Beta Impressions

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Sun, 01/04/2015 - 15:49
BCyclops's picture
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I had some pretty good games Saturday afternoon. I think the match-ups you get during the afternoon are probably easier than what you will get at night. At night you are more likely to get matched up against more of the hardcore adult players.

I tried the H5 default controller settings with zoom on the left trigger like CoD. I didn't like it. Then I went back to the H4 default controller settings that I am more comfortable with and did much better. With zoom on the left trigger I found that you don't de-scope when shot, but with zoom on the right thumbstick you do de-scope when shot. I find that in this game I actually like the de-scoping and having zoom on the right stick as in traditional Halo. I also play CoD, but I don't like using the CoD controls for Halo. So, I've been using the default H4 default controls and that's working well for me.

I like the thruster pack ability and it is very useful in this game. I think you really need to get comfortable with it in order to do well. It seems to be very important for dodging and evading enemies. You can get killed very fast in this game, so using the thruster to get out of harm's way quickly can help a lot. No annoying abilities like Camo and Armor Lock makes me very happy also.     :)

I'm not sure what happened to Week 1 of the H5 beta. Week 1 started on Monday 12/29 and lasted only 4 days and then I played on Friday and they had already started Week 2 of the beta, so I'm not sure what happened there. Now I'm wondering if Week 3 will start on Monday(?). Perhaps 343 decided to end Week 1 early because the AR is too good. I played one game of Breakout on Friday and didn't like it. Just the repetition of playing out the same scenario several times in a row seems dumb to me. If this is 343's idea of a fun new gametype then I really have to question their judgment. I did try to play some more Breakout after that but wasn't able to get into a game probably because it sucks and everybody wants to play BR Slayer instead. Then I played some BR Slayer and that went well for the most part when I had some decent match-ups. I am liking the game more and more as I get more comfortable with it.



Sun, 01/04/2015 - 16:06
Tristan's picture
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WTF? You don't descope if you play default button layout? I sure hope that's a bug. If not, goodbye to fighting back against a sniper when knocking him out of scope is your only hope.

Breakout is alright. Seems more like a niche gametype like Grifball or maybe a good mode for action sack. It's best to strategize around your BR player and be patient for the first kill. Once it's 3v4 then your advantage snowballs from there. It seems like most games we played, whether we won or lost each round depended on what our BR guy did. Unfortunately we had one guy on our team who insisted on grabbing it almost every round and only getting like 1 kill total in 5 rounds. Needless to say, we lost all of those rounds.

Sun, 01/04/2015 - 18:42
BCyclops's picture
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Just remembered a couple more things I wanted to mention -

Power weapon spawning needs to be fixed. The problem is that the sword or sniper rifle continues to spawn even if a player is still carrying that power weapon. Several times I played against some really good teams that had multiple players with swords and snipers which was really tough to play against. I think that power weapons should only be carried by one player at a time. That's the way it has been in previous Halo games. Multiple enemy players with swords at the same time is the worst thing.

I like that they are doing remix maps. Hopefully this will give us more map options in Halo 5. I think one of the biggest problems with Halo 4 was that the game shipped with too few maps, and so it got old pretty quickly. Only 10 default maps to start with, and with Halo games it's even worse because the maps are divided into small 4v4 and large BTB maps. So, with Team Slayer you only got 5 maps to play on and BTB players only got 5 maps to play on as well. That gets old fast. So, I'm hoping that with the remix maps in Halo 5 we'll have a lot more variety and it won't get old so fast. In CoD Team Deathmatch you get 14 different maps to play on, so that holds players interest for a longer period of time.




Sun, 01/04/2015 - 20:35 (Reply to #64)
Tristan's picture
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BCyclops wrote:

Just remembered a couple more things I wanted to mention -

Power weapon spawning needs to be fixed. The problem is that the sword or sniper rifle continues to spawn even if a player is still carrying that power weapon. Several times I played against some really good teams that had multiple players with swords and snipers which was really tough to play against. I think that power weapons should only be carried by one player at a time. That's the way it has been in previous Halo games. Multiple enemy players with swords at the same time is the worst thing.


Halo 1 had fixed weapon spawns. What you're describing is the Halo 2 spawn system. H2's system had many game-breaking flaws and was subsequently changed for Halo 3.

In Halo 2's system, one team has a monopoly on the power weapon. Let's take Colossus as an example. There's one beam rifle, and it spawns 25 seconds after the old one is dropped. In addition to the fact that there can never be a second beam rifle to fight back with, the team that last had that weapon is also now the only team that knows when the next one will spawn. This exacerbates the monopoly. There was a tournament in 2005 where Ogre 1 went like 31-0 with the Beam Rifle on Colossus in the finals against the 2nd best team in the world because of the broken weapon spawn mechanic. He stood at the top of the map and sniped IGS's players as they spawned in their base while his teammates ran the flag. When the ammo ran out, all they had to do was fend off IGS for 25 seconds until the next one spawned (and of course IGS had no idea when that might be). Rinse and repeat.

The H2 system also encourages camping. Since the gun will never respawn until the team that has it drops it, the best strategy is to take the weapon to a favorable location and then not move again until you're ready to drop the empty one. I'll tell you how this played out on Zanzibar, for example. Once one team got both sniper rifles, they'd go to the beach and stand way out in the water. The other team is forced to run across the open beach while getting sniped. There's zero incentive to revisit the sniper spawn points until you run out of ammo. Of course, with the gauss hog out in the water you have unlimited ammo to support the snipers and make their ammo last a long time. Sound fun? It's not.

Bungie realized how broken that system was and changed it for Halo 3. You could set the max instances of a weapon in Forge. Most maps allowed for multiple instances (like say the laser on Valhalla) in order to prevent the problems of H2's power weapons. Unfortunately, this system still tended toward monopolies because guns spawned XX seconds after they were first picked up, which meant that still only one team knew when to look for the next one.

Fixed timers prevent all this. By placing multiple power ups at different places on the map, it's hard for one team to control everything and you have to continually move around the map as things spawn. On Empire, if Red Team tries to nab both snipers by sending two players to each one, all Blue Team has to do is send all four players to one sniper, easily win a 4v2 fight, and the sniper is yours. If one team is so outclassing another that they're able to get all the weapons at once, they probably would be winning regardless of the system. At least with fixed spawns, there's always the possibility of knowing when the next weapon will spawn and making a play for it, unlike in Halo 2 where you're just screwed.

Sun, 01/04/2015 - 18:53
Shadow's picture
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yeah I hate that you can't turn off vibrate.  It's made worse once you start to rely on it to tell you you're being shot, and because of lag you only feel two shots before you're dead.

Sun, 01/04/2015 - 22:36
Shadow's picture
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I can see both sides of it.  Just depends how much you're into remembering when weapons spawn.  I see what you are saying though about not knowing when the weapon was dropped if you're the other team.

Sun, 01/04/2015 - 23:15
Tristan's picture
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It's pretty simple how it works, and once you realize that, it doesn't take an Einstein to figure out how to use the spawn system to completely screw over the other team.

Blood Line / Coagulation. Sniper rifles spawn 15 seconds after you drop the empty one and will never respawn otherwise. If you get the enemy's sniper (which can happen more than you'd think, like if you kill him midfield) and take that sniper back to your base, you can use your own sniper rifle to refill the ammo. Since the gun you picked up is the enemy's sniper, yours will keep respawning, giving you 12 more bullets to use every 15 seconds after you pick it up. That's essentially unlimited ammo as long as you don't venture out too far and get killed, and the other team has no way to fight back at long range because their sniper will never respawn. Fun times!

Again, this type of broken exploitation isn't possible with fixed timers.

Mon, 01/05/2015 - 08:02
DarthTabasco's picture
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I've played about 40 games of the beta and so far I do enjoy the game. I'm certainly not good at the game, but it's fun and I'm glad there are no more AAs or ordinance drops!

Mon, 01/05/2015 - 08:28
zombiekitten's picture
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Agreed Darth...about no ordinance drops, not about you being bad lol. It's nice to know the other team doesn't have three snipers, two rockets, etc.

Mon, 01/05/2015 - 12:27 (Reply to #70)
Shadow's picture
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zombiekitten wrote:

Agreed Darth...about no ordinance drops, not about you being bad lol. It's nice to know the other team doesn't have three snipers, two rockets, etc.

To be fair, because weapons are on timers and not "only spawn when someone drops them" like classic Halo - it's possible the other team can collect that many power weapons.

Wed, 01/07/2015 - 08:30 (Reply to #71)
zombiekitten's picture
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Shadow wrote:

zombiekitten wrote:

Agreed Darth...about no ordinance drops, not about you being bad lol. It's nice to know the other team doesn't have three snipers, two rockets, etc.

To be fair, because weapons are on timers and not "only spawn when someone drops them" like classic Halo - it's possible the other team can collect that many power weapons.

At least with 5, they have to get to where the weapon spawns and can't hide somewhere and have it drop in their lap. And you know what weapons are out there. I hated the surprises with 4.

Mon, 01/05/2015 - 08:57
injustice4all's picture
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I've really enjoyed it so far. In fact, the biggest complaint I have is not about the gameplay, it's about the crappy matchmaking. However, this is a beta for a game that isn't coming out for awhile, so I'm not too worried about that. I like the truster so much that when I was playing Titan fall last night, I kept trying to use it. I do wishe that power weapons were a little more visible. They are not as easy to see when they are laying on the ground as they were in past games. But, overall, I'm excited.
Mon, 01/05/2015 - 13:21 (Reply to #73)
LegendcalledJim's picture
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injustice4all wrote:
I've really enjoyed it so far. In fact, the biggest complaint I have is not about the gameplay, it's about the crappy matchmaking. However, this is a beta for a game that isn't coming out for awhile, so I'm not too worried about that. I like the truster so much that when I was playing Titan fall last night, I kept trying to use it. I do wishe that power weapons were a little more visible. They are not as easy to see when they are laying on the ground as they were in past games. But, overall, I'm excited.

Matchmaking right now is my biggest worry too. I can except its a beta, but with MCC suffering from major matchmaking issues and even Halo 4 was subpar in their UI. It makes me think that they have inside problems with finding the right people for the job. 

Mon, 01/05/2015 - 09:51
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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I'm just glad they got rid of loadouts, especially camp and prometheon vision. Nothing says camping like those two.
Mon, 01/05/2015 - 10:18
TCMooch's picture
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I've always thought the introduction of Thruster was simply something new to market for this game. I don't think it is needed--especially if Sprint is staying. Sprint and Thruster during firefight engagements with the other team is mostly used defensively rather than offensively. There is no reason to include two defensive movement abilities that can be used during enemy engagements--it's too many defensive outs for a player to avoid being killed.

Not being able to land kills leads to people being frustrated whether we like it or not. Getting kills on enemy players is what is fun for most of us--along with winning a game. Kills to many people equal skill and is why they play an FPS game. If you limit the amount of kills people THINK they should be getting--i.e. I should have gotten that kill but be used thruster to run away from me--this will lead to people leaving the game "because it doesn't seem fair that I worked to get their shields down only to lose the kill with them running away". Even if somebody else on your team gets the kill and you get an assist you still feel cheated a bit inside because you did the work to drop the shields.

Most people counter with chasing the individual to land the kill but Halo isn't about chasing for kills. Halo is about map control and team positioning. If you chase in Halo you will more than likely lose against equal skilled players that play for map control and team positioning. If you run and gun in Halo and will run and die.

Now, I have seen a lot of creative map movement using the thruster ability such as in this video poosted above. But again, the majority of the userbase will continue to use thruster and sprint primarily as a defensive out to avoid being killed. To limit the use of Thruster defensively either the cooldown needs to be increased significantly--at least 8 seconds but more likely 12 seconds--or one of sprint/thruster should be removed. While thruster could be used offensively, with Slayer being a popular gametype, Thruster is more valuable in limiting the oppositions ability to gain points (running away and avoiding a death) than it is to try and land a sweet kill on somebody you are 1v1ing.

Thruster being used to avoid a death is going to garner the same complaints as Halo Reach Armor Lock b.s. When you take away the ability for a player to land a kill on somebody the game becomes frustrating and unfun.


Edit: Also is it weird that I like the 2 slayer map remixes than the orginals last week?

Mon, 01/05/2015 - 13:32
lanierb's picture
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Finally got to play some beta.  H5 is awesome!!!  Well, except for the matchmaking and menus issues, which suck.  Honestly worried they won't get them fixed on time and that will kill H5.  Still, I'm stoked for H5.  First real Halo in years!   (For the record, I was never on the Reach or H4 bandwagons.)

Mon, 01/05/2015 - 16:48 (Reply to #77)
Tristan's picture
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lanierb wrote:

Finally got to play some beta.  H5 is awesome!!!  Well, except for the matchmaking and menus issues, which suck.  Honestly worried they won't get them fixed on time and that will kill H5.  Still, I'm stoked for H5.  First real Halo in years!   (For the record, I was never on the Reach or H4 bandwagons.)

Yeah, I agree. It's hard to dismiss issues with the lobby and voice chat and stuff as beta glitches when MCC still has the exact same issues 2 months after release and counting. I have only had voice chat work for me once or twice in Halo 5. 

Ditto for the crappy interface. So far, 343 has yet to show you if you're matching a full team or not like Halo 3 and Reach did.


I can't remember if H5 shows the final score or not, but H4 and MCC both make it impossible to see the final score of a game in the carnage report. Whoops! Time to get out the calculator and add up how many kills each player had.

It seems like they just don't know what they're doing.

Mon, 01/05/2015 - 14:44
Shadow's picture
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Good games Lanierb!  Somehow you dropped and so we just called it a night.

Mon, 01/05/2015 - 16:18 (Reply to #79)
lanierb's picture
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Shadow wrote:
Good games Lanierb!  Somehow you dropped and so we just called it a night.

Yeah the H5 server dumped me and wouldn't let me back on.  I'm sure I could have gotten it working if I waited long enough and/or rebooted, but it was about time to stop anyway.

Mon, 01/05/2015 - 20:26
Shadow's picture
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I think Taco and Tristan do know what they're talking about.  I can have an awful time in MM and flip over to Customs with 10 friends and have a BLAST.  Same game, same levels - but just more fun because it's just us screwing around and not taking it seriously.  I could have fun in Reach with a whole group even though I didn't think it was a good game.

as for post-game in MCC = what is that?  there IS no post game.  :sigh:  

Thu, 01/08/2015 - 16:55
Tristan's picture
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Wow, I just watched this tip video about using the Hydra. Pretty insane! The Hydra tips start around 1:52. The way you can bend the shots over the walls is really sick. I bet there will be tons of ways to use this strategically once the full game comes out with other maps and stuff.

Thu, 01/08/2015 - 19:15
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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Yeah, it's similar to the blueberry gun in Reach, and if you've played Mass Effect, the powers you have in the game.
Fri, 01/09/2015 - 00:57
Shadow's picture
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yeah that's going to piss me off.

Fri, 01/09/2015 - 07:39
Tristan's picture
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I wonder if there are ways to defend against it? I wonder if it makes a noise that you're being locked onto (like the missile pod in H3), and maybe if you dropped down to the lower level or something you could prevent it from tracking you through too sharp a turn?

I will say that at least it takes a lot more skill to use than the incineration cannon in H4. It seems more akin to the grenade launcher in Reach, except instead of bouncing off walls around corners you can arc the shot around obstacles with the right angle and distance.

Fri, 01/09/2015 - 12:00 (Reply to #85)
lanierb's picture
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Tristan wrote:

I wonder if there are ways to defend against it? I wonder if it makes a noise that you're being locked onto (like the missile pod in H3)

I don't think it makes a lock noise (at least not that I've noticed), but if you know you are being targeted and you duck behind cover it almost never hits you.  

It's pretty beast though.  I used to avoid it, but last night I was getting 5 kills with it every time I picked it up.  The key is to keep really far away from the other team and target them from across the map.  Get close and the BR will take you out before you can lock on target.

Fri, 01/09/2015 - 08:01
zombiekitten's picture
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Do not like. Unless one of my team mates has it and can use it ;)

Sat, 01/10/2015 - 09:13
TCMooch's picture
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Is anybody else kind of disappointed with how the weapons feel? They all feel the exact same to me just with different firing rates. Maybe its because I just got done playing a bunch of Destiny in which the guns in that game feel great--I could shoot them for days.

I feel a bit sad because I've had opportunities to play the beta but have passed which means to me that maybe my days of playing Halo are over if I can't even play a beta and be excited about it..

Mon, 01/12/2015 - 07:22 (Reply to #88)
DarthTabasco's picture
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TCMooch wrote:

...I feel a bit sad because I've had opportunities to play the beta but have passed which means to me that maybe my days of playing Halo are over if I can't even play a beta and be excited about it..

I understand how you feel. I've played probably about 40-50 games of the beta and while it was fun, it just didn't get me back to wanting to play Halo all the time. 

I think 343 is on to something good, but so many factors come into play that makes the beta frustrating. My biggest gripe is probably the terrible lobby and search times. I understand these are things that will HOPEFULLY be fixed, but given what's happened with MCC, I do not consider H5 to be a launch-day purchase. 


Mon, 01/12/2015 - 12:16 (Reply to #89)
Minotaur's picture
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DarthTabasco wrote:
I do not consider H5 to be a launch-day purchase. 

Me neither... I'll wait till you-all give it the thumbs up, or it functions at least as well as Destiny (which is not perfect). 

Sat, 01/10/2015 - 10:01
DEEP_NNN's picture
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I have to give Halo a rest, so I can fall in love with it again in the future.

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