Mida Multi-tool not satisfying

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#1 Fri, 12/12/2014 - 07:23
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Mida Multi-tool not satisfying

Not satisfying for me anyway.

A weapon should exude power in a meaningful way. Sound, visual and vibration effects should entice you to use the weapon for its intended purpose.

The sound is that of an anemic staple gun. The tactile feedback is similar.

The sights are not intuitive.

The faster firing rate seems to takes a noticeable hit during stressful events. I think latency hurts this weapon.

My Cryptic Dragon fires almost as fast and feels/sounds appropriate. I think its firing rate is less affected by latency too.

I'm trying to give this bugger a chance but I think sharding it, is a better choice.

Opinions are gladly accepted but probably I'll shard it anyway.


Fri, 12/12/2014 - 10:23
Minotaur's picture
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I have 2 of them, but only have one built to 300. It's a good scout, but hard to see that it's any better than a good legendary scout. The downside is that you have to give up the Icebreaker or any other exotic.  Unless there's an arc/void mission, my favorite loadout is a scout/hand cannon, Icebreaker, and Hezen Vengeance rocket.

Fri, 12/12/2014 - 10:38
Blue_Stiehl's picture
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I like the Midas for precision bounties. It is also good for strikes with Hobgoblins or sniping Vangals.

I actually prefer the quieter sounds. In BF and COD, I always like silenced weapons. You can hear your surroundings much better. I am not happy with the beefed up sounds of my Surios, I wish it had not been changed. But that's just me.

Sat, 12/13/2014 - 08:34
BLAMnation's picture
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I've been using the Mida more recently in PVE and have adjusted to the lower damage it deals compared to the other two scout rifles I'm carrying (Cryptic Dragon and Gheleon's Demise).

For me its advantages are the faster move speed and having radar up when aiming down the sights, which I value quite a bit. I'm finding that it more often takes multiple headshots to take down an enemy when my other scouts would get the same enemy in one.

Net is I'm keeping the Mida, useful for encounters indoors, but most of the time I'm using the Gheleon's Demise 'cause it makes enemies go all explode-y when you headshot them and has much better range.

Sat, 12/13/2014 - 09:24
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Thanks folks.

The best part of MIDA, for me, were the 2 Exotic Shards I got out of it. lol

Cryptic Dragon works better for me and it keeps the enemy locked down at maximum range.

I still have Red Death and may upgrade it. It's kind of sad in a firefight too but it is the only other Exotic primary I have. At least it gives heath regen for kills.

Sat, 12/13/2014 - 10:21
OldnAchy's picture
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Vision of Confluence scout rifle is a great alternative if you can finish a VOG raid and be lucky enough to have it drop.  Solar damage.  Higly accurate at long distance.  Good impact.  Cuts thru wizards like a knife thru butter. 

Mon, 12/15/2014 - 09:12
SoulTerror's picture
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Vision of Confluence is such a great gun!!!

Mon, 12/15/2014 - 11:31
BKVic's picture
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I like my mida but would really like a VoC but have not had one drop yet. Maybe tonight is the night!
Mon, 12/15/2014 - 13:53 (Reply to #8)
BLAMnation's picture
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BKVic wrote:
I like my mida but would really like a VoC but have not had one drop yet. Maybe tonight is the night!
Me too, no luck on getting a VoC drop yet... In the last few games of Control, I've been setting up camp with the Mida and sniping at people as they come through choke points. Having radar up while zoomed in has helped earn me a K/D > 1 in most of the recent matches. I think I'll hang on to this gun for a while yet.
Mon, 12/15/2014 - 13:16
Minotaur's picture
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I bought a Red Death from Xur in early September, then worked it up to 300, thinking it'll get better. Then.. I discovered other subsequent legendary primaries that did a better job for me. I kept the RD till the week before the Dark Below DLC release, then sharded it. Two days after the DLC dropped, I picked up a purple engram on the battlefield that decoded into the newest Red Death exotic - that went into the vault. Haven't touched it since. Was finding it as a sign?.... :) Looks cool but doesn't hit hard enough. I've got legenday scouts I like better than either the MIDA or RD.

Mon, 12/15/2014 - 14:55
IAmTheLiquor's picture
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Mida is a decent gun but it is outclassed by a few other scouts. The one thing that is helpful on it is the +2 agility. Helps for chest runs and out strafing enemies in the crucible.

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