The goodnight thread, and now...VR! Anyone else into it?

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Sun, 02/22/2015 - 11:19
zombiekitten's picture
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On a good note, I finally got the correct 15' micro USB cable so that my wireless controller is now a wired one. Yay me! 

Sun, 02/22/2015 - 13:14
SarcasmoJones's picture
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I'll give you a hug Pyro, but I don't drink.

Sun, 02/22/2015 - 13:28
KnightofRedemption's picture
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Ha ha yeah that is preety much it.
Don't know how active the forum is, I posted there to see if I could get some folk in my friend list, as I went with a PS4 I have lost all my MS friends. Total friends gained 0. Got a couple from the Bungie Destiny forum and joined the 2o2p clan, but not blown over by the response. So I solo my way through the game. It passes time if nothing else and saves me from finishing those few games I have got for the console. The prices are still too high even second hand to collect on mass.

Mon, 02/23/2015 - 07:47
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Oops. I forgot about Destiny's Class items. They are a bit dressy and don't affect game play. Titans have this cloth thingy hanging from a belt. I call them ass rags. Hunters have capes and Warlocks have something else. The armour is generally equipped based on defence levels and additional attributes first and aesthetic second. It'll take too many words to describe why I don't consider the armour as dressy as Halo 3, Reach and 4.

Mon, 02/23/2015 - 19:51 (Reply to #5045)
zombiekitten's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

Oops. I forgot about Destiny's Class items. They are a bit dressy and don't affect game play. Titans have this cloth thingy hanging from a belt. I call them ass rags. Hunters have capes and Warlocks have something else. The armour is generally equipped based on defence levels and additional attributes first and aesthetic second. It'll take too many words to describe why I don't consider the armour as dressy as Halo 3, Reach and 4.

My brothers (and I lol) would still call it dress up, whether it changes game play or not. If you don't just turn on the game, and everyone is the same, it's not something I'd enjoy. I don't like having to earn anything other than MAYBE a "rank". Definitely don't like the idea of having to decide what to wear, carry, etc. Turn on game. Get party of 4-16 together. Pick game type. Press start. Shoot people, possibly capturing flags or territories, or planting bombs. Some people are better than others, but not because they've "earned" something or other. Just because they play smarter than me. Have fun. Repeat. 

This thread is the first place I look on the site too. Then I go to Halo forum and die a little inside.

I don't want this site to go away. Mostly because of this thread (right now). Hopefully it can hang on til H5 comes out, and hopefully H5 doesn't suck, and hopefully more people join and/or get active in the site and hopefully.... Ugh.


Mon, 02/23/2015 - 07:50
FreeRadikal's picture
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Destiny is great but the only reason I play is to hang out with certain people. Raids are okay but sometime its seems like you are just watching other people complete it while you tag along. I miss our clan nights because Halo allowed for lots of people to play together Destiny really restricts it to parties of 3 or 6, but mostly 3 its just not big enough to sustain a larger social clan.

I think with 2o2p there is a lot of competition for time, we have twitter, facebook, clan forums other websites with other forums, XBL messaging, texting, etc. And the push seems to be on content rather than community. Also with having a huge capacity for friends on XBL, the Xbox I think is starting to in a way replace the need to go outside of the Xbox to find people to play with. Having a full website devoted to forums might not be what people are gravitating too, especially when a lot of people use mobile devices to connect with each other rather than a computer. The web site has not changed to adapt and just could be out of touch with how technology has changed how we as people connect with each other.

Mon, 02/23/2015 - 17:41
Sherb's picture
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Maybe we should start up "Knight's Clanless Clan"?  laugh

Personally I've just gravitated away from consoles in general.  I never "upgraded" to the current gen systems (still on PS3 & x360, though no XBL) with most of my gaming on PC.  Aside from my 3 or 4 races that are typically scheduled each gaming in general has been a bit sporadic.  Been spending more time in the garage again...I really want to get the Corrado back on the road this summer...but I need to quit adding to the "project" list.  

I'm with Jones on this being the first place I stop when I log in.  I'll catch up in here, then go do a quick pass through a couple of the other relavent forums and see if there is any new chit chat.

Mon, 02/23/2015 - 21:10
DEEP_NNN's picture
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@ZK Well, I'm not trying to convince you a game is your cup of tea, just inform you. Some of the social aspects of Halo parties exist in TITANFALL, Destiny and World of Tanks albiet at a smaller scale. In some cases the smaller parties make for an even better social experience than with 16 like in Halo.

I hope Halo 5 gives us back the old days wrapped in a new package but then again, change is good too. To be honest, I hope Halo 5 is more like other games than old Halo. I feel trapped in old Halo.

Mon, 02/23/2015 - 22:20
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Were you involved with "The Vikings". It's going to be on soon.

Tue, 02/24/2015 - 03:58
KnightofRedemption's picture
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No mate, I was offered it but the money was dire, by the time I factored in travel and accommodation I would have come out with next to nothing. Same was true of Game of Thrones. Despite knowing the author and hobnobbing with the directors cast and crew prior to shooting the casting company they hired were the ones hiring here and same story. Unless you can get employed directly by the production company, the chances of making enough money to make it worth doing is depressingly low. So unless a shoot is close to home cutting out the travel and accommodation, or as occasionally happens these costs are covered I decline any offers.


Tue, 02/24/2015 - 07:29
FreeRadikal's picture
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MCC I still have hopes for, I'm bummed but I believe they will fix it. I will get Halo 5 because I think it will be a fun game. I am playing Dragon Age and Battlefield right now because I've hit the limit with Destiny and my clan. I complained to a long timer and he said you can't make people play with you. When it becomes chore to find people to help you get things done it's like, why should I feel like I have to beg. And after feeling I've had to beg for a couple months and then being told that I'm a complainer, I've had enough. I'm tired of apologizing to smooth things over, why do I feel like I'm the only one apologizing. So I'm taking a sabbatical so to speak. I can't even be my usual off the wall funny self so I've turned to twitter for that where everyone is off the wall and funny.

And to Knight I just think its cool that you do what you do. I really enjoy credit analysis, its amazing that we all do so many different things withour lives.

Tue, 02/24/2015 - 07:41 (Reply to #5052)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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FreeRadikal wrote:

MCC I still have hopes for, I'm bummed but I believe they will fix it. I will get Halo 5 because I think it will be a fun game. I am playing Dragon Age and Battlefield right now because I've hit the limit with Destiny and my clan. I complained to a long timer and he said you can't make people play with you. When it becomes chore to find people to help you get things done it's like, why should I feel like I have to beg. And after feeling I've had to beg for a couple months and then being told that I'm a complainer, I've had enough. I'm tired of apologizing to smooth things over, why do I feel like I'm the only one apologizing. So I'm taking a sabbatical so to speak. I can't even be my usual off the wall funny self so I've turned to twitter for that where everyone is off the wall and funny.

And to Knight I just think its cool that you do what you do. I really enjoy credit analysis, its amazing that we all do so many different things withour lives.

I am sort of leaning towards a scheduled Thursday night Crucible outing. No members or shit, just show and go. It kind of depends on whether MCC gets a working update soon.

Oh, and don't forget to leave your mandatory weekly post you know where.

And stop begging for my attention. ;)

Tue, 02/24/2015 - 07:33
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Video gaming is a dangerous sport!

I have a boo boo. I bruised my right index finger on the XB1 trigger. I was playing Destiny/Iron Banner and reacted so quickly I jammed my finger down on the corner of the trigger instead of its face. Instant pain!

Quite the bruise too. My wife just laughed. The world is unfair.

Tue, 02/24/2015 - 08:31
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Guys, IF MCC gets to working online, I volunteer to be the sacrificial meat target. Still learning to play the single player...

Tue, 02/24/2015 - 12:36
Sherb's picture
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All this Halo talk has me thinking about trying to fire up H4 again.  laugh

Tue, 02/24/2015 - 14:03
OldnAchy's picture
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I have a plan B that I can go to if this Desitny CC (clan crap) gets to be too much.  I dedicated a lot of my free time in the past (and I have a lot of free time) to running Halo campaign missions on Mythic difficulty -- solo, legendary, all skulls on, no deaths, each mission run in a single segment (no save, quit, and resume, which bypasses effect of Iron skull).  That "hobby" takes a lot of film review and practice and a lot of time.  I completed Reach and H4 campaigns this way and have 5 missions done in H3, 3 done in ODST, and 6 done in CEA.  So there is a lot out there waiting for me to complete.  What I would miss, obviously, is the social aspect of gaming. 

I have had experiences similar to those of Free in Destiny, although no one came out and called me a compainer, to my face anyway.  Unfortunately Destiny, with it's small social groups and teams has definitely brought out the downside of clan membership (had to really think hard how to word that).  For example:

-- when person A posts a desire to raid one evening and person B says sure I can help, then later says I didn't even know person A wanted to raid until he messaged me in game.

-- when person A posts a concern about clannies not helping other clannies and person B immediately posts that that is not true, we always help others before or after we do our thing (paraphrased there), then when messaged to help says no, I am going to raid with my normal team, which btw doesn't start until after person's A raid completes (after cobbling together a team over an extended period of time).  Not just one person B in this example btw.  The only way I can politely describe this example is lip service.

-- when person A notices clannies raiding CE normal and there are only 5, person A messages the fireteam leader and asks if the 6th spot is reserved for someone.  5 minutes later another fireteam member mesages back that they are waiting on person B but if anything changes they will let person A know.  Person A kinds of hangs out in Orbit and in the Tower, checks the roster about a half hour later and sees the fireteam completed, not by person B, but by person C.  What was worse was that clan leadership was involved in this example.

I could go on but you get the idea.  I was there when the "you can't make people play" quote was made.  I can't disagree with that but suggested that the leadership take a more active role in getting things organized.  Still waiting on that.

There are very few people in the group that I personally do not like to game with, but even with those few I have never resorted to the obviously shallow and juvenile behavior that I have witnessed recently with those who wish only to game within their own closed circle.  The way things are trending I don't think a fixed MCC or a really great H5 will ever recapture the great times this clan once had and that is really too bad.  I have made a number of friends in the 4 1/2 years that I have been a member there but feel like I now have to look outside of the group to socially game and/or advance in Destiny.  When I think about that I begin to question why I even maintain my membership.

Tue, 02/24/2015 - 14:34
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Ugh, my clan prejudices are getting too well fed. Stop feeding me, please.

I can attest, that after you leave a clan, your friends will remain. Even some who treated you poorly will eventually become friends again. Clans die but the people remain.


Wed, 02/25/2015 - 07:37
FreeRadikal's picture
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I appreciate what you say Achy, the clan has hit a low point. I'm not ditching them, I just need a break. Hopefully it'll turn around with H5, if not well I've met a lot of fun people to play with. On another note why does fora suck I thought it was the epitome of console simulation driving?

Wed, 02/25/2015 - 07:59
zombiekitten's picture
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If we could get some if you non-halo guys into halo I would be ridiculously happy!! :D

Thu, 02/26/2015 - 07:54 (Reply to #5060)
Parcells2's picture
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zombiekitten wrote:

If we could get some if you non-halo guys into halo I would be ridiculously happy!! :D

Be careful what you wish for.

Another reason why some people didn't purchase FM5 was you needed to purchase a new wheel in order to play it and good wheels cost as much as a console and game together. bla bla bla, it wasn't worth it for Parcells to shell out $1000.00 just to play FM5 when I knew going in the game only had about a third of the tracks from previous releases.

Thu, 02/26/2015 - 09:10 (Reply to #5061)
KnightofRedemption's picture
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Parcells2 wrote:

zombiekitten wrote:

If we could get some if you non-halo guys into halo I would be ridiculously happy!! :D

Be careful what you wish for.

Another reason why some people didn't purchase FM5 was you needed to purchase a new wheel in order to play it and good wheels cost as much as a console and game together. bla bla bla, it wasn't worth it for Parcells to shell out $1000.00 just to play FM5 when I knew going in the game only had about a third of the tracks from previous releases.

Yeah that was a killer right enough Parcells.

Kat I'm sure some point down the line probebly when the 360 that is used by my better half dies I'll get a Xbone and look out Halo again, maybe despite being other sides of the pond we'll finally meet up online :)

Wed, 02/25/2015 - 08:13
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Umm, Forza 5 was a ground up new build.

The driving physics and graphics are awesome.

But, honestly, all the goodies we were used to in 4 are mostly gone, or more accurately weren't created and that has a lot of  people bummed.

Initially there were less tracks, and less cars, and they did add a few more tracks for free. Leads me to think they were really pressed for time with the console release.

Also, the UI is not real intuative and very different at times from the previous one.

But honestly, it doesn't sound near as bad as som eof the other games I hear in the forums.

Truthfully, it's not a bad game, it's just not as versatile as the previous version and everyone expects 6 to reclaim alot of the fun stuff.

Edit: add in that many haven't bought a console yet, because of cost and/or the talk about 5 so thos ethat have are having a hard time finding others to race with, which is putting some hurt on the forza group as a whole, and then some bought a PSwhatever and that's not helping either...

Wed, 02/25/2015 - 11:41 (Reply to #5063)
SoulTerror's picture
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Oldschool 2o4f wrote:

Umm, Forza 5 was a ground up new build.

The driving physics and graphics are awesome.

But, honestly, all the goodies we were used to in 4 are mostly gone, or more accurately weren't created and that has a lot of  people bummed.

Initially there were less tracks, and less cars, and they did add a few more tracks for free. Leads me to think they were really pressed for time with the console release.

Also, the UI is not real intuative and very different at times from the previous one.

But honestly, it doesn't sound near as bad as som eof the other games I hear in the forums.

Truthfully, it's not a bad game, it's just not as versatile as the previous version and everyone expects 6 to reclaim alot of the fun stuff.

Edit: add in that many haven't bought a console yet, because of cost and/or the talk about 5 so thos ethat have are having a hard time finding others to race with, which is putting some hurt on the forza group as a whole, and then some bought a PSwhatever and that's not helping either...



FM5 was a good game. I had played them all and I feel the physics were the best in 5. I put down some of my best times in that game. Few times I was in the top 1000 which I thought was pretty good. I missed the market place.


I have since moved to PS4 and been keeping my eye on PCars in hope it's as good as it looks.

Wed, 02/25/2015 - 09:13
Vix_Sundown's picture
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Ah, clan dynamics...

Being honest with myself, having previously been a big driver or at least a contributor to clan conflict, I can relate. Being pretty removed from the situation now though and looking back, I just ask myself, "Why did I take things so seriously?"

In every grouping of humans, there is going to be favorites. It's unavoidable. Clan leaders aren't immune to that either, because they're only human. I wasn't there, but I'm pretty sure no one thought to themselves, "Let's see if we can make this person feel excluded." It can still happen though. When it's everybody's responsibility to help each other, and at the same time nobody's responsibility, that can happen.

Deep is right. Clans kind of come and go, but friendships remain. Am I still in the clan? I think I am. Not sure if I'm still legit though, since I haven't been to the new site and don't play Destiny. I hope I'm still in, but I don't worry about how included I feel anymore. Some of the friends that I've gotten from the clan have lasted with me, and that I'm thankful for.

A friend of mine started a "Gotham City Impostors" clan with me and some others. So I've gotten to see what it's like being to be an admin. A taste of the clan leader life, and it's not as simple as I thought it would be. I'm not big on making rules, but right off the bat we needed ground rules against douchey (doucheful?) behavior, with a process of what to do with rude members. Stuff like that I had never thought about before, and it makes me appreciate the good things that the leadership of Clan-Destined has done.

In my GCI group, I know it's important to make everyone feel like they are liked, listened to, and that they belong. That hasn't been too hard so far, because the group is small. When it gets bigger and little cliques start popping up - with some people liking some more than others or being passive aggressive about partying up with those they don't like - how to handle that? I don't know yet.

Achy - that doesn't directly relate to the problem you are describing. It's just a few random thoughts. I hope you are able to resolve things, somehow.

Wed, 02/25/2015 - 10:22
FreeRadikal's picture
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Hey Vix how you doin? Long time no see. I agree with your post as well but as a leader in anything you have to take on the responsibility of hand holding and putting out fires, you have constantly work On herding cats and dealing with politics. It's the same thing as beng head of a household, a business or a social group. That's the role you volunteer for when you want create something and when you decide you can't or don't want to deal with it anymore then the cohesion suffers. 

Wed, 02/25/2015 - 11:08
Vix_Sundown's picture
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Doing well, thanks :)

I agree with you, Free. I'm not sure what frustration you are feeling exactly but you're right - taking a break from things for a while does usually help.

"Humans. What strange creatures."

Wed, 02/25/2015 - 11:52
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Back in ancient times I was part of a clan called GNG, (starcraft and then counterstrike) and we always led with one simple rule, don't even offer up anyone for membership if you wouldn't invite them into your own living room. And surprisingly this, as simple as it sounds, worked like a charm for a long time.

The group is looking hard at PCars both console and PC I think. It looks to have a lot of pure racing options which appeals greatly to the group for organized races.

Wed, 02/25/2015 - 13:08
KnightofRedemption's picture
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Yeah I think the console release debacle had quite an impact, I got a PS for the first time so good or bad Forza was out the window, and unpopular as it is in certain circles PC racing was just a total eye opener for me, but that has its down sides too. So many different sims split the community and the complexity of it is understandably off putting for many. I do miss the good old days, I had a lot of fun running Forza here and enjoyed running the odd series and supporting others, the group was amazing and I count many of them as friends, but the only way was down from such lofty heights I guess. Maybe pCars will be the next big thing to last a few years, though sadly with no cross platform racing that diversification of platforms would still be an issue.

Thu, 02/26/2015 - 06:48
FreeRadikal's picture
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For me I just prefer console gaming, it's simpler and I can sit back in my comfy chair and relax. 

Thu, 02/26/2015 - 07:56
FreeRadikal's picture
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Math, it always comes down to math.

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