Tried to join clan, didn't work, need help

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#1 Tue, 12/16/2014 - 13:15
DesmoPilot's picture
Last seen: 10 years 5 days ago
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Tried to join clan, didn't work, need help

Hey folks. Been playing Destiny since launch. Mostly treat it as a single player game, just doing bounties and generally relaxing for an hour or two every night shooting things. Love the public events, have done a few strikes that support matchmaking, really don't care for the crucible. 


I am feeling quite stuck at level 27 (titan) as I have not done any raids or many strikes. Really feeling the grind and I want better gear and would like to play some coop with communication. So, I tried to join the 2o2p clan on Bungie, requested to join, got a message that the clan was full. 


Disclaimer- I'm not exactly great at FPS games, not exactly bad either. Currently lvl 27 titan, prefer scout rifle/sniper/machine gun load out. I'm more of a camp and shoot player, not so good at run and gun. I do follow directions fairly well. I also like long walks on the beach.


So, if anyone wants one more for a strike or raid or whatever, send me a FR or invite.

XboxOne, GT- DesmoPilot

Tue, 12/16/2014 - 14:20
bdub77's picture
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You can add me (GT on the left). I'll add you. 

Tonight I'll probably be doing bounties and grinding away at reputation patrols. You're welcome to join if you want, I know it's not for everyone and involves lots of running around coordinating patrols. I like to run strikes too, haven't done any weeklies or dailies yet but I'm looking forward to those. Also haven't done Crucible yet. Still sort of getting started with this game.

Wed, 12/17/2014 - 07:43
Bluestar's picture
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Patrols are ok for rep and publics, but strikes will get you the marks you need to get vanguard gear, which will get you up to Level 31.  Even without shards to get the last upgrade you can probably hit 29, I think I am almost that on my hunter with a new un-upgraded exotic and only one light level 30 piece of gear.  Daily missions and publics will then get you shards and energy to upgrade the final tier.  At 29 you can get in some nightfalls and weeklies for drops and coins to buy xur exotics and can hit some raids if anyone has room.  I may be on briefly tonight between 6:30 and 8:00 for the level 26 strikes.  Need to get a new helmet.

Don't be too fussed about the clan, there isn't much support for it in the game anyway.  Spam a few people you will meet playing with others with friend requests once you get in some games.  They really need to get a 4-6 man strike/patrol option going, 3 is so limiting.

Wed, 12/17/2014 - 07:57 (Reply to #3)
DesmoPilot's picture
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Excellent. I sent a few FRs, will hopefully be playing some Destiny with some fine 202p folks in the very near future. Looking forward to playing the game a little more socially, instead of my solitary alcohol infused current play style.


Thanks folks!

Wed, 12/17/2014 - 12:54 (Reply to #4)
Hammerdrake's picture
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DesmoPilot wrote:

Excellent. I sent a few FRs, will hopefully be playing some Destiny with some fine 202p folks in the very near future. Looking forward to playing the game a little more socially, instead of my solitary alcohol infused current play style.


Thanks folks!

Thought I had you on my FL, but looks like we disconnected at some point.  I plan on hitting the lvl 26 strikes pretty hard this week, I'll look out for you when I'm on.  From what I understand, we should be able to get a good loot haul.

Wed, 12/17/2014 - 18:01 (Reply to #5)
DesmoPilot's picture
Last seen: 10 years 5 days ago
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Hammerdrake wrote:


Thought I had you on my FL, but looks like we disconnected at some point.  I plan on hitting the lvl 26 strikes pretty hard this week, I'll look out for you when I'm on.  From what I understand, we should be able to get a good loot haul.


Hey! Yeah, we used to kill it in Borderlands/Borderlands 2. It's been some years, but I'd guess that we were victims of the 100 friend cap on the 360. It always seemed I was having to delete someone to add someone. Now we are more or less limitless on friends, and I'm under 100 anyways. Go figure. Looking forward to playing with you and good to have you back on my FL.


Everyone else.....overall I fully agree with Deep. This game is really great. I have multiple new games (CoD, Far Cry, Unity, FH2 just to name a few) that I've barely played due to Destiny. I think that I was just starting to hit a wall mostly due to me barley having played with others. For the "good" loot, it seems you need to run strikes and raids that do not support matchmaking. And, as it always has, 2o2p saves the day. I've been this engrossed in the game, and for all practical purposes, I've only been playing 1/3 of it. Strikes and raids will be like a whole new game. Still not convinced I'll ever make much effort towards the Crucible, but the rest is so good, I just don't care.

Wed, 12/17/2014 - 08:49 (Reply to #6)
bdub77's picture
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Bluestar wrote:

Patrols are ok for rep and publics, but strikes will get you the marks you need to get vanguard gear, which will get you up to Level 31.  Even without shards to get the last upgrade you can probably hit 29, I think I am almost that on my hunter with a new un-upgraded exotic and only one light level 30 piece of gear.  Daily missions and publics will then get you shards and energy to upgrade the final tier.  At 29 you can get in some nightfalls and weeklies for drops and coins to buy xur exotics and can hit some raids if anyone has room.  I may be on briefly tonight between 6:30 and 8:00 for the level 26 strikes.  Need to get a new helmet.

Don't be too fussed about the clan, there isn't much support for it in the game anyway.  Spam a few people you will meet playing with others with friend requests once you get in some games.  They really need to get a 4-6 man strike/patrol option going, 3 is so limiting.

I find the marks so much easier to come by than the rep, at least on an hourly basis (excluding bounties). First, marks max at 100 per character per week. That can be done pretty fast solo. I got half my weekly requirement basically just by running patrols in Cosmodrome and stopping for publics when they spawned.

Rep on the other hand....without a good fireteam it's kind of a grind. You need 2 vanguard commendations at or above rank 3 to get the commendations necessary to get the vendor gear. Blah. I'm getting a lot of rep through easy bounties which is good, though. 

The good news is the public events were shard madness yesterday for me. I think I picked up 10 shards yesterday just on publics alone. Unless the patch changed something I don't expect that luck to stay.

Wed, 12/17/2014 - 10:15
DEEP_NNN's picture
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I guess the good side of Destiny are the variety of paths to get your upgrades.I.E. Solo, Fireteam, PvE, Crucible, multiple characters.

I almost can't say enough good things about Destiny. Just when the grind starts to be noticeable to me, Bungie freshens things up. Money well spent.

Thu, 12/18/2014 - 06:58
DarthTabasco's picture
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Just an FYI for you Desmo. The Vanguard playlist does offer matchmaking for Strikes. Still no Raid matchmaking, but Strikes work just fine.

Thu, 12/18/2014 - 09:03
bdub77's picture
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Great night last night, even with the rep grinding. Got vanguard rep to 3, with commendation and a legendary shotgun, and during that trip scored a legendary engram helmet on some level 2 random in cosmodrome, which turned out to be Gravebreaker 2.1, so no need to grind another faction rep (yay). Bought some boots from vendor and hit level 27, so now only the chest is remaining and worst case I've got the commendation and some spare marks should I need it next week. Strange coins are now almost enough for armor, I hope Xur will pop a hunter chestplate on Friday, otherwise worst case early next week I should have a full set and be at level 28.

Next stop helium farming, finishing up long-anticipated missions to unlock mars, and iron relic farming. Can't say this game hasn't gotten my attention. :)

Hoping to be raid-ready for shard farming on VoG by next week, for any who need an extra team member. I'm also planning to finally get the DLC season pass which has been on the back burner while I work on levels.

Thu, 12/18/2014 - 21:51
SoulTerror's picture
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Still have not had any legendary engrams drop.

Fri, 12/19/2014 - 08:32
bdub77's picture
Last seen: 9 years 3 months ago
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Had a great time last night hitting up the weekly and the Roc strikes with you and Hammerdrake.

Also special thanks to Addict3d 2CHa0s for leading us through a difficult first VoG for several of us. I died...ok I died a LOT, but it was totally worth the learning opportunity (and ascendants) and really fun.  Although if we hadn't gotten close I think I would have gone to bed around 1:30am instead of close to 3am. I am totally exhausted this morning.

"Don't hang out by the suicidal explosive harpies."

"Got it."

*hangs out by suicidal explosive harpies anyway*

"Need a rez! Guys? Guys?"


Fri, 12/19/2014 - 15:13 (Reply to #12)
DesmoPilot's picture
Last seen: 10 years 5 days ago
Joined: 06/27/2005 - 23:00

Once again, no one comes through like the 2o2p folks. At the begining of this week, I was feeling stuck forever at barely level 27. And then one night of playing some strikes and an incredibly long and drawn out VoG, I am pleased to say that I am almost level 29. Between the strange coins, motes of light, materials, 2 purple snipers, purple revolver, purple shotgun, vanguard marks, and an Ice Breaker, it was a very productive night for this guy. 


Thanks for all the help bdub77 and Hammerdrake, made playing the strikes a ton of fun. And in addition to those two, extra special thanks to gman, chaotic(?), addicted(?), and double(?). I'm impressed that I even kind of remember what your gamertags kinda were...I was pretty fkn drunk when that raid wrapped up at 0300. 4 extra hours of beer drinking time certainly didn't help my gameplay or understanding of the VoG. That last bit, where people get transported to Mars or Venus...I had real trouble with that. Was hard enough to stay close to my travel buddy, much less shoot anything. And then transport back, half blind, fully drunk, and not fall off the map??? Well, I did my best. Big patience from some good people was shown, dragging two first timers through. Very much appreciate it. Looking forward to more strikes and raids.


All in all, this game has really opened up for me. Good times.

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