PC Battlefield-ers..its time to re-group
Mon, 11/10/2014 - 19:35
PC Battlefield-ers..its time to re-group
Okay kids, BF4 has been updated and in my opinion, is far more playable than before. Far from perfect, but still a good time.
If any of you guys on my Origin friends list are still playing, or have thought about re-installing, I'm out here, all on my own...and its lonley.
I will also be found playing Insurgency, so hopefully there will be some of you around to join me.
I should be back on soon. I have been on BF4 regularly since the last update until about 3 weeks ago.
it's just you and me these days Cardiac
I'm still alive and visit BF4 sporadically. you both are still on my FL. :) I'm around typically weekends after 10pm. I've been waiting for the Final Stand maps to release. We should get a release date announcement today BTW. I played them a good bit in CTE and thought they were excellent although Hanger 21 really plays like two seperate maps (interior and exterior). The exterior I like the interior hanger portion not so much. Too much verticality and far too many nooks and crannies for snipers to hide in and head glitch from.
bunsen who ?
xboxone anyone?
Not been on BF4 for ages as it was a pile of shite .....is it any better now ? if so mite have to take a look again on xbox one
Its very stable now, check it out.
Hey guys,
I'm normally a Forza-ite around here, but recently bought a new PC that is now capable of running BF4 at more than 15FPS!
I'm looking for some people to help me start getting better at it. UK based so look me up on Origin (derekthetree)
Hi Derek,
It seems the PC guys are pretty quiet at the moment - me included. I'm english, but on the west coast of canada
. I play a couple of times a week, I'll send you a friends request and if our paths should cross online, I'll happily join you.
Thanks! The guys over at digitalbbq are quite active but all in NA as well. I'll keep an eye out for you