BF Hardline open beta starts Feb 3

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#1 Fri, 01/30/2015 - 23:25
yaok888's picture
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BF Hardline open beta starts Feb 3

Hardline open beta starts 2/3/15 all platforms.

Retail game drops march 17.

I guess I'll be playing the Hardline beta until I get a planetside 2 for ps4 key.

If any 2o2p peeps have a spare planetside ps4 beta key - please donate to me in PM. 

the planetside ps4 is a closed beta so only lucky few have gotten in so far.




Mon, 02/02/2015 - 08:46
CiaranORian's picture
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I'll give the hardline beta a try.  If the stability is ok, I'll most likely buy it pretty soon after it comes out. You can't beat the battlefield experience when it works properly.

Wed, 02/04/2015 - 14:03
xBIGWIGx's picture
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Initial thoughts? I know its a Beta, but for me the graphics seem a little shitty. I only played one round, and after playing so much Destiny, Im sure ill get used to it, but they just seem, dated. The banter from the AI seems a little silly. "The cops took our position, lets go get it back"..... groan

havent played enough to really speak of the gameplay quite yet

Wed, 02/04/2015 - 17:08
CiaranORian's picture
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Gameplay reminds me of Medal of Honor a bit. I agree with the rest of your comments. Lets see how the new game modes work out, otherwise I don't see anything new here.

Thu, 02/05/2015 - 08:05
Chaos Scorpio's picture
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I've been playing a lot of hotwire; conquest with moving bases; high speed car chases with grenade launchers... (I usually self sacrifice myself with a launcher and take out the other car and 3 others ... (oddly enough the car you are in doesn't blow up... Also apparently a direct shot with a grenade launcher to a person does not kill them; lame). Similar to GTA I find but more mature gameplay.

The physics are great, buildings break apart, take out a roof, crane falls over destroying everything (you see it once and same over and over... typical BF stuff). I do like you can go in more buildings though.

not all cars are drivable, only specific ones; I really wanted to take that bus or that semi transport and just drop the trailer off a bridge... oh well.

Doubt I will buy it because it is like every other BF game with a couple new modes; so play them for a week in beta and bored. Nothing new and exciting (now a 4p co-op would be nice even a 2p locally; I still don't have a need to buy a second controller... xbox 360 has 3!)


Note if switching from destiny to this, melee will not save you in a gun faster to take out a pistol and kill than try to position your melee properly on the moving target!

Thu, 02/05/2015 - 15:55
SoulTerror's picture
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Sounds like this game is a skip like I was thinking. I loved BF3 and 4.

Sun, 02/08/2015 - 09:20
FreeRadikal's picture
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For me, I love this game. Definitely going to buy it.  

Sun, 02/08/2015 - 11:30
MrGuster's picture
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At first I didn't like it but, it has grown on me. I will wait a week or two after release before deciding to pick it up. 

As for the graphics, the One seemed a bit washed out to me. It was hard to pick people out in the dust storms. On the PS4, everything looked a bit sharper and during the dust storms, I found that I could actually make out shadows and outlines and was able to get people. Totally undecided which one I prefer but, I am leaning towards the PS4 if I do get it.

Tue, 02/10/2015 - 01:45
Yarr's picture
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when it comes to game consoles  I have both the  Xbox One and the  PS4.  I personally feel the PS4 looks and sounds better than the Xbox One.Xbox one used to have a great interface and terrific MP nenus but not this time around. When I comparre the systems by HDMI swithing I prefer the PS4.  I  will play 99% of my games on PS4 this console cycle and only play xbox specific titles on xbox. Graphics look better  and sound is sharper on the PS4.  Graphically  when it comes to volumetric lighting it's PS4 hands down in my opionion. Graphics may not matter much to some people  as long as the frame rate is consistent then  it comes down to the game and where your friends are playing. I need to build up  my friends list for PSN because I just bought my first Sony console ever the PS4 just before the holidays in November 2014. I was on  Xbox ,Xbox360 and Xbox One...but the PS4 has me sold.

This is just my opionion of the consoles I don't want to start any great debate.

Hardline is a fun game but is it worth the full retail game price?

Should it tbe sold as an expansion?  or at least cheaper than full prices as it seems to be a reskin of a very old series ....I have played all the BF games but it is kind of like a sports game when you buy the same game every year....that being said I will probably buy it...lmao its just frustratiing. Oh and I will probably buy it on PS4 if enought ppl are playing it.

Cheers c;y a online

Xboxone YARR


Tue, 02/10/2015 - 15:19
SoulTerror's picture
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BF is at least not a yearly release, even though they were going to attempt it with Hardlines but I think they felt the blow back from how bad BF4 still was and they were talking about releaseing Hardline so they delayed it.

Wed, 02/11/2015 - 17:07
Yarr's picture
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Yeah I think they learned a lot from BF and its troubles at launch.

Sat, 02/14/2015 - 09:49
xBIGWIGx's picture
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Honestly this may be a skip for me too, which is crazy considering how much time I put into BF3 & 4. The beta just felt... cheap. I know its a beta, but still. Bad driving mechanics (this was most surprising since they were putting so much emphasis on cars). The gameplay was typical BF, which is all well and good. But there was no stand out moment where I went "Thats Awesome!". The whole experience was just kinda... meh.

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