Light Maze - CE Raid

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#1 Tue, 02/24/2015 - 13:24
Minotaur's picture
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Light Maze - CE Raid

Due to homework, soccer, bedtime and family stuff, a 12 year old family member became frustrated that he couldn't get into a raid with others (he since has) so he watched a bunch of Youtube videos and talked to my daughter about getting through the light maze solo (my daughter has). So, he went into the light maze by himself. After several attempts he succeeded in getting to the 14th lamp iirc, then didn't know where to go. We told him that you turn right at that lamp, and go up the hill. He eventually succeeded in completing the light maze solo and got a piece of armor and more shards/energies. He was proud of his accomplishment with his Hunter - he should be - we are... he's just 12.

Got me to thinking about others who might have a hard time getting into a raid. I'm certainly no raid expert, and anyone who has a better idea should post their experience. What I'm posting here works, but like most things in Destiny, there are usually multiple ways to succeed. Owed mostly to others I raid with, I have two characters at 32 and the third at 31.75.

Whether you're trying to solo the light maze or are going in as a team, here are a few things to consider.

1- Thrall numbers and enemy numbers in general are scaled to the number of Guardians. Sorta like a nightfall. We like a team of 3 or 4 Guardians for CE normal. Six is fine, but they all need to be committed to not dieing when at the Crota fight. Level 32 Guardians do more and take less damage against level 32 enemies. 

2- A Hunter, using all of the invis perks, has the easiest time soloing the light maze. The Titans and Warlocks can do it too, but it is somewhat more difficult to complete it solo. A Titan needs the striker subclass with the area-affect pulsating fuzzball arc grenade and the Warlock Sunsinger needs the solar grenade. Both grenades are area-denial type grenades. You use these grenades to keep the Thrall away from you while you regen agility at a light (or save your ass if you get swarmed).

3- You need to set your your subclass for maximum agility. The weight of darkness really slows you down. Agility is more important than armor or recovery. The idea is to not engage the Thrall unless absolutely necessary. You don't need to stop at every light.

4- Carry/equip a gun that has the +2 agility perk, like the MIDA, Murmur, Icebreaker, Universal Remote, Swordbreaker CE shotgun and others. The MIDA seems to be the choice of those who have it. The more agility you have the easier it is. With a darkness weight of 10, a Guardian with max agility will appear to jog right by a slow walking Guardian who has little or no agility perks. A max agility Hunter can usually stay ahead of a trailing mob. Jump over the holes when you can. The Thrall need to go around, which slows them down.

5- These agility perks also apply to each individual in a 6-man raid group. Once you get through the light maze, go into your character's subclass and get the armor and recovery back to where you like them. Though, more agility will help with getting through other parts of the raid. I usually lean toward more armor and recovery because I usually play a support role most often. 

If you're going into the light maze with others, get your Hunter all amped up with agility and invis, and let him lead the way by himself. The second man/woman in the group should wait till the first lamp has exploded before beginning his/her run. The remaining team members can go one at a time about a lamp or half a lamp apart. The follow-on players can usually help the player ahead of them with support fire if need be, and they can revive players along the way. All six players going as group is a big fail....

Spacing out the following-on players provides backups if the lead Hunter gets taken down. The Thrall will focus primarily on the lead 1 or 2 Guardians. The last 2-3 Guardians might not see any Thrall till they get to the bridge. Put your best players upfront.

Once the first player gets to the bridge, run across the plate to start the party, then jump up on a rock on the far side of the plate that is far enough away to not kill you when the lamp explodes. Your job now is to kill the Ogre as quickly as possible. An Icebreaker or solar tracking rocket (Gjallarhorn) works well. Once the bridge is built jump over the Thrall and cross the bridge - run/jump as fast as you can (there's that agility perk working for you again)... Any remaining players left behind, alive or dead, will spawn into the upcoming map checkpoint and will get whatever rewards there are to get.

With a Sunsinger Warlock, the next bridge is pretty easy to get across with a team of 3-4... or six.



Tue, 02/24/2015 - 14:27
OldnAchy's picture
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One thing to add to that with Titans.  Use Defender, max out agility, set the jump to the highest jump perk and equip a weapon wIth the lightweight perk on a weapon (+2 agility -- multitool a good example).  Set up this way one can do the rock jump off of the rock past the second lamp (jump right when weight of Croata disappears) and get over the top of the wall much like the exploding lamp jump before it was nerfed.  Once I complete the jump, I switch out my multitool so I can equip my Icereaker.  From that point follow the edge of the wall past the last full path to the next one which should have you going uphill to the highest level.  There will be a Knight just past the first lamp there.  Go ahead and take him out -- one headshot on normal with a maxed Icebreaker.  Sometimes when he bellows he alerts Thralls up ahead and things go south in a hurry.  Otherwise it is a clear path to the bridge and use the tactics in your last paragraph. 

Using this approach with the Warlock requires a much more precise jump.  Again, max agility, max jumping cabablility, and a +2 agility weapon.  Jump right as Weight of Croata disappears.  This takes precise timing to get correct.  Titan has a little more flexibility there.

I have been reluctant to film this, fearing like others that Bungie will nerf this jump as well, but it has been doable for a few weeks now, so when I get a chance (already did it today) I will film it and post it here. Next day or 2 maybe?

Btw, big congrats for the 12 year old!!


Wed, 02/25/2015 - 13:05 (Reply to #2)
Minotaur's picture
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OldnAchy wrote:

One thing to add to that with Titans.  Use Defender, max out agility, set the jump to the highest jump perk and equip a weapon wIth the lightweight perk on a weapon (+2 agility -- multitool a good example).  Set up this way one can do the rock jump off of the rock past the second lamp (jump right when weight of Croata disappears) and get over the top of the wall much like the exploding lamp jump before it was nerfed.  Once I complete the jump, I switch out my multitool so I can equip my Icereaker.  From that point follow the edge of the wall past the last full path to the next one which should have you going uphill to the highest level.  There will be a Knight just past the first lamp there.  Go ahead and take him out -- one headshot on normal with a maxed Icebreaker.  Sometimes when he bellows he alerts Thralls up ahead and things go south in a hurry.  Otherwise it is a clear path to the bridge and use the tactics in your last paragraph. 

Using this approach with the Warlock requires a much more precise jump.  Again, max agility, max jumping cabablility, and a +2 agility weapon.  Jump right as Weight of Croata disappears.  This takes precise timing to get correct.  Titan has a little more flexibility there.

I have been reluctant to film this, fearing like others that Bungie will nerf this jump as well, but it has been doable for a few weeks now, so when I get a chance (already did it today) I will film it and post it here. Next day or 2 maybe?

Btw, big congrats for the 12 year old!!

Achy, Thanks for the tips. I have a Titan too, and will try your technique the next time I'm in. I usually just slog the lamp trail, and play clean-up when I get to the bridge - to help the Hunters, if need be, with Ogres, Knights and Thrall. A shortcut would be nice so I could do more.

Back pre-patch I was accidentally tossed across the map when a lamp exploded. Providence I guess. The rest of the team died at the bridge. After a few minutes of slogging the lamp trail, I arrived at and crossed the bridge (lots of Hive everywhere), and saved the mission. Was pretty hilarious cuz I didn't know what to do at that point (my first time through), and there were 5 people all giving advice - at the same time... We laughed a lot afterward...

Dixon... We usually go into CE on hard once or twice each week after we've all completed the raid on normal for each of our characters. I haven't completed a hard raid, but we have gotten quite a ways into it a couple of times. 

Tue, 02/24/2015 - 14:43
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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I thought the same about your second point until I saw it done with a Bubble Titan on hard.  You get on the rock by the lantern, and if the Ogre goes around the far rock (it makes sense if you're looking at the Ogre spawn), you pop your bubble as it starts firing on you.  If you're wearing the armor to extend your bubble's time limit, you've got exactly enough time to make it off the rock and across the bridge, almost unscathed.  On hard, we tend to send a Hunter or two up by themselves to start the fun, and everyone else goes along in a group, lagging behind to meatbag the light bridge.  We send the group when the Hunter(s) get to the base of the hill that has the first Knight at it. The Hunters are geared to be out there on their own, and it seems a lot  more manageable to do with the rest of the group lagging behind.

With 3, that makes some sense on Normal, but tends to go out the window on Hard.  You've just gotta move together in a responsible manner and slay every damned thing that moves and is threatening your group.  First Guardians to a lamp turn and shoot to clear room for the lagging Guardians. 

The next bridge isn't really hard.  Its just about having everyone know the batting order they're crossing at and having folks communicate effectively when they have to get off their platform for any period of time.  When one of the Totems is angry and nobody knows why, that's when bad things happen.

Sat, 03/07/2015 - 12:22 (Reply to #4)
bluBlud's picture
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Dixon_Tufar wrote:

I thought the same about your second point until I saw it done with a Bubble Titan on hard.  You get on the rock by the lantern, and if the Ogre goes around the far rock (it makes sense if you're looking at the Ogre spawn), you pop your bubble as it starts firing on you.  If you're wearing the armor to extend your bubble's time limit, you've got exactly enough time to make it off the rock and across the bridge, almost unscathed.  On hard, we tend to send a Hunter or two up by themselves to start the fun, and everyone else goes along in a group, lagging behind to meatbag the light bridge.  We send the group when the Hunter(s) get to the base of the hill that has the first Knight at it. The Hunters are geared to be out there on their own, and it seems a lot  more manageable to do with the rest of the group lagging behind.

If you have patience & time, it'll let you save your bubble for a bit when the bridge first starts building giving you a little more time to be sure it's up without having to dodge ogre fire.

Wed, 02/25/2015 - 16:15
bdub77's picture
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I've always been more successful running the lamps solo. Here's my technique as a hunter, which I shamelessly stole from someone else.

I equip high agility as stated (except for fleet foot because you need the long invis perk), make sure my invis options are all set, and set the double jump with direction. I run to the first lamp, blink strike the nearest non-exploder thrall, then run to lamp #2. At lamp 2 I wait for weight of darkness to go away, often avoiding 1-2 thrall that might be hanging out there as invis runs out, then i double jump onto the top of the lamp. Then I crouch, wait to go invis again, run to lamp #3, wait for darkness to go down, jump onto the lamp, go invis, rinse and repeat. Once you have the timing of jumping onto the lamps down, it's pretty easy. I've found sliding into the lamps sometimes helps to bring weight down faster, by the time you get to the next lamp invis is usually gone or close to gone.

When you get to the last lamp, you can run past it onto the plate, find a thrall, blink strike the thrall to go invis, and get onto the short rock next to the lamp. As long as you aren't too close to the lamp on the rock you won't die. In NM you can take out the ogre that pops pretty easy. In HM killing the ogre can be harder. In HM I just avoid the ogre encounter entirely, wait for the ogre to appear, kneel, go invis, then run behind the posts near the bridge and kneel/hide there until the bridge forms.

I can usually navigate the lamps pretty easy using this method. The first half dozen completions were messy and full of deaths, but I can get through it pretty easily now. HM's a little more difficult with less room for error. Miss one lamp jump and you're often toast.

Another technique I see used a lot is running the thrall around the lamp posts, circle around the lamp posts a bunch of times, jumping over any thrall that trail behind. With good agility you can stay ahead of them. It's never worked for me but I haven't practiced it much either. I know a few people who do very well with this technique.

I've had very little luck on that second lamp rock jump. I'm a terrible jumper though.


Wed, 02/25/2015 - 17:15
OldnAchy's picture
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As promised I recorded my Titan solo to the bridge:

I also run this solo with my Hunter equipped with Don't Touch Me Gauntlets which gives me invisibility when I get hit with a melee.

You can also do this with a full team by having everyone else just hanging back at the landing plate.  Last night I got a full fireteam across the bridge using this approach.

Thu, 02/26/2015 - 13:13
Minotaur's picture
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Thanks Bdub for your Hunter tips and Achy for the cool video. I'll be sure to try it, and I'll pass it on to my daughter who has a 32 Titan as well. I don't have a Hunter, just two Warlocks and a Titan. 

In addition to what's been posted, I also recommend turning up the screen brightness at least a couple levels in the Destiny setup screen while you're in the maze.

Also, if you die, switch your view to the lead player's perspective. Watch what he/she does and how he/she does it. I learned a lot that way.... and it beats staring at the glowing ball of light...:)

Sun, 03/01/2015 - 16:44
Rythmdevl's picture
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So great tips all around. And grats to your relative. I have to be honest, the young un' has me beat. Been trying to do this now for 2 days on my hunter, no success. RNG seems to be giving me what for. I am using all my invisible tricks, and the lamp jumping keeps getting me. Best I got so far is 13 lamps. Something to keep working for until I can find a group that will suffer thru a raid with a noob. Still cannot find a raid group to save my life. But I'll keep working on this attempt for the time being. 

Mon, 03/02/2015 - 13:56 (Reply to #9)
Minotaur's picture
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Rythmdevl wrote:

So great tips all around. And grats to your relative. I have to be honest, the young un' has me beat. Been trying to do this now for 2 days on my hunter, no success. RNG seems to be giving me what for. I am using all my invisible tricks, and the lamp jumping keeps getting me. Best I got so far is 13 lamps. Something to keep working for until I can find a group that will suffer thru a raid with a noob. Still cannot find a raid group to save my life. But I'll keep working on this attempt for the time being. 

I accepted your friend request. We'll get you through CE once our 360 group is ready for it.

I heard yesterday from our lead sword swinger that a Warlock Voidwalker has a selectable bubble in the subclass called "Surge". When active, he said that you can sprint for about 15 seconds while under the weight of darkness after punching a Thrall. He's used it to solo the light maze. 

Mon, 03/02/2015 - 17:06 (Reply to #10)
OldnAchy's picture
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Minotaur wrote:

I heard yesterday from our lead sword swinger that a Warlock Voidwalker has a selectable bubble in the subclass called "Surge". When active, he said that you can sprint for about 15 seconds while under the weight of darkness after punching a Thrall. He's used it to solo the light maze. 

Definitely have to try that.  If I can get that to work and get the time I will record a solo run for the Warlock.  The rock jump for a Warlock is definitely hit or miss -- the timing has to be so precise.

I will also record a Hunter run when I get a chance.  With the Don't Touch Me Gauntlets that is probably the easiest (least difficult) way to solo the Abyss.

Mon, 03/02/2015 - 16:56
Rythmdevl's picture
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I tried to make the jump from the second lamp like in the vid achy posted. As a huntard, I can't get that high up. Miss it by a hair. Maybe my skills are lacking, but I feel the rng is my major hurdle at this point. At least I farmed the chest for 2 shard things I can't use. 

Sun, 03/08/2015 - 13:43
OldnAchy's picture
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A little late, but as promised.  Hunter solo on Normal:

Sun, 03/08/2015 - 16:01
Rythmdevl's picture
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Thank for the vid. I will prolly use some of the tips here. I don't have the gauntlets, so I have to keep using the jump on lamps technique. But I can see that at some point it may be doable for me  


Mon, 03/09/2015 - 14:48 (Reply to #14)
Minotaur's picture
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Rythmdevl wrote:

Thank for the vid. I will prolly use some of the tips here. I don't have the gauntlets, so I have to keep using the jump on lamps technique. But I can see that at some point it may be doable for me  


Sent you a message via XBL. Looks like we'll give it a go this Thursday evening... 

Mon, 03/09/2015 - 10:24
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Solo'd legit past the first bridge for the first time. Used Titan Defender, blinding Ward of Dawn perk and sticky void suppresion grenade. I'd throw the grenade ahead onto a lantern then rest on the other side for a moment. Stopped to shoot and beat down enemies a few times. Should have recorded it. AARP was there too but he was back at the beginning. May have had an effect.

Mon, 03/09/2015 - 12:33
Minotaur's picture
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I just can't stay at the start plate for long when a runner takes off.... I can usually wait till the first lamp explodes, but that's about it. I want to help the guy ahead of me. 

Good vid Achy! Hunters have it so easy!  It's amazing how much faster you are, when under the weight of darkness, when using all of the subclass agility perks along with a weapon with agility (like the MIDA). I think back to the first time I was invited into the light maze and how big a fail that was... :) We tried slowly moving as a group - like a battleship, with guns sticking out in all directions, shooting everything. Didn't work...  

Mon, 03/09/2015 - 15:15
BLAMnation's picture
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Achy, thanks for the Hunter solo video. I was looking for a turn-by-turn guide through the lamps, so this will be very helpful. My hunter is level 30, his bladedancer isn't fully leveled up yet and I don't have Don't Touch Me's so it may be a while before I can do this.

I thought maybe I could just outrun the thrall to the bridge, but no joy. So finally last night I got up on the rock at the second lamp and made the jump! Now to try it on hard mode...

Mon, 03/09/2015 - 16:37
testified's picture
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There is really only 2 ways you need to do the Abyss.

1. Hunter invisibility run - works the same for both normal and hard  The keys for hunter are

  • Turn on all invisiblity perks on Arc (Super, Blink Strike, Crouch)
  • Ensure you Strength is OVER 85% so Blink Strike resets quickly
  • If possible use Multi Tool as equipped weapon
  • If possible use Don't Touch Me gauntlets (not required)

The keys

Blink strike at first lamp and get on rock at second lamp.
Wait on second lamp rock until lamp is close to exploding, crouch, invis, move to third lamp

The rest of the run is just timing at EVERY lamp you need to crouch or blink strike.  Make sure where possible you get behind the lamp so you are not as visible to thralls

At the end you DO NOT attack anything you do the following

  • activate the bridge pad
  • then hide behind the right bridge pillar/rock
  • you crouch and move behind one of the big rocks away from the lamps 
  • Then when thralls start to move to your position use super to go invisible and go BACK to behind a bridge pillar
  • cross when "way is clear"

This run is NOT about speed it is about timing

2. Titan/Warlock 2nd Lamp jump - normal is easy for 1 person, to ensure success on hard need two people making the jump.

Key points

  • If possible have a multi tool
  • Take a high quality/damage sniper rifle that is set to stagger 
  • Make sure you jump soon after all weight is off
  • Make sure you have jump set to the right selection (they are different between subclasses)

Do not run and jump on the rock, it moves you out of the light, get light off start jump then move toward wall

Once you are up,  follow the wall to the left, kill the knight at the corner  light then on to the end

At the end.  For normal it is pretty simple light the last light and stay until almost explodes,  move to bridge pad, when lamp explodes jump on rock to the left of light, kill ogre, run when clear

For hard the process is the same except a Titan should drop a weapons of light at the foot of the rock before jumping up, stagger the ogre at the lamp, don't use rockets initially,  then throw grenades as it comes around the rock, hit with rockets, finish with sniper.

Warlocks should be ready to use Radiance to limit damage after ogre comes around the rock

IF you get two guardians that can make the jump together killing the ogre should be as easy as normal.

if you need a run through message me happy to teach someone to fish  ;)


Sat, 03/14/2015 - 13:31 (Reply to #19)
BLAMnation's picture
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testified wrote:

For hard the process is the same except a Titan should drop a weapons of light at the foot of the rock before jumping up, stagger the ogre at the lamp, don't use rockets initially,  then throw grenades as it comes around the rock, hit with rockets, finish with sniper.

Another way to do this is to jump on the rock first, when ogre appears fire two rockets (if you have Gjallarhorn wait for first to hit before firing second), immediately switch to sniper and stagger him with a shot or two. When he starts firing at you drop your bubble. With max duration on the bubble it will last until the path forward is clear and you can sprint over the bridge. If you're feeling lucky you can shoot another rocket at the ogre if he is not down, but this shouldn't be needed.

Sat, 03/14/2015 - 11:33
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Trying to solo Titan CE hard in the abyss. Managed to get on rock at second lantern but messing the jump up. What is different?

Sat, 03/14/2015 - 13:16 (Reply to #21)
BLAMnation's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

Trying to solo Titan CE hard in the abyss. Managed to get on rock at second lantern but messing the jump up. What is different?

Shouldn't be any different, maybe weight of darkness is a tiny bit stronger? Only thing I can think of is to make sure you hold down the A button on the second press of your double jump to clear the top of the ledge.

Mon, 03/16/2015 - 14:29
Minotaur's picture
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I experimented with my Warlock Voidwalker in the Abyss. I was surprised that I could run without stopping past several more lights than I could as a Sunsinger. I guess this is the trade-off for not being able to self-revive. I tried the "surge", but by the time I needed it, I was overcome with baddies. My guess is that you should melee a Thrall in your path while still running forward. If you turn around to punch the Thrall hitting you from behind, it's too late. 

When using persistent grenades, just drop them at your feet while running forward. Don't look back. Doing this causes the throng behind you to stop. 

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