeks of release whatever the state of the game is. All those who are so outraged will find something else or spend a bit of time feeling foolish and avoiding the forums.

Must say the developer is being very gentle in the forums.

BTW I already have 180 hours logged on this and it is only beta. Pretty sure I will get my moneys worth.


Sat, 11/15/2014 - 22:08
PoltegIce's picture
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Well for what its worth. They have a solid game and I hope it does well. I think they'va already done well with pre-orders.

Wow thats pretty good on hours. I certainly dont come close. I have a hauler again. I have upgradeed a bunch of stuff and set it up for mining. But dont know if I have the patience to find good mining spots. They will probably get cluttered pretty quick. 

Sun, 11/16/2014 - 02:55
POIDSLY's picture
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I agree, its very good. Close enough at present to what I had hoped for. In some parts much better.


Final wipe next week.


After I've had enough time to build up to an asp, I could arrange a cargo transfer of some suitably expensive commodity if you want.

That is if we start out reasonably close. I think I'm going with the federation trader KS option.

Let me know the system where you start.

Sun, 11/16/2014 - 07:54
PoltegIce's picture
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Will do.
Sun, 11/16/2014 - 15:22
PoltegIce's picture
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Hey are you saying after nov23 everything we do will not be erased even after final release in Dec? well if thats the case I beter start learning this damn thing so i can pwn sum noobs come dec. Maybe i'll have and asp or a clipper by then. MUUAAAHHHHAAAHHAAA


Also any advice on earning m0ney? I've been havng to stick mostly with cargo hauls. The ones that seem to have big payouts require you to steal the merch which I can't even figure out how i would be able to do that in the time alotted. The second seem to be basic supply fetch missions. I am gonna go on tonight and see if i can fgure out an easy way find out which nearby systems will have the commodity they ask for cheaply. I havent touched those either If i'm lucky i get missions that payout 5000, when i land a big one I can make between 15000 and 7000 but they are rare. Also my dam hauler only came with 8 cargo slots this go :(  I've been stopping at the outfitters on every station and platform i visit looking for better cargo units (>4) bt no luck. most of the time the cargo units are 2. I meant wtf is with that?.


Sun, 11/16/2014 - 17:11
POIDSLY's picture
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Yup, once we are in gamma post 22nd there will be no wipe, unless there is a critical problem. Exploit etc.

So wiped this week and that should be it. That is when I play for a huge fortune. 3 weeks of haulage should see it done. Then for me its exploration and bounty hunting.

As for making money, as soon as I have tested gamma and work out what they have done I will let you know. In the current build I was making at best 1100c per tonne one way and 600c back. The tricky bit is first getting enough cargo room as you know and that brings us to....

.....outfitting, a PIA at mo. I think we will see a change next week. Again, I'll let you know.

Not a big PvP type myself, but once my broadband is sorted summer 2015, I shall partake. ;)

However the next 24 hours are going to be interesting. The biggest KS backer has publicly requested his £5000 returned for failure to meet the KS terms. One person does not a clusterfuck make, but there are quite a few upset backers. Online news already reporting the rage :) would not be surprised for this to make somewhat more major news channels in the next couple of days.

Sun, 11/16/2014 - 18:54
PoltegIce's picture
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i figured out my problem with cargo space. was the size of my slots. bought a viper and sarted paying more attention.

Sun, 11/23/2014 - 12:59
PoltegIce's picture
Last seen: 9 years 4 months ago
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Starting System: LHS 3447

Coords: -43 . -6 . 56



*also wondering how I find my freagle? * never mind. visit the shipyard at a station and there is a tab for the location of your stored ships. 

Thu, 12/18/2014 - 18:46
PoltegIce's picture
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Hey man, i tried to send messages back to you but even restarting the game, it wouldnt let me. Dont know whats up with that


Fri, 12/19/2014 - 15:16
POIDSLY's picture
Last seen: 8 years 10 months ago
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Currently general reliability issues with in game texting. Having probs with text chatting my brother in game too.


How you getting on? Need any help?

Doing deep space exploration at the moment. Travelled over 2000ly in the last 2 days.


Fri, 12/19/2014 - 18:27
PoltegIce's picture
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Holy moly! You do get around. I am alright. Getting ever closer to a cobra. been using an adder for a bit. trying to get some slave missions. i had a couple but abandoned one, thought i was gonna gret  a bigger rewar for abandoning it. nope butkiss, anyway they pay out great and little risk. I am around XIHE atm. Spent a lot of time trying to find a good spot to haul rich resources. hasnt panned out so far. 

Fri, 12/19/2014 - 19:05
POIDSLY's picture
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Well, I'm exploring with a fully kitted out asp. Around the 25 million mark. Another 10 million in the bank.

I'm heading back in from today's venture. Should make the fringe in another 2 hours play whenever I fit that in.

The ship (The Fair Winds - as i have named her) is all out of shield cells, down to 50% chaff and took 6% hull damage in an interdiction by a cobra. From what I can see NPC interdictions stop once you get beyond approximately 300ly out from the fringe. Not a bad tactic to go all out to get beyond range before exploring in detail. Note to self there :)

Unfortunately come Monday that's pretty much it for 2 weeks. Family Christmas etc.

If you want to try a cargo exchange in the new year (smuggling stolen goods) let me know.

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