Why can't they match make for the Raid?
Fri, 12/05/2014 - 05:34
Why can't they match make for the Raid?
Missed out on two Raids last night and it just ticks me off that Bungie cant match make for it like they do for the strikes and just about everything else in the game. I luck into a Raid every once in a while but we can't hit 30 without Raid gear and we can't get Raid gear if we can't Raid.
Rant off....
I think it needs more than full raid options too.
I.E. Raid check points should be selectable.
My time zone sucks for raiding (AST). Europeans are just finishing up and the rest of NA are not started yet and then it goes way too late for me.
Maybe you and other Destiny players in the region could petition the government to change local time to Eastern?
People have been asking for matchmade Raids, but Bungie is insistent on keeping the Raid in its current format.
I can certainly understand their point in not wanting to provide matchmaking seeing how much communication and teamwork in needed for the Raid. However, it's also holding people back from not being able to make progress simply because they can't get that one piece of gear. I mean, why not let us try it and see how it all works out?
Agreed. I do think the raid would be really hard with no communication or little communication but matchmaking should be an option at least to fill in 1 or 2 players. I am really begining to hate the raid! Other than the first part building the spire rest is tedious. I have needed the chest piece or the helmet to get my titans to 30. Hard raid is the only way to get the helmet which I have a hard time doing normal raids getting peeps for hard mode obviously more diffucult. Finshed on normal 8 or 9 times and got shards and energy no armor (did get scout rifle and auto rifle) first 5 times. After grinding Iron banner and getting 30 gauntlets, I have recieved raid gauntlets 3 x now in the raid. Geesh Atheon can you at least spit on it before bending me over!
With AFKers and Timmies, there is no way in hell I would want to spend 2-3 hours raiding with random idiots. I can just see getting the Atheon checkpoint and some asshat continually grabs the relic and jumps off the edge with it just to be a jerk or someone constantly shooting gorgons to cause a wipe. Crucible without a full team is bad enough; afkers in strikes is just annoying; the raid would be a nightmare. Every now and then you might luck into a decent team.
Maybe they could have the option for an easy raid that includes matchmaking to at least let people try it out and experience the content. Let you get some of the gear, like the boots and gloves, wihthold the chest for normal and helmet for hard. Raid weapons could only drop on hard and normal, but exotics and normal legendaries could drop in easy.
The time commitment to the raid sucks. Staying up until 2 o'clock to see zero drops is annoying too.
Me personally do not want to do it with a bunch of random people. The group I raid with has it down to about 1.5 hours to fully complete it. When we first started it would take us hours to complete.
Bungie just promised us more and better drops. Let's see how that goes.
I still think MM might work if the Raids were broken into logical sections. Payout should be less than a continuous private Raid, but worth it.
Raids should not be the holy grail meant for certain groups of people. Everyone should be able to sample it.
For the record, I sent the first 4 posters in this thread raid invites last night, and they all turned me down. :)
Yes and that is very much appreciated. I hate that it seems like the early raids fill up and other groups don't raid until late. However, my alarm clock goes off at 5:00 AM and your invite came right as I was finishing my last activity before signing-off.
Trust me, I hate to turn down invites.
Plus the wife can only take so much of me playing this game every night...lol
No biggie but I dont recall an invite.
I was in the raid with Imma's group though.
I am a bad man. Sometimes. ;)
There's no way I'd be able to function. I have to try and get in bed by 10 PM (most of the time it's more like 10:30) to feel decent the next day. If it's 11 PM or later, I really pay for it!
He was on and sent me an invite about the time he said he would be around - about 9:45 central.
Yeah I dont think you were online. I sent an invite anyway. And I might have not actually invited Sparty - I was going to then I saw he was already in a raid. I guess what I should have done is send a message - which is what I will do in the future. Sorry. I dont know if you guys have the smartglass app, but it sends you live messages just like a text. Very handy.
We are giong to try again tonight, same time. Ill shoot you a message then.
I've thought for some time now that Bungie should put a Raid lounge in the tower - like the faction lounges. It would be understood that when you enter, you're looking for people to raid. Connect with comparable players who have the same goals as you, then go raid.