VOG run X1 Pacific Timers 11/18 and beyond

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#1 Tue, 11/18/2014 - 16:45
NAiTI0N's picture
Last seen: 10 years 3 months ago
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VOG run X1 Pacific Timers 11/18 and beyond

Hi Everyone,

Would be great to get a weekly run together for the Pacific Timers or any late nighters on Xbox One. You know a fireteam we can rely on each week to complete the Raid on Normal and then Hard. I think this will become even more useful moving forward with the new content come Decemeber 9th!

I usually get on around 9PM PT and have 2 others in the clan that I usually run with (SF Emdub and Irthwirm Beetz). So looking for 3 more to get a solid group together.

I am no Raid leader as I have only done the Raid a few times, so looking for anyone with any skill level to help out as we progress =)

Anyone interested? Hoping to run it tonight.


Tue, 11/18/2014 - 21:59
jtgjr007's picture
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I'd really prefer to be on later than most ET guys want, so I can join as well. I've done pieces of the raid only a couple times, so I'm not a leader either. I would like to have a regular group to count on though, as you said.

Wed, 11/19/2014 - 08:51
Thom293's picture
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I'm usually on this late. I can lead the raid. I would need prior notice though, because I'm currently play on Dragon Age but will happily switch over to raid. I am a central time player though, and i have a particularly bad day at work, might crash early. Usually on till 2ish central otherwise.
Wed, 11/19/2014 - 11:19 (Reply to #3)
NAiTI0N's picture
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Awesome! We didn't have enough last night but hopefully we can get something started either tonight or later this week. Bummer about work we can try to do it another night if that will work best.

Von, with you and jtgjr007, we will have 5 so we need one more who can come along..Any takers? 

Thu, 11/20/2014 - 13:20 (Reply to #4)
Thom293's picture
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NAiTI0N wrote:

Awesome! We didn't have enough last night but hopefully we can get something started either tonight or later this week. Bummer about work we can try to do it another night if that will work best.

Von, with you and jtgjr007, we will have 5 so we need one more who can come along..Any takers? 

I didnt see your message until today.  Sorry.  I fhad a rough flight/travel/work day yesterday and was nodding off for most of last night.  I am playing dragon age, but send me an invite when you guys have a group and I will pop over.  I apologize I missed you.

Thu, 11/20/2014 - 22:24 (Reply to #5)
NAiTI0N's picture
Last seen: 10 years 3 months ago
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Thom293 wrote:

NAiTI0N wrote:

Awesome! We didn't have enough last night but hopefully we can get something started either tonight or later this week. Bummer about work we can try to do it another night if that will work best.

Von, with you and jtgjr007, we will have 5 so we need one more who can come along..Any takers? 

I didnt see your message until today.  Sorry.  I fhad a rough flight/travel/work day yesterday and was nodding off for most of last night.  I am playing dragon age, but send me an invite when you guys have a group and I will pop over.  I apologize I missed you.

No worries, I wont be on tonight  but I will be on tomrorow maybe we can get a run in over the weekend :)

Wed, 11/19/2014 - 20:44
I Zygomaticus I's picture
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I'm also looking for a weekly raid group.  I usually get on around 10 p.m. mountain time. 

I'm game for raiding tonight or tomorrow.


Fri, 11/21/2014 - 00:36
pontiff's picture
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Work zyg  in if you can, I'll vouch for him.  :)

Fri, 11/21/2014 - 00:37
pontiff's picture
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I'll be available whenever I get leveled up :(

Fri, 11/21/2014 - 12:04
Thom293's picture
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Im up for this tonight.  Ill try to get on a little early, but no promises.  If yall fill up before I get on, no need to wait.


To quote Dixon:  "I'm sure Atheon will take about 6 mins 55 seconds."

Fri, 11/21/2014 - 12:42
jtgjr007's picture
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I should be available to night as well.

Sun, 11/23/2014 - 11:37
NAiTI0N's picture
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Sorry I missed you guys Friday. I passed out! It was a long week :)

I did take a stab at the Hard Raid last night but had to quit at Atheon, the others had to leave as it was too late for them, 3:50am ET.

Soooo I have a checkpoint at the first stage of Atheon, do you guys want to take a stab at Atheon hard tonight? Anyone lvl 29+ is welcome, 300/300/300 is the only requirement as we won't be able to take down Atheon with lower damage weapons.

We are thinking 9pm PT, let me know if you would like to try it :)

Sun, 11/23/2014 - 15:34 (Reply to #12)
I Zygomaticus I's picture
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I got stuck at Atheon last night as well. I want to try and finish tonight but I can't start until 10 pst. Let me know if that works. 

Wed, 11/26/2014 - 13:34
I Zygomaticus I's picture
Last seen: 10 years 2 months ago
Joined: 11/12/2014 - 15:12

I still need to run a raid this week. Have you guys already completed it?

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