Questions on buying Vanguard/Crucible weapons

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#1 Wed, 12/31/2014 - 08:38
DesmoPilot's picture
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Questions on buying Vanguard/Crucible weapons


I'm not 100% sure, but it sure seems like we all have different guns for sale to us from the Vanguard Armory or the Crucible quartermaster. I had been saving my vanguard marks for an auto rifle a few weeks ago, before the expansion. Then the expansion dropped and the rifle I had my eye on was gone. All new choices. No big deal, was a little disappointed, but whatever. Then last night, I was playing with a friend trying to get him into level 20+ so he can have fun with the rest of us. We were in the tower and I told him that he should maybe save his marks for such and such rifle. He says he doesn't see that rifle, but names a bunch of other guns that my armory person wasn't selling. So......


Do we all have different, randomly generated guns available to buy with our Crucible and Vanguard marks? 


Do they ever change? Or just with an expansion update? I'm kinda bummed because the previous crop of guns the armory was selling were (perk-wise) a lot better than the ones available for me to buy now.


Any input appreciated. Happy New Year, folks!

Wed, 12/31/2014 - 10:39
BLAMnation's picture
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Some of the vendors have their stock updated on a regular (weekly, I think) basis. I am pretty sure we all see the same inventory at a given vendor at a given time.

Weapons and armor choices did change with the expansion. If you see an item you want and have the marks for it, consider grabbing it sooner rather than later.

Wed, 12/31/2014 - 15:55
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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The(purple)  guns you're realliy looking for are the ones you get from engrams or drops.  Those give you the same weapon, but with different perks on them.  That's the difference between an okay purple and a really kickass purple.



Wed, 12/31/2014 - 17:56
DesmoPilot's picture
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Appreciate the info. Found some more things out, realized we were looking at different vendors last night. So, once we figured that out, we tried again today to compare what's available from the vanguard armory and the crucible quartermaster. Edmo was right, the vendors (in this case, all I'm really interested in those who sell purple) sell the same guns. At least by name. All of the names matched, the perks on those guns were different between our games though. I'm faced with the realization that I'm just going to have to get lucky in a drop or engram. There are some great guns for sale via vanguard marks or crucible points, but all not nearly as sweet as I'd like, for my play style. That just makes me want to play more strikes and raids, and that is good with me.


And best I could find (  ) , the weapons available to you from vendors that sell purple, like armory, quartermaster, dead orbit, FWC, etc, won't update for a looooong time. Meaning next dlc expansion. Overall, I have nothing to complain about. I just want more and better. Cause once you have one gun purple, you want the rest of them purple. And as far as Xur goes, I'm saving my strange coins to feed that yellow fever. C'mon mida multitool.


Thanks again all

Wed, 12/31/2014 - 18:21
bdub77's picture
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The expansion weapons are different, but they should mostly have higher damage levels.

If he hasn't already completed a legendary set, I would recommend he focus on the vanguard armor before weapons. This is only my opinion, but I think level is more important than weapon damage (because higher levels do more damage to higher level mobs), which means +light gear for raiding. You can get plenty of better weapons through Xur (in exchange for strange coins) and on raids or strikes. Vault of Glass still has some of the best weapons in the game, and you can often pick up exotics on the Nightfall weekly. It's random, but I picked up an exotic weapon yesterday as a nightfall reward. 

Wed, 12/31/2014 - 18:47
SoulTerror's picture
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I agree with Bdub. Focus on armor first, weapons will drop.

Wed, 12/31/2014 - 20:41
DesmoPilot's picture
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I'm with you on the armor. I"ve already purchased a new full set and got lucky on buying an exotic helmet engram from Xur that even decoded to my class. Lucky, huh? So, now I'm 31 and down to getting picky about guns and trying to find that perfect one. Or two.

Fri, 01/02/2015 - 00:39 (Reply to #7)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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DesmoPilot wrote:

I'm with you on the armor. I"ve already purchased a new full set and got lucky on buying an exotic helmet engram from Xur that even decoded to my class. Lucky, huh? So, now I'm 31 and down to getting picky about guns and trying to find that perfect one. Or two.


Dude, my vault is full of purples and exotics.  How picky are you getting?

Fri, 01/02/2015 - 08:22 (Reply to #8)
DesmoPilot's picture
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Dixon_Tufar wrote:

Dude, my vault is full of purples and exotics.  How picky are you getting?


smiley Just a little picky. I've got a handful of exotics and a ton of legendary in my vault and/or inventory. I don't really care what I'm equipped with when playing with others, I tend to go with a kit that is good for the group and specific mission/strike/raid. I'm looking for a gun that really suits my play style and preference when I'm running bounties by myself, and that would be a scout rifle with red dot ORES, hair trigger, 16+ mag, third eye, and high impact.


It just comes down to luck of the drop, and I got close yesterday with an engram. Got most of what I was looking for, minus the hair trigger. Originally, I was just trying to figure out how the legendary vendors work, if their stock refreshed or not, and if it's the same stock for everyone across the board.

Sun, 01/04/2015 - 14:18
JimSmyth's picture
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The best legendary scout rifle in the game is being sold by the crucible quartermaster. Need the marks though and crucible rank 3.

Sun, 01/04/2015 - 16:46 (Reply to #10)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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JimSmyth wrote:

The best legendary scout rifle in the game is being sold by the crucible quartermaster. Need the marks though and crucible rank 3.

The exploding headshots is great. My lvl 300 Scout Rifle has that. Colateral damage. Yum.

Sun, 01/04/2015 - 17:54 (Reply to #11)
bdub77's picture
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JimSmyth wrote:

The best legendary scout rifle in the game is being sold by the crucible quartermaster. Need the marks though and crucible rank 3.

I just picked this one up randomly the other day. I guess I'll have to start playing on it.

Mon, 01/05/2015 - 08:13 (Reply to #12)
DarthTabasco's picture
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JimSmyth wrote:

The best legendary scout rifle in the game is being sold by the crucible quartermaster. Need the marks though and crucible rank 3.

I've had all four of the new scout rifles drop for me. The Saterienne is good, especially if you get one with Firefly, but I prefer the B-Line Trauma. The one I have also has Firefly, so with is larger mag and higer rate-of-fire, it's really good against trash mobs. 

The Badger and NitC are good too, but slower. 

Overall, the new scout rifles are good, especially if you can get a good roll from and engram or a vendor package. 

Mon, 01/05/2015 - 09:34 (Reply to #13)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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DarthTabasco wrote:

JimSmyth wrote:

The best legendary scout rifle in the game is being sold by the crucible quartermaster. Need the marks though and crucible rank 3.

I've had all four of the new scout rifles drop for me. The Saterienne is good, especially if you get one with Firefly, but I prefer the B-Line Trauma. The one I have also has Firefly, so with is larger mag and higer rate-of-fire, it's really good against trash mobs. 

The Badger and NitC are good too, but slower. 

Overall, the new scout rifles are good, especially if you can get a good roll from and engram or a vendor package. 


B-Line Trauma fires fast as hell, too.  I got that one close to release with a purple drop and got some nice mods on it.

Mon, 01/05/2015 - 08:24
OldnAchy's picture
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I also got the Rapier from a random drop.  Have to go back and check it out.  Hard to not use the VIsion of Confluence though.  Even maxed at only 300 (and not 331) it still is a kick-ass scout rifle.

Mon, 01/05/2015 - 10:41
JimSmyth's picture
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The Saterienne being sold by the crucible quarter master is the one I am talking about. It has the perfect set of perks. Outlaw to compensate for the small mag. Any of the perks in the middle tree are useful and firefly.

Tue, 01/06/2015 - 15:34
Minotaur's picture
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I've used several of the Scouts, including a 331 MIDA. My favorite is the Crypt Dweller with its 27 round mag capacity, high ROF and exploding head precision kills. I used my 300 impact version last night in a Crota raid against thrall, red bar acolytes and knights. Daughter got a 331 Crypt Dweller yesterday in a cryptarch package. Seems easier for me to get head shots with the CD than when using the B-Line or MIDA, even if fired as a single shot. I'd probably use the exotic MIDA more, but it's hard to give up the Icebreaker. 

Mon, 01/05/2015 - 16:10
DEEP_NNN's picture
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I picked up a Coiled Hiss 1919 Pulse Rifle from an ingram. Very high firing rate and Third Eye. Feels better to me than the Mida Multi-tool.

I think I'll rank this one up and see if it works well under extreme stress. The Mida did not work well for me and I blame it on dropped data/latency.

Sat, 01/10/2015 - 07:59
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Vaguard gave me another Badger CCL last night. Ho humm, right?

 The good news is that it has Rodeo and Firefly. So it's the new replacement for my similar but much older and weaker Legendary.

Mon, 01/12/2015 - 20:48 (Reply to #19)
JimSmyth's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

Vaguard gave me another Badger CCL last night. Ho humm, right?

 The good news is that it has Rodeo and Firefly. So it's the new replacement for my similar but much older and weaker Legendary.


That sounds like a pretty soild combo of perks and a great rifle.

Mon, 01/12/2015 - 07:27
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Cryptarch package gave The Devil You Don't with Outlaw, Amour Piercing, Explosive Rounds and Third Eye. I might keep this even though I do not like Hand Cannons.

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