New Wheel
Fri, 01/30/2015 - 10:40
New Wheel
Greetings all!
A warm hello from the chilly south and great weekends wished for all. It's an honor to be a part of this club. I do have a question about the current state of wheels. I really need one but are greedy as the medical field is, funds are to say TIGHT!!!!!!! Can one of you held me find a decent wheel for say under $100.00 ubtil I can get some things caught up. I know that's not a lot of loot but heart attacks don't come cheap. Any help I'd welcome.
Waster Jerchio
What console/pc will you be using it for . would be my first question then I can guide you in the right direction.
It will be used on a Xbox 1
Only option with that kind of budget is this wheel from Thrustmaster:
I have seen it at Game Stop here in the US.
Hi Guys im considering getting a wheel however the money situation is just as tight here.
However my requriements are slightly different i will be using this for the PC and the XB1 as I am considering paying for iRacing again and tbh after last time trying a un-named PC controller (I think I paid £10 for it) which did not like me at all, I havent tried it with the 360 controller and I know a lot of you will say dont bother, but money is tight so if there are no cheap as chips wheels I may have to fiddle arround with the controller for a bit.
The xbox controller works on the PC pretty good if I remember correctly. I used it on RF a bit. Not a wheel bu tit does ok. But I don't use a wheel on any of them.
Thanks Oldschool, I have been on places before looking for advice and they have slated me for not having a wheel, I have a lot of trouble sorting out the set up for the controller as it goes to the extremes too much if that makes sense and feels really unnatural. Did you have to make many changes to the set up?
No, but there are settings to tone down sensitivity if necessary.