Beta Impressions

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Sun, 01/11/2015 - 20:01 (Reply to #91)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

I have to give Halo a rest, so I can fall in love with it again in the future.


Mon, 01/12/2015 - 11:08
Tristan's picture
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I'm not getting it at launch either, for the same reason. But I'm going to facepalm if Microsoft takes a weak launch day as an indication that traditional-ish Halo doesn't sell, and then makes 343 turn Halo 6 into 64v64 Fiesta Slayer: Action Sack Edition with armor abilities that randomly change every time you spawn, and maps that have sinkholes that randomly open up and kill you. Because randomness = LOL!

Mon, 01/12/2015 - 11:57 (Reply to #93)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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Tristan wrote:

I'm not getting it at launch either, for the same reason. But I'm going to facepalm if Microsoft takes a weak launch day as an indication that traditional-ish Halo doesn't sell, and then makes 343 turn Halo 6 into 64v64 Fiesta Slayer: Action Sack Edition with armor abilities that randomly change every time you spawn, and maps that have sinkholes that randomly open up and kill you. Because randomness = LOL!


Its amazing what damage the MCC has done with even the most stalwart of Halo supporters.  I'm leaning towards not getting a preorder or anything, but things may change as we get closer and as things get ironed out.  The survey they recently sent out had some good questions on it, and it sounds like 343 is taking this crap seriously.

Tue, 01/13/2015 - 16:06 (Reply to #94)
lanierb's picture
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Dixon_Tufar wrote:

Its amazing what damage the MCC has done with even the most stalwart of Halo supporters.  I'm leaning towards not getting a preorder or anything, but things may change as we get closer and as things get ironed out.  The survey they recently sent out had some good questions on it, and it sounds like 343 is taking this crap seriously.

Tell me about it.  You of all people should love the H5 beta!  It's really good!.  I get on wanting to play H5, and all the former Halo die-hards are on Destiny farming spirit bloom.

Fri, 01/16/2015 - 09:37 (Reply to #95)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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lanierb wrote:

Dixon_Tufar wrote:

Its amazing what damage the MCC has done with even the most stalwart of Halo supporters.  I'm leaning towards not getting a preorder or anything, but things may change as we get closer and as things get ironed out.  The survey they recently sent out had some good questions on it, and it sounds like 343 is taking this crap seriously.

Tell me about it.  You of all people should love the H5 beta!  It's really good!.  I get on wanting to play H5, and all the former Halo die-hards are on Destiny farming spirit bloom.


Its fun, but with how burnt MCC got folks, and how weird the beta was with party systems, I'd honestly rather just play Destiny.

Mon, 01/12/2015 - 12:10
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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Randomness allows everyone to kill everyone regardless of skill level. Why should that guy get to kill me over and over, even though he's practiced and refined his game while I run around without any forethought? I want my participation ribbon! Everyone is equal! In other news, I will purchase H5, but it will be used. It's a sad day in which I would rather support Gamestop than one of my favorite game franchises.
Mon, 01/12/2015 - 13:09
DEEP_NNN's picture
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I'll get it no matter what it looks like or what people say but it'll not be an advanced pre-order or pre-paid DLC. Barebones basic retail download. Just like I did for Destiny and not unhappy to pay a little more for the DLC either.

Wed, 01/14/2015 - 23:37
Duke12's picture
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I successfully Port Forwarded my router following the instructions below. Results: Open NAT. Cone NAT. No problems in Destiny. Didn't have time to test on MCC.  I then tried twice to get into a Halo 5 Matchmaking game. First try: 7 other players found. screen flicker. Booted. Hard XB1 restart. Second try: 7 other players found. screen flicker: booted. I really wish I could have an opinion on the Halo 5 beta. I'm happy for those who are enjoying it. But I still really have no opinion, myself BECAUSE I CAN'T GET INTO A GAME! I guess 343 doesn't want me as a customer. So be it.

If anyone has any ideas as to what I might be doing wrong, please share them. Otherwise, I will just let the Halo 5 Beta pass away in peace.



I had the same problem for about a week and tried almost everything. I would have to restart my router and start a match right after it restarted, but then I couldn't leave that match or it would do it again. Last night I decided to look at my router again and check my ports. Turns out I didn't re do my port forwarding for the Xbox One (still set up for 360). So I opened these ports:Xbox Live requires the following ports to be open:

Port 88 (UDP)

Port 3074 (UDP and TCP)

Port 53 (UDP and TCP)

Port 80 (TCP)

Port 500 (UDP)

Port 3544 (UDP)

Port 4500 (UDP)and then the ones that 343 suggested as well:UDP 1343

UDP 30000

UDP 30001


If you don't know how to open your ports this website walks you through the process. Played all night without any hiccups. Besides slow matchmaking (takes forever to find one person for some reason) I was able to get into matches one after another.



Sat, 01/17/2015 - 15:02
Lou_Keymia's picture
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I for one am going to miss the beta when its gone. I have thoroughly enjoyed it.

Sun, 01/18/2015 - 09:43
zombiekitten's picture
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My main problems were not being able to turn vibe off, the chat not working, and my wireless controller losing connection nonstop which is a problem with my house not the game. 360 controllers did the same thing. Gotta invest in a charge and play thingy for the long USB cable it has, since they don't sell wired One controllers. 

Anyway, it was fun and I think I'll like it. I am a bit nervous after the MCC fiasco...

Sun, 01/18/2015 - 11:20
Tristan's picture
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I'm definitely not getting it on release day. MS needs to know that they have to earn sales by making products that actually work. Lately they've been abusing the fact that people will pre-order / buy on day one regardless. The only way that's going to stop is if people (myself included) stop buying broken crap just because it's available.

This whole MCC fiasco has me seriously considering a permanent switch to Destiny or something else.

Tue, 01/27/2015 - 23:51
Shadow's picture
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vibrate was the worst.  THE WORST.  It got so when my initial weapon swap was making a "thunk" in my hands I almost quit the game.

Tue, 02/10/2015 - 19:22 (Reply to #103)
zombiekitten's picture
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Shadow wrote:

vibrate was the worst.  THE WORST.  It got so when my initial weapon swap was making a "thunk" in my hands I almost quit the game.

This. And vibrate was going off if someone walked by me. 

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