Weekly Heroic Strikes - MM only, soon

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#1 Thu, 02/19/2015 - 18:49
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Weekly Heroic Strikes - MM only, soon


As part of 1.1.1, we’re changing the Weekly Heroic Strike to be a matchmade activity. Why? Let’s ask Design Lead M.E. Chung.


M.E.  We wanted the Weekly Heroics to be a challenge that pushed you and your buddies, but what we observed was that these strikes don’t demand the same cooperation of a cohesive pre-made group. The overwhelming community response was such that many players didn’t have the numbers on their friends list to experience the activity on a weekly basis.


Can I still solo the Weekly Heroic?


M.E.  No, this change applies to all levels of the Weekly Heroic.


What about the Nightfall?


M.E.  No change. Since players are kicked to Orbit on team wipe, we want people to be able to preserve that group so they could give it another go.


So, no matchmaking for Raids neither?


M.E.  No, but we are keenly aware of the issue. We think good Raid sessions rely on groups of communicative players who are invested in each other, but we know that it’s challenging for many players to find groups for Raids and Nightfall today. We are thinking hard about how we can help make that an easier experience in future releases.

Thu, 02/19/2015 - 18:53
DEEP_NNN's picture
Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
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I'm going to miss doing these solo. I can't comprehend why it isn't an option. I liked the way solo and trio played differently.

At least the Nightfall can still be attempted solo.

Fri, 02/20/2015 - 07:44 (Reply to #2)
DarthTabasco's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

I'm going to miss doing these solo. I can't comprehend why it isn't an option. I liked the way solo and trio played differently.

At least the Nightfall can still be attempted solo.

I don't get it either. Players want MM for Raids and Nightfalls, instead we get MM for the Weekly Heroic.


I too, back when the game held my interest, enjoyed trying to solo the weekly. Shame it will not be an option.

Fri, 02/20/2015 - 09:39
BLAMnation's picture
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I will also miss the option to do these solo, although lately I have been finding this a lot more difficult. At least you can still go in with a fireteam of 3 and not have to play with randoms.

Sat, 02/21/2015 - 10:52
OldnAchy's picture
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I think they buffed up the bad guys a bit in anticipation for this.  I know that doing Nexus solo now, for example, at the lowest level (24) is much harder than the original hardest level (28) simply because the major minatours/praetorians are much harder to bring down.  Makes more sense now -- trying to discourage the solo runs.

Sat, 02/21/2015 - 17:25
Rythmdevl's picture
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I hate to say it, but without the MM, I can't ever get these done. I am likely in the minority of people without a full friends list. I am the player type they mention in the post. Everyone I know moved to the Xb1. I wish there could be a middle ground for it though. I would really like to see a raid option for MM, but we all know they would need to nerf it in order for pug groups to coordinate enough to get it done. And once they nerf raids, the section of the community that is actually skilled enough, and took the time to gear for it starts to gripe. It was the same kinda setup when Warcraft introduced Looking For Raid finder. 

No easy solution ever, when you have a game with a large and active community

Mon, 02/23/2015 - 09:34
SoulTerror's picture
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Destinylfg.com or Destinylfg.net.


I use those to find people for NF or to fill in a spot for raids if no one is online. Grabbed 3 people to finish off Crota in 2 swords last night just to turn around and grab another 2 for a second Crota kill.

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