Yet another update (Dec. 3rd)

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#1 Wed, 12/03/2014 - 20:56
Tristan's picture
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Yet another update (Dec. 3rd)


Patch notes.

Please note that while this update will improve team balance issues, we do not expect it to fully resolve uneven teams.  Our next content update, targeted for early next week, will address team balance.

Apparently they're still not fixing the team balance issues until the next update. WTF? That's like 4 lines of code for something that is one of the biggest problems ruining their game. Fucking idiots.

One of my friends said there was a leak by an insider 343 source said that Microsoft put extreme pressure on them to get this collection out for this year and the schedule was very very short. They knew they were pushing something out that was slightly undercooked that could blow up in their face, but Microsoft needed it for the holidays.

I feel like I've been swindled out of $410. They deserve a class action lawsuit over this. I'm never giving them another dime. Screw Halo 5. This makes me want to sell my Xbox and buy a PS4.

Wed, 12/03/2014 - 21:41
DEEP_NNN's picture
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I tried to play H2A Rumble.

First game failed to load after map vote ...

Second game loaded after way too long for your typical teenager attention span.

Zanzibar, nice.

I effing suck at Halo 2 now. Why?

The map suffered from serious frame loading issues.

I started feeling nauseous.

I quit the game. I never quit Halo games.



Thu, 12/04/2014 - 00:14
Tristan's picture
Last seen: 9 years 5 months ago
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I was watching someone stream (Ninja, I think?) and they got 16 players in Rumble Pit. The match counter showed they had 16/8 players found. LOL?

343 needs to figure out that faster search times are irrelevant if the game isn't fun to play. 16 players is too much for these FFA maps and isn't fun. Uneven teams aren't fun. Having your party split onto separate teams isn't fun. They said they left it like this to make matchmaking faster, but the point of playing is to have fun, and this actually makes it take much longer to get a fun game. I'd rather wait an extra 30-60 seconds for even teams than have to endure 10 minutes of frustration playing 3v4.

That's such a basic concept that it blows my mind that they don't realize that their rationale for faster games is actually making the overall experience 10x worse.

Thu, 12/04/2014 - 10:47
DarthTabasco's picture
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Such a shame that a game that had so much potential has fallen flat on its face. I have pretty much zero interest in playing this game - it's just sitting there taking up space on my hard drive.

At this point, I'm not even sure how interested I'll be in the game once it's somewhat "fixed". We'll see.

Thu, 12/04/2014 - 10:10
Tristan's picture
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Yep, that's the biggest thing with this screw up is the irreparable damage it's done to the population numbers (which they conveniently don't show us). I don't think there's a way to make that up to the fans, unless they can think of some way to entice people to come back and try it [i]once it's actually fixed.[/i] Like a few extra achievements for completing 3 games on whatever week after it's fixed or something like that.

Thu, 12/04/2014 - 11:00
bdub77's picture
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A lot of the issues last night seemed to be related probably to server side updates and probably also the XBL outage. It's improving. I agree though the uneven teams thing is really bad and should have been sorted by now, but it sounds like they'll fix that next week.

I only played 1 online game last night and it seemed to play really well. The game generally seems a little better but there are plenty of bugs to work out.

However we still had issues with getting customs to work right. Party chat was really messed up (this was an issue outside of Halo though and maybe outage related? dunno) and I still don't understand why. Someone mentioned deleting some of your cached data (on the Xbox side, not the cloud side). I haven't tried a hard reboot either, maybe that'll help things.

I had a blast playing on some custom maps. I'll post a link to a trick to get custom maps from other players.



Thu, 12/04/2014 - 11:11
Shadow's picture
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Let's be real here Tristan.  The only games on your 360 play history are Halo games.  That's all you play.  You'll stick around and play this once it's fixed, and you'll get Halo 5.  Let's not be hyperbolic and overreactive.

I really think that even though this is annoying currently, people bought launch X1's and have many other games they've played over the last year and many great ones out currently they can play while this gets sorted - and it will.  MS won't stop until it's working well.

Thu, 12/04/2014 - 12:58
Tristan's picture
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That pretty much sums up how I feel, although it gets a little preachy in the final few minutes.

I do feel cheated. They wouldn't let reviewers play the game except in very controlled circumstances. Why? In order to trick as many customers as possible into buying a product that doesn't work. And they knew this was a system-seller, so basically they deliberately tricked me into spending $400+ for a nearly useless piece of software.

Fuck Microsoft. I'm done after this game, unless hell freezes over and they somehow hit the ball out of the park with H5. Definitely not buying at launch, though. I play Halo, but I've regretted the last three purchases (Reach, 4, MCC). I thought MCC would be a no brainer since I liked the earlier games. Didn't figure on them completely fucking up every aspect of the game's implementation.

The whole reason they pull this crap is because they know they can get away with it. People will buy a broken product and then shrug their shoulders and decide to put up with it. As long as people keep acting like that and pre-ordering games, companies will continue to sell us software that doesn't work. If they realize that they actually have to earn our business by selling something that actually works (like every other industry), then they'll finally have an incentive to get their shit together and stop acting like Fortune 500 scam artists.

Fri, 12/05/2014 - 05:38
Lou_Keymia's picture
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I hadn't considered Microsoft being to blame for this, I just assumed 343 shit the bed. Interesting.

Fri, 12/05/2014 - 09:43
Tristan's picture
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Played four games last night with a team of 3. We didn't get split up, but every single game was 5v4 and the game crashed twice in that time. Every game was also laggy enough that I'm pretty sure there were no dedicated servers.

Each time, the game found 9 players and then stopped searching almost immediately, locking us in for a 5v4. It's like it didn't even try to find a 10th player. It seems like 343/MS thinks that slow match times are the main problem with the game, and they're sacrificing everything else for faster match searching. "Unfair teams four games in a row? Players warping? Who cares! At least you got into an unenjoyable match in record time!"

The latest patch notes said that they've made it so that it can go ahead and start a match when it finds 8 players. I took that to mean that when you had 8 people, it would go ahead and start a 4v4 instead of spending 2 more minutes searching for a 5v5. But that would make too much sense. Apparently what they meant is that it'll start immediately with 9 players as well without even trying to find a 10th. *sigh* I just don't get how they can be this stupid.

Fri, 12/05/2014 - 10:06
bdub77's picture
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At this point I'm really just biding my time with customs and trying out some fun forge maps and stuff like that. I think we'll have fixes to match sizes by end of year, hopefully netcode will be more reliable by the end of 2015, and maybe stats will not be a total clusterfuck by 2017.

I know, I'm an optimist. :)

Fri, 12/05/2014 - 11:22
Minotaur's picture
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I waited a full year before buying an X1. When I did I bought it for one and only one reason.... MCC. Oh how I wish I'd waited...

Bungie must be in full party mode...

Fri, 12/05/2014 - 11:47
Slater's picture
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Yeah, it's pretty obvious to me that it was a rush job by MS. They panicked because their sales are lagging behind PS4 by a pretty wide margin and they wanted the holiday season to make up for that and new folks would flock to Halo. Some exec probably has a year-end bonus tied to # of console sales too.

I'm sorry to hear all you Halo vets' dissapointment. I can only imagine how frustrating it must be to anticipate a game so much and have it not work. I'm new to Halo and I was really looking forward to checking out the series and getting in some MP with folks fom the site. Thankfully I have some other awesome games to play in the meantime that I'm okay waiting until it gets fixed.

They will probably continue working like hell to get it "fixed" and that's gonna take some time, Mid-January perhaps. Then they will drop some free DLC and maybe a $20 coupon for H5 to get folks playing again.

And yeah, don't preorder games. If you insist on doing so, don't take the wrapper off until you're certain its good to go.

Fri, 12/05/2014 - 12:16
Tristan's picture
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There's not much point in pre-ordering these days anyway. Not like they're going to run out of stock on digital downloads. All it does is remove the incentive for the developer to deliver a working product, because they've already made the sale regardless.

Fri, 12/05/2014 - 15:57
FreeRadikal's picture
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MCC is working perfectly for me now, no lag, no dropped games, getting games in about 30 seconds, no more complaints here.

Sat, 12/06/2014 - 13:57
LegendcalledJim's picture
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I can't believe how bad this game was broken. It will be months before it plays right. 

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