Thursday Night - Site Wide - Casual Competitive Halo 4

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Mon, 11/10/2014 - 03:28
Assassin_45's picture
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Yeah, good times the other night. What is this Halo diehards that you spoke of earlier?

Thu, 11/13/2014 - 15:37 (Reply to #965)
AddiCt3d_2CHa0s's picture
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Assassin_45 wrote:

Yeah, good times the other night. What is this Halo diehards that you spoke of earlier?

That's sort of my "clan" that's not really a clan but it has a (my) website and there's Halo news, videos, podcast and custom nights and stuff. (Google it!)

Zombie, do you have Master Chief Collection? Not sure if anyone is planning on hosting tonight over there, but that game is pretty broked. Matchmaking does not work, and customs are not hosted on dedicated servers. People get booted from customs often, and there are other issues still occuring, including menu screens that are overlayed on top of each other. Broked! So I have been playing that other aforementioned game, until they get their shiznit together.

Halo 2: Anniversary campaign, on the other hand... fantastico!! HATED how they messed with the graphics of Halo:CE, and didn't honor the original "look" of a lot of it, so far in the campaign, they're sticking to it exactly, just giving it incredible depth and character. It's amazing to me how I haven't played that campaign for years yet I slip right back into it like it was yesterday.

Thu, 11/13/2014 - 15:47 (Reply to #966)
bdub77's picture
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AddiCt3d_2CHa0s wrote:

Assassin_45 wrote:

Yeah, good times the other night. What is this Halo diehards that you spoke of earlier?

That's sort of my "clan" that's not really a clan but it has a (my) website and there's Halo news, videos, podcast and custom nights and stuff.

Zombie, do you have Master Chief Collection? Not sure if anyone is planning on hosting tonight over there, but that game is pretty broked. Matchmaking does not work, and customs are not hosted on dedicated servers. People get booted from customs often, and there are other issues still occuring, including menu screens that are overlayed on top of each other. Broked! So I have been playing that other aforementioned game, until they get their shiznit together.

Halo 2: Anniversary campaign, on the other hand... fantastico!! HATED how they messed with the graphics of Halo:CE, and didn't honor the original "look" of a lot of it, so far in the campaign, they're sticking to it exactly, just giving it incredible depth and character. It's amazing to me how I haven't played that campaign for years yet I slip right back into it like it was yesterday.

I can confirm customs won't be hosted on dedicated either, per 343. Also, MM on H2A sure didn't seem like dedicated servers either. Maybe I just have terrible latency to the servers now, or maybe I just really suck, or maybe I'm going up against pro teams, but I was yellow bar most of last night and it wasn't fun. I had people running up behind me in an area I just scanned over tagging me with a shotgun while I watched a clear radar screen. 

Spawns and respawns are whack. Getting shot behind walls, getting 3-shot. All kinds of laggy weirdness. My favorite was starting a game on Zanzibar H2A and by the time I got to the sniper spawn 5 seconds later there was already an enemy there aiming a sniper. Dropped two grenades on his face tagged him with 3 shots and then suddenly I'm dead from a headshot. Not a custom. I really hope this isn't how it's going to be for me, I'm not on a terrible connection.

Did play the CE campaign for the first time in a long time, which was really fun. I hadn't played CEA.

Probably won't be on tonight (need rest), but I'll try to be on for customs next week.

Fri, 11/14/2014 - 07:15 (Reply to #967)
DarthTabasco's picture
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bdub77 wrote:

...MM on H2A sure didn't seem like dedicated servers either. Maybe I just have terrible latency to the servers now, or maybe I just really suck, or maybe I'm going up against pro teams, but I was yellow bar most of last night and it wasn't fun...

MCC MM does run on dedicated servers BUT can switch to peer-to-peer in the event there is an issue with the servers. So, it's probably safe to say the servers are having some

Mon, 11/10/2014 - 19:30
zombiekitten's picture
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MCC Thursday night!!!!

i actually put it on my to do list lol!

Tue, 11/11/2014 - 14:53
Duke12's picture
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Looking forward it as well unless the chores demand too much attention. Judging from what I'm seeing on "Halo Reddit" patience may be a virtue on "day one" of XB1 MCC Thursday, what with potential glitches, network issues, etc. Be prepared, take a glass half-full approach (drink of choice), and hopefully fun will still be had by all.

Thu, 11/13/2014 - 14:10
zombiekitten's picture
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Deep I just saw your post about no longer hosting. Thanks for all you've done! xoxo

Thu, 11/13/2014 - 14:32
Duke12's picture
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Got an invite to a particular session of a more current Bungie game, so will miss out tonight. Hope all goes well!

Fri, 11/14/2014 - 14:28
Duke12's picture
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Did anyone host Thursday night customs last night on MCC? If so, would be interested in a report, or any report on MCC custom matches in general.

Fri, 11/14/2014 - 14:36
Bluestar's picture
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Sorry, feel asleep arguing with my child to go to bed.  By the time I got up most people were logged off or in Destiny.

Fri, 11/14/2014 - 20:09
zombiekitten's picture
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Yup Lady Chaos I have MCC. I'm not sure anyone should try hosting Thursdays til the customs and roster bit are fixed. You'll spend too much time just trying to get and keep people in the party. 

We did get a group of our clan into some customs last night. When it works its great fun! The H2 classic maps are amazing! 

Mon, 11/17/2014 - 14:58
BigBadMike's picture
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Customs is running a bit smoother, unfourtunately without roster support to collect friends, getting 8 or 10 people in one lobby is like opening the door to the vault of glass.  It requires teamwork and perfect positioning and timing.

Thu, 11/20/2014 - 13:04
AddiCt3d_2CHa0s's picture
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Got in some custom games in Master Chief Collection last night and I'm convinced it's possible. Haven't heard many of your voices, so what say you? I'll host tonight, no promises on the future...

Thu, 11/20/2014 - 14:31 (Reply to #977)
DarthTabasco's picture
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AddiCt3d_2CHa0s wrote:

Got in some custom games in Master Chief Collection last night and I'm convinced it's possible. Haven't heard many of your voices, so what say you? I'll host tonight, no promises on the future...

We'll probably all be stuck trying to download the update and I'm sure it will not be a small file. We'll keep our fingers crossed it works though. Hope to see you tonight.

Thu, 11/20/2014 - 14:01
Assassin_45's picture
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I'll play/ give it a try.

Thu, 11/20/2014 - 18:01
bdub77's picture
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I'll try and be on. Been on a lot lately tho.

Thu, 11/20/2014 - 18:48
AddiCt3d_2CHa0s's picture
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Update downloaded and installed pretty quickly for me, fingers crossed...

Thu, 11/20/2014 - 21:11
AddiCt3d_2CHa0s's picture
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Yeah, it's not quite fixed. We got in quite a few games, but the connections are wonky and the team audio is still nerfed. People kept getting dropped. We tried to go into matchmaking, but that's not working for people either. :/

Maybe we should just do Halo 4 next week?

Fri, 11/21/2014 - 16:43
BigBadMike's picture
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I shared some video clips of the unplayable lag experienced in the rooms last night.  they are in my xboxlive shared videos.  I still hold out hope that eventually this will run as intended but I will play other games in the mean time.  this was not enjoyable at all,  thanks for hosting this none the less addict3d.

Mon, 11/24/2014 - 21:15
Gatsu's picture
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So is anyone still planning on playing Halo on the 360 since the MCC is kinda busted right now?

Tue, 11/25/2014 - 13:11
pontiff's picture
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anybody around this week for halo 4 or something?

Tue, 11/25/2014 - 15:41
Duke12's picture
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CHA0S Qc is hosting Halo 4 Tuesday Night Over 50 on XBox 360 tonight (11-25-14; and for the forseeable Tuesday night future). Official start is at 9:00pm ET, but logging in 15-30 minutes early is strongly encouraged. Usual rules apply: anyone under 50 may join unless the party hits 16 and over-50 members are trying to get in. Session ends at 11pm unless someone wants to take over hosting at that time.

Wed, 11/26/2014 - 17:19
AddiCt3d_2CHa0s's picture
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I did a test try once again in MCC last night, was on for 1.5 hours and only got in two custom games :/ (still have only gotten into three mm games since it released). When I left, those 2o2p-ers die-hardier than I continued to try and get in games, past everyone getting kicked, and the ever loading "Connecting to Party" screens.

I will be in Halo 4 Friday.

Happy Turkey-Day, everyone!!

Thu, 11/27/2014 - 08:47
bluBlud's picture
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It's been a long time since I've been active on this site - but I'd love to get back into Halo customs if/when it gets fixed.  How are you guys organizing things, still through a friends of friends gamertag or just getting regular players on your own FL?

Mon, 12/01/2014 - 19:34
LegendcalledJim's picture
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I hope they get this game fixed soon. I miss playing with you guys. It seems the only way I can play consistant is to play alone, which sucks.

Tue, 12/02/2014 - 11:14
bdub77's picture
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OK I'm gonna go on a mini rant here about why you might not see me on Thursdays for a while (not that I was always regular). So, I'm sorry in advance. :)

Inviting players to customs seems to be a little better with the most recent patch, but overall the netcode leaves a lot to be desired. Host has way too much advantage. I'm pretty sure Yukon and I were trading off cussing at the game when we switched host. Playing CE in customs is dreadful even with a good host. Halo 4 customs were very playable regardless of host even when my 360 struggled under the weight of the larger maps. Halo 4 Thursdays were simply fun! This game? Not. Emptying full clips into people 10 feet away, sniper headshots not registering on non-moving targets. Ugh.

I never thought I'd say this but I'm starting to reconsider whether I want to play Halo anymore. It's going to be months, possibly half a year before they get this game in shape. 3 weeks after release they are still working on getting people into games that aren't uneven. As far as MM, my guess is that the dedicated servers weren't working and they had no clue about how to handle strict and moderate NATs in the fallback P2P environment. Nevermind the problems with dedicated servers, shot registration in P2P, stats, audio problems, and the fact that they only have 5 playable maps for their signature deliverable, H2A. I'm already bored with H2A. Halo 3 released with 11 maps, the lowest number of the series at the time. This game comes with just 6. Oh sure they'll probably give us a free DLC map pack to thank us for paying for their alpha. Thanks 343/MS.

Even worse, they've been completely close-mouthed about the whole thing. It all seems to be P2P but 343 has said barely anything on the matter. They've said practically nothing in general outside of "We're really sorry the game is broken" which is a really bad thing. 

The way players are allowed to vote is awful, they seemed to have learned nothing from Halo 4. There are no visible ranks so every game is a quitfest. After playing H2C classic for a while, I played Gemini for the first time yesterday, it was never an option before. Halo 3 had IMO the best voting system and they completely abandoned it. Objective games are really rare and there is no Team Objective playlist.

My favorite is that there is currently a bug in ranked H2A where you enter a game, go to network settings, go offline for 10 seconds, come back online, and get the win. This means the higher you go up in rank the more quitters there are. Wow. 

Before I end this rant, the good news is that there are lots of maps overall. The bad news is that the voting options seem to be very limited and I only play a small set of them, and they are almost always Slayer. It would be great if custom games weren't so frustrating to play. 

I got Titanfall Deluxe for just $12.50 last night, which was a no brainer even if the game didn't live up to the release hype. I might give that game a shot.

So anyway you might see me, you might not see me. I will say I have thoroughly enjoyed the majority of Halo 3 and H2C games I've played. And I've enjoyed playing with y'all. 

Tue, 12/02/2014 - 12:17
Tristan's picture
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They need an objective playlist that has a mix of BR and SMG/AR starts, like the slayer playlists have. Voting among three options would be fine if people who want objective can play together. H3's veto system was ok but meant that you were stuck playing crap gametypes sometimes, like when you veto Team Duals on Snowbound and then get stuck playing ARs on Last Resort.

The main reason I vote for Slayer BRs 90% of the time is because objective games are usually SMG starts, which is a worthless piece of crap that means you're completely fucked if you lose map control. I'm probably not the only one who votes for this reasoning.


On another note, I'm rapidly losing hope that they're going to be able to fix this game. There's just so many problems, and the rate of progress has been extremely slow. At this rate, Halo 5 will be out by the time they fix this game. Plus they just don't seem competent enough to actually get it right. It's been 3 weeks and they still can't even start a match with even teams, and it's a living hell trying to even get someone in your lobby (which you have to do after every single match). I'm thinking about getting a refund, and I'm so disgusted that I'm even considering selling my Xbox One and either going back to the 360 or getting a PS4.

Tue, 12/02/2014 - 12:57 (Reply to #991)
bdub77's picture
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Tristan wrote:

H3's veto system was ok but meant that you were stuck playing crap gametypes sometimes, like when you veto Team Duals on Snowbound and then get stuck playing ARs on Last Resort.

Oh man, Duals on Snowbound. That was seriously the worst. 

And yeah I vote for Slayer BRs a lot too. I've noticed also that the objective game is always the last option on the voting menu. All team objectives IMO should be BR starts.

On another note, I'm rapidly losing hope that they're going to be able to fix this game. There's just so many problems, and the rate of progress has been extremely slow. At this rate, Halo 5 will be out by the time they fix this game. Plus they just don't seem competent enough to actually get it right. It's been 3 weeks and they still can't even start a match with even teams, and it's a living hell trying to even get someone in your lobby (which you have to do after every single match). I'm thinking about getting a refund, and I'm so disgusted that I'm even considering selling my Xbox One and either going back to the 360 or getting a PS4.

Yep. I hear you. In other news my controller keeps dying mid-game. It doesn't seem to work attached to USB either. Not good. My apathy for the PS4 and Phil Spencer's (probably honest) attempts to repair the damage of the terrible XB1 launch is the only thing keeping me from refunding my system. It doesn't help that the UI sucks and picture quality on HDMI passthrough is also poor and the operating system eats 150GB. Hey at least Bluray, right? Right?

Tue, 12/02/2014 - 14:08
Duke12's picture
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Curious if Customs is any better as yet. In the meantime, I'll be on XB360 tonight for the Over 50 on Halo 4.

Tue, 12/02/2014 - 15:44 (Reply to #993)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Duke12 wrote:

Curious if Customs is any better as yet. In the meantime, I'll be on XB360 tonight for the Over 50 on Halo 4.

I hope to be on tonight. smiley

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