The Crew
Mon, 12/01/2014 - 11:07
The Crew
Hey just wondering if anyone is picking up 'The Crew' on Tuesday?! I have my pre-ordered and will get it on release day. I'm not sure how clubs and crews are working but, if anyone wants to get together to roam/race/cruise/whatever feel free to follow me on Xbox. Also, send me a message just saying you're from 2o4f for the crew so I can follow back. I only ask because, I post on a bunch of different forums and get invites all over the place. Hope to see ya there!
Have this on pre order too will be picking it up tomorrow not sure how much i am going to enjoy this or not but same as Dubbin Im about for roaming etc
Got this for PC since I don't have wheel and pedals for the Xbone. It has triple screen support and is fun to drive around. The physics are definitely arcade, but that's ok for this type of game.