Weekly, Nightfalls, Raids. Willing to join.

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Wed, 01/07/2015 - 11:36 (Reply to #31)
bdub77's picture
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DarthTabasco wrote:

Duke12 wrote:

Taking a snow day with no major plans. I can see XBox live messages on my smartphone. Thirds are needed for this nightfall: no obvious places to both hide and shoot.

Oh, there are hiding spots. The easiest one is under the platform/stairs in the back, left corner (when entering the boss room). There are some crates that keep the baddies and most of their bullets out. Takes a while, especially once the boss moves to the other end, but you shouldn't die.

Yep Bluestar showed me that one. I didn't think we'd need a peekhole to kill the boss. After probably my 20th death, we wiped with the boss at about 10% health and had to restart. Ugh. Think I needed a warmup. :)

Seriously though this is a pretty simple strike if you squeeze behind the crates (you can still take some damage back there though)

Wed, 01/07/2015 - 12:34
DEEP_NNN's picture
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New hidey hole up in the rafters.

Wed, 01/07/2015 - 13:49
OldnAchy's picture
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One on the right side opposite the left hidey hole as well. 

Wed, 01/07/2015 - 16:22 (Reply to #34)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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OldnAchy wrote:

One on the right side opposite the left hidey hole as well. 

Bah, I missed my jump. Boo.

Thu, 01/08/2015 - 08:45
Bantha Skull's picture
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Ran the Nightfall last night and got some coins and a pair of exotic boots for my Titan.  Not bad at all.

Thu, 01/08/2015 - 09:05
DEEP_NNN's picture
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That new hidey hole near the ceiling is not that big of a cheese. Blue died a few times up there. It has risk.

Thu, 01/08/2015 - 09:59
gmantx's picture
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I still gotta do the weekly's as well.  I'll add: shadyphazE; blublud & sknnie to my friends list and look for y'all.  Have done weekly with Darth in the past...easy with him as he has all the good weapons!!! Anyone else need to do weekly's tonight?

Thu, 01/08/2015 - 11:54 (Reply to #38)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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gmantx wrote:

I still gotta do the weekly's as well.  I'll add: shadyphazE; blublud & sknnie to my friends list and look for y'all.  Have done weekly with Darth in the past...easy with him as he has all the good weapons!!! Anyone else need to do weekly's tonight?


All my weeklies are done, but I can help.


(I'm starting to feel like a parrot.)


I need some more folks to run three Vaults of Glass on hard, though.

Thu, 01/08/2015 - 11:58 (Reply to #39)
Hammerdrake's picture
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Dixon_Tufar wrote:


I need some more folks to run three Vaults of Glass on hard, though.

I want in on that.  Tell me when and I'm there.

Thu, 01/08/2015 - 14:07 (Reply to #40)
BLAMnation's picture
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Dixon_Tufar wrote:

gmantx wrote:

I still gotta do the weekly's as well.  I'll add: shadyphazE; blublud & sknnie to my friends list and look for y'all.  Have done weekly with Darth in the past...easy with him as he has all the good weapons!!! Anyone else need to do weekly's tonight?


All my weeklies are done, but I can help.


(I'm starting to feel like a parrot.)


I need some more folks to run three Vaults of Glass on hard, though.

I would love the chance to run one or two of my toons through that too...

Thu, 01/08/2015 - 14:21 (Reply to #41)
Duke12's picture
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Dixon_Tufar wrote:

I need some more folks to run three Vaults of Glass on hard, though.

Interested: what time? Would prefer not before 10pm ET if tonight (sorry -- internal nagging work ethic that will not allow me to play Destiny during every waking moment :-) ) Much more flexible on Friday (anytime after 8:30pm ET)

Haven't done VoG on hard as yet. Functional with relic but probably not the best choice for holding it. Follow orders and am good at focusing on the particular area or task I am assigned to. Still need 3 or 4 tries to complete the jump puzzle (know what to do, but the thumbs don't always deliver what the brain asks of them).

Thu, 01/08/2015 - 12:51
gmantx's picture
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I'll do the hard VOG . I'll add Phil Addio as well. Need to do Crotas raid This week as well.

Thu, 01/08/2015 - 12:57
bdub77's picture
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I'm done with CE on both main characters for this week, but still plenty left to do:

- 4 VoG runs (2 each NM and HM - would take HM over NM)

- 2 Weekly heroics

- 1 Nightfall (started yesterday but couldn't finish)

- Any dailies (rarely have time for these)

- Bunch of bounties (most of which are soloable but it never hurts to get help or work together on the same ones)

I'm more than willing to sherpa/help out when needed (as long as I'm actually helping). Might be on briefly tonight just to grab easy bounties at the Tower, but gonna take a day off. I hope to be around Friday night though.

When I leveled character #2 I didn't expect to be playing it much. Fun game but what a time sink. :) Can't imagine what it's like to try and play 3 right now.

Thu, 01/08/2015 - 14:23 (Reply to #44)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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bdub77 wrote:

I'm done with CE on both main characters for this week, but still plenty left to do:

- 4 VoG runs (2 each NM and HM - would take HM over NM)

- 2 Weekly heroics

- 1 Nightfall (started yesterday but couldn't finish)

- Any dailies (rarely have time for these)

- Bunch of bounties (most of which are soloable but it never hurts to get help or work together on the same ones)

I'm more than willing to sherpa/help out when needed (as long as I'm actually helping). Might be on briefly tonight just to grab easy bounties at the Tower, but gonna take a day off. I hope to be around Friday night though.

When I leveled character #2 I didn't expect to be playing it much. Fun game but what a time sink. :) Can't imagine what it's like to try and play 3 right now.


4 Vault runs on 2 characters?  You just need to do the hard Vault for each character and you're good.  Hard gives you double drops where regular just gives you one.

Thu, 01/08/2015 - 14:25 (Reply to #45)
bdub77's picture
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Dixon_Tufar wrote:

bdub77 wrote:

I'm done with CE on both main characters for this week, but still plenty left to do:

- 4 VoG runs (2 each NM and HM - would take HM over NM)

- 2 Weekly heroics

- 1 Nightfall (started yesterday but couldn't finish)

- Any dailies (rarely have time for these)

- Bunch of bounties (most of which are soloable but it never hurts to get help or work together on the same ones)

I'm more than willing to sherpa/help out when needed (as long as I'm actually helping). Might be on briefly tonight just to grab easy bounties at the Tower, but gonna take a day off. I hope to be around Friday night though.

When I leveled character #2 I didn't expect to be playing it much. Fun game but what a time sink. :) Can't imagine what it's like to try and play 3 right now.

4 Vault runs on 2 characters?  You just need to do the hard Vault for each character and you're good.  Hard gives you double drops where regular just gives you one.

Really? Had no idea. I hadn't run HM VoG before. I've always thought of them as separate. Anyway good to know. :)


Thu, 01/08/2015 - 13:00
Bantha Skull's picture
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I've never done CE.  How difficult is it?  

Thu, 01/08/2015 - 13:25 (Reply to #47)
bdub77's picture
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Bantha Skull wrote:


I've never done CE.  How difficult is it?  

It's not particularly difficult. There are a ton of YouTube videos and other guides to Crota's End online if you want to understand how it works. In fact I'd recommend at this point anyone who hasn't done CE to read about it and watch the raid videos first, because you'll save any teammates that have done it a lot of headaches. There's nothing wrong with experiencing it for the first time without prior knowledge I suppose, but I opted to do my homework because I have limited play time.

Getting to Crota can be done solo, although Ir Yut is a bit difficult to solo kill. That isn't to say you should run CE solo to start, I think it's more fun in a raid group. 

After you get to Crota, you can glitch him into kneeling currently so he doesn't move around. Just do a search for it. There are plenty of videos on that too.

Killing Crota can be done faster (legitimately in 5 minutes) if you have a good team that knows what they are doing. I've found most people prefer the less risky method. Even I will admit that I've never killed him legitimately though not for lack of trying or getting him low on health. I understand the battle mechanics pretty well though.

CE is easier than VoG, no question. VoG requires more people, better communication, and a certain level of skill. I wish all the future raids are as cool as VoG.

Thu, 01/08/2015 - 14:12 (Reply to #48)
Bantha Skull's picture
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Thanks so much for the very in-depth answer.  I don't know why I had it in my head that CE was so much more difficult than VoG.  I am usually on with two friends (all 31) and we thought we needed at least a couple more.  Sounds like that is not the case at all.

Probably going to give it a go tonight.  If anyone sees me on, feel free to jump in.

Thanks a lot.

Thu, 01/08/2015 - 14:29 (Reply to #49)
bdub77's picture
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Bantha Skull wrote:

Thanks so much for the very in-depth answer.  I don't know why I had it in my head that CE was so much more difficult than VoG.  I am usually on with two friends (all 31) and we thought we needed at least a couple more.  Sounds like that is not the case at all.

Probably going to give it a go tonight.  If anyone sees me on, feel free to jump in.

Thanks a lot.

It's doable with 3 if you know what you're doing, but I wouldn't say it's easy to do it that way. Not impossible though. It's been soloed before.

Thu, 01/08/2015 - 14:35
Duke12's picture
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Also haven't done Crota in full as yet. Have done Nightall but not the Weekly.

Regarding Nightfall and Weekly if you didn't know this already: Minotaur showed AARP and I probably the best hiding spot on the last part: once entering the room with Valus T., head to the left, lower level; move almost all the way forward (almost parallel to VT), then all 3 guardians drop down to the left into a relatively roomy area with lots of boxes as cover. Shoot through the cracks. Watch out for enemies meleeing through the boxes. If you're too close to them, you will die. Also, VT may head out of line-of-sight which may require a guardian to leave cover and take some shots to get him on the move again. Both AARP and Minotaur had to go to orbit and return to fireteam after getting picked off while attempting this (I stayed hunkered the entire time, so thanks guys!).

Thanks also to Minotaur for helping me take out Urzok. And to Agent for letting me join him for the last minutes of the Eris Urn bounty.

Thu, 01/08/2015 - 15:03
Bantha Skull's picture
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Duke12, we may take a run at CE tonight after 11pm EST.

Thu, 01/08/2015 - 15:48
DarthTabasco's picture
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Assuming I don't get distracted by Diablo 3, I'll be on tonight. I need to do Nightfalls and Weekly Strikes on all of my characters.

I'd also be up for running any raid - time permitting.

Thu, 01/08/2015 - 16:12
Bantha Skull's picture
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Can you only get loot from Nightfall once a week per character?  I've never bothered doing it twice.   

Thu, 01/08/2015 - 19:22 (Reply to #54)
Duke12's picture
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Bantha Skull wrote:

Can you only get loot from Nightfall once a week per character?  I've never bothered doing it twice.  

Yes, if you do the Nightfall 3 times, once per appropriately leveled character, you will get loot each time. Same with the weekly -- this from my sources. I've never done it myself as my two other characters still have a ways to go.

Thu, 01/08/2015 - 21:41 (Reply to #55)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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Duke12 wrote:

Bantha Skull wrote:

Can you only get loot from Nightfall once a week per character?  I've never bothered doing it twice.  

Yes, if you do the Nightfall 3 times, once per appropriately leveled character, you will get loot each time. Same with the weekly -- this from my sources. I've never done it myself as my two other characters still have a ways to go.


This is accurate.  You get one shot at it, per character, per week.  Same as the weekly.

Tue, 01/13/2015 - 12:07
ElektraFi's picture
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We're looking for 2 people to join us on a regular basis. Tue/Wed nights. Anyone interested?

Deets that Derek posted in the 2o2p Destiny Group Forum: http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Post/61979/91835413/0/0

For the lazy...

"We currently have 4 of us, and are looking for 2 more than can raid on a regularly scheduled basis. We are all 31 1/4 or higher:


We raid Tuesday nights at 8:30pm (ET), and Wednesday nights at 8pm (ET). The basic plan is Tuesday at 8:30 subgroups run the nightfall, then the weekly heroic. After that we bang out a quick VoG. Depending on when that ends we may or may not start Crota on Tues night. Wednesdays are all about Crota.

If this fits your schedule, and are interested, let me know. Best way is to reply here, and also send me a message on XBL. 




Tue, 01/13/2015 - 12:48 (Reply to #57)
Duke12's picture
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ElektraFi wrote:

We're looking for 2 people to join us on a regular basis. Tue/Wed nights. Anyone interested?


We raid Tuesday nights at 8:30, and Wednesday nights at 8.


Time Zone please (usually with Over-50 group on Tuesdays and generally avoid getting on before 11pm Eastern Time M,W,Th).

Tue, 01/13/2015 - 13:12 (Reply to #58)
ElektraFi's picture
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Duke12 wrote:

ElektraFi wrote:

We're looking for 2 people to join us on a regular basis. Tue/Wed nights. Anyone interested?


We raid Tuesday nights at 8:30, and Wednesday nights at 8.


Time Zone please (usually with Over-50 group on Tuesdays and generally avoid getting on before 11pm Eastern Time M,W,Th).

Ugh, yeah that would be helpful. I blame Derek for not including that in his original post. I added it into the post, but yes, Eastern time zone. 

Tue, 01/13/2015 - 15:28 (Reply to #59)
BLAMnation's picture
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ElektraFi wrote:

We're looking for 2 people to join us on a regular basis. Tue/Wed nights. Anyone interested?

Deets that Derek posted in the 2o2p Destiny Group Forum: http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Post/61979/91835413/0/0

For the lazy...

"We currently have 4 of us, and are looking for 2 more than can raid on a regularly scheduled basis. We are all 31 1/4 or higher:


We raid Tuesday nights at 8:30pm (ET), and Wednesday nights at 8pm (ET). The basic plan is Tuesday at 8:30 subgroups run the nightfall, then the weekly heroic. After that we bang out a quick VoG. Depending on when that ends we may or may not start Crota on Tues night. Wednesdays are all about Crota.

If this fits your schedule, and are interested, let me know. Best way is to reply here, and also send me a message on XBL. 




Hey Elektra, I am usually on at 9:30 so could fill in as needed. It would be very difficult for me to start at 8 or 8:30.

Level 31 1/4 Titan + 29 1/2 warlock available. Let me know...

Tue, 01/13/2015 - 12:27
Bantha Skull's picture
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I'm not on that early but I am on almost every night after 11pm.  If you ever find your fireteam down a person and I'm on, please add me.  I sent you a FR.

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