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Thu, 09/25/2014 - 12:50
KuruptU4Fun1976's picture
Last seen: 9 years 11 months ago
Joined: 10/23/2007 - 23:00

Raven there's this new thing called paragraphs, makes things easier to read dude!!!

Thu, 11/13/2014 - 15:57
Raven Starbinder's picture
Last seen: 9 months 4 weeks ago
Joined: 06/06/2012 - 20:50

  The fighting withdrawl went badly with a loss of 1 battalion of mechs for the 9th Alshain Regulars 3 battlions after the initial engagement.  About 85 % of the mechwarriors from the battlion that were defeated in the intial engagement with Clan Ghost Bear managed to eject before their mechs were destroyed. They were captured and along with the Commando pilot that had accepted the challenge with the elemental point. They were made bondsman and they were Isorla in Clan Ghost Bear.

  The ODBG managed to take out 3 Clan Ghost Bear mechs before Gen. Paine called for an retreat due to lack of ammuntion reports from all the 4 Lances. The 9th proceeded further into the jungle to escape the Clan Ghost Bear Trinary Galaxy and Alpha Galaxy mechs.  As a last resort Gen. Paine called the Old Dragon's Wrath to set up for artillary strikes from the drop shop.  Twenty long range artillary vehicles disimbarked from the Dropship, when they were ready Gen. Paine ordered a series of strikes in front of the pursueing Clan forces to cover the ODBG retreat from the battlefield.  A series of 20 smoke signals appeared in front of the leading clan forces and after that a series of explosions occured in front of their leading mechs. The result was that 1 more Clan mech from that same Assault Star got caught in the artillary explosion radius was destroyed and the rest of the  Clan mechs were damaged.  Then saKhan DelVillar called for an halt in the advanced before anymore Clan Ghost Bear forces were damaged or destroyed.

  Clan Ghost Bear had lost 4 out of 5 mechs from one of their Assault Stars from 310th's Assault Trinary at that point and Gen. Paine managed to catch up to the 9th Regulars 15 km away. Where they were resting for an moment and leting their mechs cool down and conducting any fast repairs they could do in and couple of hours before moving to the next nav point Beta.  After 2 hours of rest the 9th Regulars and the ODBG moved to nav point Beta another 30 km away to the northeast.  The 20 Artillary units and the 2 remaining Lances that stayed behind boarded the Old Dragon's Wrath, the Overlord Dropships lifted off to meet at nav point Beta. Where they setup and ambush for the Clan forces that would follow them, laying mines and explosives around an area of 20 km from nav point Beta.  Artillary units from the 9th Regulars and ODBG setup with range of the mined area.  That night Gen. Paine setup sensor pods and long running UAV's on the parameter of Mine field outside of camp Beta. End of Day 1 of the battle for the planet Jarrett.

  Then next morning Gen. Paine order the 6 RVS-SDW's armed with 2 nose mounted Ultra AC5's, 2 nose mounted ER Large Lasers, 6 wing mounted Medium Lasers, 2 wing mounted SRM 6's, 24 Double Heat Sinks and 2 top rotating turret mounted AMS units to get feuled up and ready to scramble after the parameter sensor alarms went off.  After they scambled they noticed that the Clan forces were beginning to advance forward towards nav point Beta and notified Gen. Paine.  Gen. Paine notified Tai-sa Sonia Zev of the advancing Clan forces and all 6 Lances from the ODBG prepared for battle along with the 9th Alshain Regulars.  The 6 RVS-SDW's witnessed the first Clan light mechs from the 1st Bear Guards walk into the mine field 20 km away from nav Beta 10 minutes after that. The first 2 Clan light mechs walked into the mine field and had their leg blown off and died as the legged Clan mechs landed on more mines.  When the Heavy mechs started to arrive into the area with hidden high explosives the RVS-SDW's waited until they were fully in, then they remote detonated the explosives.  The massive explosions could be seen and heard from nav point Beta camp, 1 Clan mech from that 310 Assault Trinary Assault Star that had 4 of its members killed the day before was destoryed. Another 5 Clan Assault mech from a different Assault Star had survived the explosions and were hurt, the 6 RVS-SDW's flew down and conducted strafing runs with their weapons to finishing off one survivor before retreating due to returning fire. 

  Then the artillary bombardment began as the 6 RVS-SDWs would relay target information to the artillary units that would attack the areas.  The result was another Clan Assault mech from Assault Star that was damaged in the were badly damaged in the previous explosions. This went on for 2 to 3 hours while the base was being evacuated and the mechs were being repaired in Mobile Mech Repair Bays.  The preparation for the move to nav point Delta was being done and ODBG prepard to perform another fighting withdrawl when the order is given this time all 6 Lances. The Clan forces managed to finally break through the mine field and explosive areas, but not without taking 1 Star worth of losses.  The saKhan DelVillar ordered an withdrawl back to their original base.

Part 2



Fri, 09/26/2014 - 18:20
PoltegIce's picture
Last seen: 9 years 4 months ago
Joined: 10/25/2006 - 23:00
Screw it crammer and stuff is 4 sukorz. I don't know nuttin bouts it either. Just pretend its wat I do.
Tue, 11/18/2014 - 16:37
Raven Starbinder's picture
Last seen: 9 months 4 weeks ago
Joined: 06/06/2012 - 20:50

  Gen. Paine noticed the withdrawl of the Clan forces and asked Tai-sa Sonia Zev to start preparations for a withdrawl to nav point Charlie so they could leave in a few hours.  During that time Ravens Overlord Dropship salvage crew went into the area where the destroyed Clan mechs were after the area was clear.  They found an intact Clan CASE unit, Clan Ferro-Fibrous Armor, Clan Endo Steel, and Clan Targeting Computer.  With all the preparations made to leave, all the Mobile Mech Repair Bays disassembled and placed in the Dropships as well as other essential equipment clear away. Sonia Zev order and withdrawl to nav point Charlie.  All mechs boarded the Dropships then they all the took off for nav point Charlie 40 km north with the 6 Ravens Shadows flying cover for the Dropships.  

  saKhan DelVillar had to find a way minimize her losses or she would never live this down and in the meantime the Dropships landed safely on nav point Charlie within a few hours and setup base camp again and before the evening Gen. Paine setup the sensor pods again 30 km from Camp Charlie. The end if day 2 for the fight for the planet Jarrett. 

  The next morning was quiet and peacefull with no alarms and Gen. Paine was concerned and scrambled the RVS-SDW's to investigate the situation and the RVS-SDW's discovered craters where the sensor pods were suppose to be.  Then they saw 10 Clan Xerxes Heavy Aerospace Fighters in the distance closing in on them. They reported back this information back to Gen. Paine and Raven contacted the Jumpship in orbit and order the remaining 18 RVS-SDW's to scamble and aid the other six pilots.  All of sudden 18 more Ravens Shadows appeared in the sky heading towards the other 6 RVS-SDW's.  Gen. Paine asked Raven " Where did those fighters come from? " and Raven replied " My secret and my gift to the ODBG".  The 24 RVS-SDWs broke into 4 Squadrons and took on the 10 Ghost Bear Xerxes Heavy Aerospace Fighters.  The battle was fierce and after a few minutes 3 of the Ghost Bear Heavy Aerospace Fighters were shot down by the 24 RVS-SDW's the rest bugged out of the area.  Some of the RVS-SDW's took nominal damage but they had aerial superiority of the battlefield.

Part 3


Thu, 11/13/2014 - 16:04
Raven Starbinder's picture
Last seen: 9 months 4 weeks ago
Joined: 06/06/2012 - 20:50

  Gen. Paine after hearing of the aerial victory was overjoyed and passed on the news to Tai-sa Sonia Zev and she said " Those RVS-SDW's are a god sent, they are exacty what we need to keep their Heavy Aerospace Fighters out of the battles".   All of the Clan Aerospace Pilots managed to eject and were captured by the RVS-SDW's pilots.  When saKhan heard the news of her Xerxes Heavy Aerospace Fighters defeat to the Inner Sphere Barbarians Heavy Aerospace Fighters, she ordered an halt to any advance until she could neutralize this enemy advantage. She heard from her observers that her Star Commander that was leading the Star of Heavy Aerospace Fighters and 2 of his subordinants were captured by the Inner Sphere Barbarians this infuriated her. She only had one Star of Xerxes Heavy Aerospace Fighters with her, she thought it would have been enough to take Jarrett when she made the Bid.  

  SaKhan DelVillar wanted to bring in Naval Assets but after Turtle Bay when Clan Smoke Jaguar used Naval Assets for planetary bombardment in the first wave. There was an huge backlash from within the Clans and outside for Clan Smoke Jaguar's barbaric actions in Turtle Bay. Clan Wolf was the first to remove any Naval Assets from their Bids and all the other Clans were honor bound to follow suit. All Naval Assets were removed from the Bids of each Clan.  She did not want to bring dishonor upon Clan Ghost Bear by using Naval Assets.

  The RVS-SDW's pilots secretly called Raven for an transport and Raven sent a troop carrier transport from his Dropship to the location.  The Clan Ghost Bear Aerospace pilots were secretly brought to Raven hidden amongst the salvage and when Raven meet them in a secret room inside his Dropship. When Raven finally got to meet them they said " Take us as your bondsman and we will serve you to the best of our abilities.". Raven started by saying " You could start by explaining how your technology works and show me how to reproduce it." and the pilots responded " We are honor bound to do everything within our ability to do as you ask.".  Raven asked " When do the Technician Caste come out to inspect the damaged mechs in the field." and the Star Commander replied " I have a few comrads, in the Technician Caste and I know that they usually come out a few hours after the field is free of the enemy."

  Raven sealed off his Dropship temporary maintenance while the 3 Clan Ghost Bear Pilots were assessing the level of the technology that Dropship and RVS-SDW's had.  They suggested a few improvements they could easily do in the machine shop on board the Dropship, Raven allowed them access.  By that night Enhance Imaging was added to the Neurohelmets for all the RVS-SDW's and Raven's Mechs. One of the Clan Aerospace Pilots was a Star Commader who was in charge of the Xerxes Heavy Aerospace Fighter Star for 1st Bear Guards (17th Battle Trinary, Alpha Galaxy).

  The Star Commander and his 2 subordinant mechwarrior aerospace pilots helped Raven to solve one of the puzzle of Clan Technology and Raven documented all this information. Raven made a another complete copy of this information and that night went to the Jumpship with an escort of 6 RVS-SDW's and the troop carrier transport that was carrying the his bondsman after doing his 4 hour parameter secuirity shift. On the Jumpship he stored a copy of the information on the Master Computer Core of the Jumpship and triple encrypted it and password protected it.  He asked his bondsman to improve the Jumpship if they could and Raven allowed them access to areas they need to go with the supervision of his loyal retainers.

  The rest of the day went without incident while the defenders were setting up their defences in preparation for another attack.  The defenders relaxed a little, but always stayed vigilant another day passed without incident. The salvage crew from Ravens Dropship move to the area where the Clan Xerxes Heavy Aerospace Fighters crashed and found a intact Ultra AC20, 340 Fusion power plant, and Targeting Computer, then they planted more sensor pods around the area again. Then returned to the Dropship safely, the night went by without incident but each Company from the ODBG took guard duty around base parameter in 4 hour shifts. That was the end of day 3 for the fight for the planet Jarrett.

Part 4

Tue, 11/18/2014 - 16:42
Raven Starbinder's picture
Last seen: 9 months 4 weeks ago
Joined: 06/06/2012 - 20:50

  The morning of the 4th day began with with quiet again in the nav point Charlie base camp. Raven land back on the planet Jarrett  the next morning after a few hours of sleep. The Clan forces tried to take out the sensor pods again this time Gen. Paine set them full of high explosives.  They were set off and the explosions killed the 10 Clan Elemental Units that were sent to destroy the sensor pods. In total 10 Elemental Units out of 25 were killed.  That set off the alarms in Base Camp Charlie as the explosions could be heard from the parameter where the sensor pods were placed.  At that point everyone scambled to get to thier mechs and RVS-SDW's.  SaKhan DelVillar called off the attack, she lost the element of surprise and 10 out of 25 Elementals were lost in the attempt.  She gave a nod of respect to Gen. Paine for his cleverness in thinking of this plan. When the RVS-SDW's arrived they found craters and elemental suit debris around the craters and reported back to Gen. Paine. Gen. Paine reported back to Tai-sa Sonia Zev and told her what had occurred.

  After Raven heard about the Elemental units, he assembled a team of 6 of his loyal Ninja retainers from his Dropship Midnight and went to the location where sensor pods were destroyed in an ECM equipped transport and hid close by with his 6 loyal retainers waiting for the Technician Caste to come and investigate the incident.  Raven brought his custom made 37 in Ferro-Steel w/ Diamond Weave Katana, and the Black Shinobi Shozoku. All of his retainers had the same Shinobi Shozoku, they also came armed with laser sidearms and the traditonal Ninja weapons as well. The Technician Caste finally came after a couple of hours after Raven arrived in an large transport.  As they Technicians came out to inspect the site, they were followed by 14 warrior caste guards. Raven waited unit the Technicians started their survey of the site.

  That is when Raven gave the word, Raven and his 6 Ninja retainers and quietly approached the guards from behind and ran their hand Ashiko's across the throats of the 7 warrior caste guards while covering their months and breaking their necks at the same time.  Then they killed other 7 Guards the same way. All the  Warrior Caste Guards died very quietly without a sound, then Raven and his 6 retainers went to Technician Caste, then pulled their sidearms out and ordered the 10 unarmed Technicians to give them access to the computer on the heavy transport. Raven ordered the head Technician to unencrypt the database and login with no deception.  Raven finally got access to the computer core and downloaded all the information on an portable drive it took a few minutes but it was worth it. The large transport was large enough to hold 1 mech and had a repair bay as well.  The database contained information as well as specification on the all of the Clans Weapons, Mechs, Armor, ECM, Engines, and other Clan Equipment as well as specifications on manufacturing infrastructure.  After that was done the Technicians asked Raven to take them as his bondsman, Raven took the 10 Technicians with him and placed the bodies of the 14 Warrior Caste Guards in the transport and set the fusion reactor engine on overload and left the area in the ECM transport they brought. The explosion occurred 10 minutes later and the large transport was destroyed and they made it back to base camp Charlie safely and secretly hid the 10 Technicians in his Dropship Moonlight.

  They planned to move again, they did not know when the Clan forces were going to come again.  They prepared to move again breaking down and cleaning up all the Mobile Mech Repair Bays, tents, vehicles, and supplies into the Dropships.  They prepared to had to nav point Delta another 40 km away to the northeast. When they were ready that evening left in the Dropships for nav point Delta with the Raven's Shadows flying cover again.  A few hours later the elemental units that saKhan DelVillar sent reported back that the defenders had left their base camp and were gone again, saKhan vowed that she would catch Gen. Paine and make him her bondsman. Back at nav pont Delta base camp everything was setup again and the sensor pods were placed 25 km away from the camp. Patrols were watching the parameter in 4 hour shifts. Another night passed without any incident and day 4 came to an end for the defenders of planet Jarrett.  

Part 5



Fri, 12/05/2014 - 15:44
Raven Starbinder's picture
Last seen: 9 months 4 weeks ago
Joined: 06/06/2012 - 20:50

  This constant moving and attacking went on for next 5 days and by them the 9th Alshain Regulars were down to 3 companies from 3 battalions. Many of the defeated mechwarriors were captured by the Clan Ghost Bear mechwarriors and made their bondsman.  Over that period many of the ODBG mechs were heavily damaged and needed repairs badly, but were still functional.  The ODBG offered to take the Dropships of the 9th Ashlain Regulars on to their Jumpship and leave the system.  After the final preparations were made to leave all 5 Overlord Dropship launched into orbit and docked with the Jumpship and Jumped back into safe Draconis Combine Space. After that the 9th Ashlain Regulars left for another Jumpship heading for Lutherin to report their loss of the planet Jarrett to the Clan Ghost Bear forces. Not before saying their farewells to the ODBG and thanking them for their help for they would have all been captured or perished at the hands of Clan Ghost Bear without the ODBG.

  In total it cost saKhan DelVillar 1 1/2 Assault Stars from her 310th Assault Trinary (Trinary Galaxy). Half of her Star of Xerxes Heavy Aerospace Fighters (5 out of 10), nearly half of her Star of Elementals (12 out of 25), and nearly half of her Light Star (2 out of 5) from the 1st Bear Guard ( Alpha Galaxy). To capture control of the planet Jarrett from the 9th Ashlain Regulars and Old Dragon Battle Group. They did gain many new bondsman in the process. But one bondsman that she really wanted Gen. Jonathan Paine of the Old Dragon Battle Group still eluded her. 

  After Jarrett Raven took sometime away from the ODBG to take care of some business affairs, He took the Jumpship Eclipse along with his Dropship Midnight back to his corporate headquarters. Raven secretly took the Clan Ghost Bear Star Commander and his subordinants as well as the Technicians, to help produce Clan technology in his factories.  Over the next week the Clan Ghost Bear Technicians and pilots proved very honorable in keeping their word in cooperating fully. They improved the factories and other facilities on all the 3 moons.

  They were in Raven's private quarter's when they saw the Order of the Star League metal around Raven's neck.  They asked Raven "Where did you get that metal", Raven replied "Why do you ask?". The Star Commander said "The Order of the Star League metal was given to those who were truly worthy during the Star League Era" and Raven replied "Really my ancestory was that special to receive this metal". Then Raven remembered the Old Star League Era Holorecording of the metal ceremony and Hologram of his ancestor Yamayousai Chikara. Raven left for a minute and came back with the Old Star League Era Holorecording and a Hologram. Raven showed the Star Commander and his suboardinant the Old Holorecording for the metal ceremony where his ancestor is receiving the Order of the Star League from Gen. Aleksandr Kerensky himself for his brave actions in defending the Gen. in the Amaris civil war  in 2765. The Star Commander and his subordinants watch in awe as Gen. Alek. Kerensky placed the Order of the Star League around Lord Yamayousa Chikara neck and personally thanked him for his bravery. They looked at Raven and the Holorecording, they could not believe their eyes an actual genetic re-incarnation a freeborn one at that the chances were astronomically high to achieve one.  

  The Star Commander asked with pride "Would you accept us into your Clan Raven" and Raven replied "It would be my honor to accept you and the others into my Clan". Raven was secretly hoping that they would ask to join his Clan and he got his wish. The Star Commander thought that amongst the inner sphere barbarians that such a noble blood hertiage and superior gentics still remained. That Raven's genetic sample even deserved to be stored in the Ghost Bear Legacy. After that Raven safely hid the Old Star League Era Holorecording and Hologram again. Raven introduced his new Clan members to his three sister's, they welcomed them into the Clan. The Technicians also joined the Raven's Clan and immensely helped in adapting Raven's factories, Capital Shipyard Drydocks, and Spaceports to Clan level production.  

  Also during that time the 9th Ashlain Regulars commanding officer Tai-sa Sonia Zev gave a report to the Coordinator regarding the loss of planet Jarrett. They stated that without the valiant efforts of the ODBG many many more of her mechwarriors would have been captured or killed. After the report the Coordinator dismissed the Tai-sa from his pressence and took into consideration the efforts of the ODBG on planet Jarrett.

  During the next 4 months Raven finished off another degree in Chemical Engineering that he had started in the beginning of the year. The factories, Capital Shipyard Drydocks, Raven's Personal Monolith Jumpship and Overlord Dropship were overhauld to complete the total Clan makeover. The factories could now produce true Clan Weapons, XL Engines, ECM units, Double Heat Sinks, Targeting Computers, Endo Steel, Ferro-Fibrous Armor, Triple Strength Myomer, MASC and Ferro-Aluminum Armor.  The older RVS-SDW's were taken apart for parts and recycled. They converted 1 Capital Shipyard Drydock into an orbital factory totally dedicated to Endo Steel. A new batch of  24 RVS-SDW's were made from scratch having an Endo Steel Frame, XL 340 Engine, Ferro-Aluminum Armor, ECM Unit, Targeting Computer, 18 Double Heat Sinks, 2 Ultra AC5's, 2 ER Large Lasers, 2 SRM Streak 6's, 6 ER Medium Lasers and 2 AMS Units. The Ultra AC5's had 2 tons of ammo each and the SRM Streak 6's had 1 ton of ammo each. This was all due to help of the Technicians and the Aerospace Fighter Pilots as well as the Clan Database the Raven obtained on the planet Jarrett. 

  The 10 Technicians from Clan Ghost Bear Technician Caste helped Raven to build 5 more factories convert 5 of his factories into Aerospace Fighter production factories and 10 of his factories into Jumpship as well as Warship production factories. Then 2 of the Captial Shipyard Drydocks were combined to make one giant one that was capable of producing Battleships and built another normal Capital Shipyard Drydock to replace the one that was used. The number of automated worker bees was increased to 3000 for that major Capital Shipyard Drydock. They had automated the factories so they could go 24 hrs a day in production without stopping. The Construction Workers, Engineers, ande Labours from the FRR still had a role in quatlity control and working on finer systems and equipment. The Technicians install atmospheric scrubbers to clear the pollution from the 15 factories. Chemical Neutralizers and Recyclers to kill all the hazardous chemical by products and recycle any chemicals they could use in other production. The Overlord Dropships mech bays were modified so that the bay size was reduced and could only hold 24 mechs instead of the 36 mechs.  The fighter bay was expanded to hold 12 Aerospace Fighters.

  Raven was glad his late adopted father moved to leave FRR space when he first heard of the attacks in the Periphery.  The ODBG needed time to repair and prepare for the Clans much better this time. By the end of June. The new batch of 24 Raven's Shadows had been completed and the Monolith Jumpship Eclipse as well as the Overlord Dropship Midnight were completely done now with true Clan tech.  During that time Raven's sisters had grown fond of the Clan Ghost Bear pilots.  His oldest sister married the Star Commander and the 2 other sisters married the 2 suboardinants. The 3 Ghost Bear Pilots approved of the marriages as well since their Khans in Clan Ghost Bear were a married couple.  The 3 Clan Ghost Bear Pilots found Raven's sisters worthy due to their superior genetics in their intellect, athletic prowess, physical stature, and beauty.  They were truly a part of Ravens Clan now.

  In beginning of July 3050 with the help of the Clan Ghost Bear Technicians they managed to cracked the Clan frequencies and found out what kind of garrisons the Clan occupied worlds had. Using adopted father Yakuza connections they managed to find out when the next Technician Caste visit would be for the planet Chupadero. They prepared an identical ship and crew uniforms to replace the ship they were going to hijack. The Technicians told Raven about all the protocols and procedures that the Technician Caste followed. Raven made sure to add a Lithium-Fusion battery where 2 docking bays would have been so the Monolith Jumpship, when they completely refurbished it to Clan Standards. The Monolith Jumpship would be capable of make multiple jumps in a short period of time. They jumped in from Jeronimo waited just outside the system in the Jumpship Eclipse within a debris and asteriod field where the local conditions play havoc with sensors for the next 2 days. The Technicians would arrive in an Leopard Dropship close to the location. When the Leopard Dropship carrying the Technicians arrived and passed close to the debris and asteroid field. Raven sent out the 24 newly made RVS-SDW's out with their ECM on jamming to stop any transmissions from getting out. The Ravens Shadows systematically took out the engines, weapons, and communications, then Raven took a boarding party and boarded them using a troop transport.

  Raven boarded the Leopard Dropship, the boarding party took out the Warrior Caste Guards first. To Raven's surprise there were 5 Scientist Caste members along with the 10 Technician Caste members. Raven then told the Technicians and Scientists " I will spare your lives if you swear to be my bondsman".  All 10 Technicians and 5 Scientists agreed to be his bondsman and serve him. They told Raven everything about their mission and Raven downloaded all of the Clan Smoke Jaguar information from their computers.  The damaged Leopard Dropship was docked with the Jumpship Eclipse.  Then Raven took a his 10 Technicians from Clan Ghost Bear and took the other Leopard Dropship they prepared in advance. They headed towards Chupadero to assume the mission of the previous crew with his retainers, Clan Ghost Bear brothers and Technicians 

  They reached the orbit of Chupadero and transmitted the codes to the planet and waited for reply.  The codes they got from the original Technicians worked and they got landing coordinates in the spaceport by the capital city. They landed and disimbarked, they were greeted by an security detachment and Raven's Technicians showed the proper clearance papers. They were directed to the main mech hanger bays where they were ask to inspect the mechs that just arrived to see if their are any issues. In the mech hanger bay a Star of Assault Mechs were there waiting to be taken. The Direwolf, Timberwolf, Warhawk, Kitfox, and Stormcrow were just standing there without pilots. Also another Assault Star of mechs was in there.

  Raven accessed the main Clan Computers and downloaded everything he could on his portable drive which had Terra Quads of drive capacity.  While they were inspecting the assault mechs the Technicians placed small explosive charge next to the reaction control regulator for the fusion power plants. Luckily the mech hanger bays were a good distance away from any population centers and only true Clan personnel were allowed in the area. When they were done they told the Star Commander in charge that all the Assualt Mechs were in fine condition and left to head back to the Leopard DropShip to leave.  Raven made it back to the Leopard Dropship and asked for permission to leave and they got the permission shortly afterwards. They took off in the Leopared Dropship and headed out to the Jumpship Eclipse. Raven had set the small explosive charges to go off if the pilot powered up the mechs and the fusion reaction would build until it went critical and overloaded.  After Raven had left Chupadero's atmosphere and on his way out He spotted a brillant flash of a explosion on one of the continents. Raven knew that the poor Clan Smoke Jaguar Mechwarriors powered up the Assault Star Mechs. Raven knew that the other Star was most likely caught in the resulting explosion and destroyed.

  Raven made it back to the Jumpship Eclipse and Jumped to a safe system. They eventually jumped back to Corporate Headquarters in a few days. He reported back to his Yakuza contact that the sabatoge mission was a success Clan Smoke Jaguar was two Assault Star of Mechs less on Chupadero.  The news spread, the Coordinator was thrilled with the news that the resistance on Chupadero was making a difference with the help of the Yakuza. Raven got 10 more Clan Technicians and 5 Clan Scientists, on top of all the data on Clan Smoke Jaguar's Mechs, Weapons, Warships, Eqiupment, Systems, and other sensitive Clan information.  Back in the Corporate headquarters he integrated the 10 new Technicians and 5 Scientists from Clan Smoke Jaguar into his Clan and Company. The Scientist were put in charge of the new R & D  department to continue their work in Clan Technology projects they were working on for Clan Smoke Jaguar. This along with the Clan Ghost Bear and Clan Smoke Jaguar Databases that Raven obtained. Raven is able to produce Clan Warships with Clan Naval Weaponary, Jumpships and Dropships.

  Raven asked his 20 Technicians and 5 Scientists to design a brand new Battlecarrier that was capable of holding 656 Heavy Aerspace Fighters on 3 separate Flight decks.  It had to be able to carry heavy navel weapons as well as conventional weapons and had to be manueverable. First Raven asked his Scientists and Technicians to design a Satellite Defence Platform Systems to guard the moons and local planet. 

 By the beginning of September 3050, 20 Satellite Defence Platforms were built with Clan grade naval weaponary and Clan conventional weaponary.  They were placed in orbit of the of the 3 moons and the planet guarding them. Each platform had 2 Heavy Naval Gausses, 2 Naval AC/40's, 2 Heavy Naval PPC's, 2 AR-10 Capital Missile Launchers ( 20 Killer Whales , 40 White Sharks, 80 Barracudas ), 3 LRM 20's, 6 ER PPC's, 6 ER Large Lasers,  6 Gauss Rifles, 200 Clan Double Heat Sinks, 15 AMS Systems and Ferro-Carbide Armor. The plans for the BattleCarrier were complete and the superstructure was already 20% complete with the 3000 automated worker bee's working nonstop day and night. They were taking warship grade hardened armor plate pieces coming out of the Factory and welding them together to form the superstructure. The Clan Scientists and Technicians were personally overseeing the massive project. Raven had also built 12 squadrons of RVS-SDW's (72).

  The Other 10 factories were producing the Lamellor Ferro-Carbide Armor, Naval Grade weapons, Conventional weapons, Electronic Computer Systems, JumpDrives, Solar Sails, Lithium-Fusion Battery, Double Heat Sinks, and the remaining RVS-SDW's Squadrons for the BattleCarrier. Also by September 3050, Raven finally achieved a working stealth body armor suit that his late adopted father had been working on his entire life. The break throught came when Raven captured the 5 Scientists caste members they started to research the idea of a stealth body armor suit. They used studied the Electromagetic Wave Absorption of many metals and materials as well as how ECM would benefit the suit.  Then they studied the Enhanced Imaging Technology how the Neurocircuitry worked.

 They came up a stealth body armor suit, that had very small and compact ECM unit built into the suit with a short range. The suit was voice activated like the Clan Elemental Suits Controls. The suit had Nanotech Neurocircuitry running throughout the suit providing full ECM coverage for the entire suit. Also using Electromagnetic Wave Spectrum Absorption materials with a Outer Shell of Ferro-Titanium w/ Diamond Weave, Laminated with an Electromagnetic Wave Spectrum Absorption Coating.  The Outer Shell of Ferro-Titanium w/ Diamond Weave had a Laminated Electromagnetic Metamaterial layer which emitted a certain Electromagnetic Field that scattered any other waves creating a Cloaking Field at the user request. The compact ECM device would generate the specific Electromagnetic Field and transmit that field using the Nanotech Neurocircuitry running throughout the suit to render user invisible. The Laminated Electromagnetic Metamaterial Layer was just underneath the Laminated Electromagnetic Wave Spectrum Absorption Coating that blocks out any other spectrum. The Neurohelmet had Night Vision, Thermal Vision, and Enhanced Magnification Vision along with Enhanced Imaging. The suit design was very aerodynamic and sleek while still being light enough for the average physically fit man or woman to wear without any problems.  

  The forearms had blades that could retractable on the sides to defend against swords and other weapons.  The hands had built in retractable Neko-te (Finger Claws) and retractable Shuko (Palm Climbing Claws). The feet had retractable Ashiko (Foot Climbing Claws) and retractable toe blade. The suit had anti-radiation shielding built-in as well because the wearer would be exposed the different Electromagnetic Wave Spectrums to keep the exposure to very safe levels.  Raven wanted to test this theory in the field in sneak attack on a prisoner convoy heading out of Jeronimo that was carrying Draconis Combine Mechwarriors.  Raven had several set of suits made for his boarding party each member had their suits custom made to their size. Using his Yakuza contact Raven got the schedule of the prisoner transport departure.  Raven discovered what kind of escort the convoy were going to have, prepared by converting the last 4 small craft bays into hanger bays for his Ravens Shadows.

 The Monolith Jumpship Eclipse could carry 60 RVS-SDW's in its 6 small craft bays. The Overlord Dropship Midnight held the boarding craft and 12 RVS-SDW's. Jumped to a location just outside the Jeronimo system and hid the Jumpship behind a moon.  When they passed by the moon Raven launched the 72 Ravens Shadows, they were lead by Ravens 3 Clan Ghost Bear Brothers. The Ravens Shadows switched their ECM to jamming to block any communications from the Overlord Dropship and took out the communications array as well as the engines. When the Overlord scambled its 24 Heavy Aerospace Fighters the 60 RVS-SDW's broke into 12 squadrons.  6 squadrons went after 4 enemy squadrons, while 6 squadrons went after the disable Overlord Dropships weapons.  The 4 enemy squadrons were destroyed, the pilots did not eject in time and Overlord Dropship was weapon less and drifting with no engines. Then Raven's Overlord Dropship launched and towed the disabled Overlord to the Jumpship and it docked with the Jumpship. 

  All the RVS-SDW's returned to the Jumpship Eclipse and Dropship Midnight, Raven and his 20 Ninja retainers all suited up in the new Stealth Body Armors and activated Cloak mode then became invisible.  They breached one of the entry way of the Clan Overlord Dropship by using controlled explosives.  Once the door was breached they threw stun grenades and smoke grenades into the entrance. Then they entered the Dropship and surveyed the area.  The Clan guards were all lined up in the main cargo area in a firing line ready for any boarding parties.  Raven and his 20 invisible Ninja sneak up on the guards that had no idea where they were and bisected each of the Guards with their Katana's from behind. They did the same for the next 20 guards. They searched the Dropship for the DC Mechwarriors, when they found them. They left the Dropship and got out of the suits and returned to standard clothing. Then they returned to the Dropship and freed the 200 Mechwarriors.

  The Clan Dropship was filled with high explosives and set to drift with its fusion reactor set to overload with the bodies of the 40 dead Clan Warrior Caste Guards. The Jumpship made 2 jumps to a friendly Draconis Combine system using the Lithium-Fusion battery and release the Mechwarriors to their authority.  The 200 Mechwarriors thanked Raven and his crew for the rescue and left the Dropship Moonlight. The Dropship Moonlight redocked with the Jumpship Eclipse and Raven reported to his Yakuza contact that the Mechwarriors were rescued. The Yakuza pass the news on to the Coordinator and he was very pleased with the news of 200 Mechwarriors being able to fight the Clans again. Raven returned to Corporate Headquarters and concluded that the suits worked very well.

Part 6

Fri, 10/10/2014 - 18:59
Vix_Sundown's picture
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Wow. A lot of Battletech fans here. Takes me back to my geeky college days. Awesome!

Sat, 10/11/2014 - 10:43
Drake67's picture
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Vixen stop by the raidcall channel.
Tue, 11/18/2014 - 17:12
Raven Starbinder's picture
Last seen: 9 months 4 weeks ago
Joined: 06/06/2012 - 20:50

  Raven jumped into the system that the ODBG had their base and came down in the Dropship Midnight.  He disimbarked from the Dropship and when to the base using a armored transport vehicle from the Dropship.  He was greeted by the rest of the ODBG that took a little break from the war. The war was going very badly for the Draconis Combine and FRR many worlds were lost and hundreds of Mechwarriors were killled or captured. The ODBG had to find a way to disrupt their supply lines of Clan Ghost Bear and Clan Smoke Jaguar some how. Also during that time Raven was away from the ODBG, Raven continued to resupply and arm their base with 7 Heavy Mobile Turrets armed with Clan weapons 2 LRM 20's, 2 ER PPC's, 2 Large Pulse Lasers, 2 Gauss Rifles, 2 Ultra AC20's, Ferro-Fibrous Armor and Double Heat Sinks as well as 5 tons of ammuntion for each weapons that requires it.

  They decided on trying to hit their recently conqured planet Courchevel, which they were using as a supply depository. Courchevel was a key nexus point for many Clan Smoke Jaguar conqured DC worlds of Kabath, Jeanette, Schuyler, Hanover Sainsville, Albiero, Luzerne and Bangor.  The ODBG needed to get that Clan Smoke Jaguar Warships in the area out of there for a few of days to proceed with the operation. Raven had an idea told the ODBG that he needed a few days to get it done and he would be back. By using the cracked Clan frequences Raven found out that there would be no Clan warships in the area. That the nearest Warship to Courchevel was not scheduled for another week and could not reach Courchevel for a few days at the very minimum. He contacted his Yakuza contact and asked if he had anyone on Courchevel who was the leader of the resistance.

  Raven asked his Yakuza contact to inform the leader of the resistance that the ODBG is going to make a attack on Courchevel to try and disrupt the Clan Supply Chain. To tell their people to prepare for an attack in a week. Raven got back to the ODBG and informed Gen. Paine about ther being on Clan warships in the area and how they had to get ready now if they were going to make the raiding attack on Courchevel. The ODBG prepared both Overlord Dropships Midnight and Old Dragon's Wrath along with entire Battlion of Mechs for departure. The ODBG prepared the all the muntions and supplies for that assault, this time they were going to make the Clans pay for Jarrett and all the other worlds they conqured. They made the jump to a neutral safe location of Labrea in the Jumpship Eclpise in 2 days.  Raven waited until the Yakuza contact informed him that the Warship re-supplied and left the system. The Yakuza contacted Raven 3 days later and the ODBG made 2 jumps to Courchevel.  As soon as they were in the system Raven ordered the 72 Ravens Shadows to scamble and take out the 3 satillite defence platforms and ordered the Jumpship weapons to deploy. The Jumpship was now armored with Ferro-Carbide so it could take a real beating and still jump.

  The 3 docking bays blastshield doors on the port and starbard sides of the Jumpship opened to reveal weapons blisters emerging with 4 LRM 20's, 4 Gauss Rifles, 4 ER PPC's, 4 ER Large Lasers and 4 AMS systems on each blister on mobile turrets.  As the 72 RVS-SDW's broke into squadrons, 4 squadrons each took on one platform, as the Jumpship prepared to repel the enemy Aerospace Fighters. The 30 Clan Smoke Jaguar Xerxes Heavy Aerospace Fighters came in and the 4 LRM 20's on each blister targeted one Fighter at a time. The first 80 LRM's targeted the lead Fighter and the pilot tried to evade but the 80 LRM's took out his engines, that happened for first 6 enemy fighters. The 4 Gauss Rifles, 4 ER PPC's and 4 ER Large Lasers on each blister finished off the crippled Fighters.  Then the Overlord Dropships weapons opened up on the approaching enemy Fighters taking out 4 more before the last 10 Fighters started to fire back at the Jumpship and Dropships.  The Ferro-Carbide on the Jumpship absorbed the damage and Raven returned fire, the last 20 Heavy Aerospace Figthers were destroyed.  All 30 Aerospace Fighter Pilots managed to eject in time, then surrender to Raven and asked to become his bondsman. The stranded pilots were picked up and taken to a hold on board Raven's Dropship and treated with respect and respectfull behaviour was given in return.

  The 4 squadrons attacking each satillite defence platform broke into separate squadrons and used their overlapping ECM to protect each other from the LRM's that the platforms have.  Each squadron concentrated on one weapons system at a time starting with the naval ones to protect the Jumpship and Dropships. Eventually the platforms were neutralized and the Jumpship moved closer to Courchevel.  The RVS-SDW's returned to refuel and reload on ammuntion. Raven order the RVS-SDW's to scamble and take out any defences on the surface that would harm the Dropships.  The 72 RVS-SDW's proceeded to do strafing runs on the surface taking out moblile turrets and other defences.  The Ravens Shadows signalled the all clear and the 2 Overlord Dropships proceeded to land at the spaceport. 

  Once the 2 Overlord Dropships were on the ground, the ODBG powered up their mechs and started to disimbark from the Dropships and form up.  They broke by company each taking heading toward their objectives the mech hanger bays. Raven order the RVS-SDW's to conduct strafing runs ahead of the mechs on the defending 2 Trinary of Clan Smoke Jaguar mechs.  The 72 RVS-SDW's intercepted the first Light Star of Mechs and decimated that Star. The next Medium Star of mechs also met the same fate they were out numbered and out matched and the last Assault Star of mechs managed to fight back but they were no match for 72 RVS-SDW's. A entire Trinary was eliminated by the RVS-SDW's, they reported back to Raven and Raven reported back to Gen. Paine.  Gen. Paine " Good, good now lets finish off the rest. All Lances target one enemy mech at a time and good hunting." Each company split and took a different direction to remaining mech hanger. The RVS-SDW's proceeded to destroy that mech hanger bay and all the supply depository's in the area.

  The 3 companies of the ODBG were half way the 2nd mech hanger bay when they got radar hits at 1300 m of Clan mechs heading their way, each company chose a Star to attack.  They split up, Gen. Paine company got long range LRM locks one Clan mech and they open fired with over 300 LRM's on that one target when it was in range. The assualt mech shut down to try and avoid the LRM's, but with Target Decay allowed the LRM's still have target lock for 5 sec more and that poor mech was completely obliderated. The second mech in that Star met the same fate as another over 300 LRM's rained death upon it.  The third mech tried to find cover but too little too late still over 200 LRM's still hit that mech and destroyed it. The last 2 mechs in that Star managed to find cover, half of the company flanked the last 2 mechs. The 2 remaining mechs had no chance and were destroyed with no pilots able to eject. 

  Captain Divine Retribuition's company half of them flanked one direction while the other half flanked another direction catching the 2nd Star of Clan Smoke Jaguar mechs in a pincer and they were torn into little mech pieces. While the last company that Raven Starbinder was in was in a area with munitions storage factories. Raven's company waited outside the dangerous area and hid and powered down to avoid detection. Raven ordered the RVS-SDW's to herd the 3rd Assaut Star into the muntions factory area. When they were in the area the RVS-SDW's contacted Raven. Raven ordered all the mechs to power up and fire everything they had into the muntions factories. LRM's, ER PPC's, Gauss Rifles, ER Large Lasers, AC5's and AC10's fired into the muintions factories. The whole area went up in a glorious explosive funeral pyre that could be heard and felt for miles. The ODBG formed up again and finished off remaining supply depository's and left the for the Dropships. The RVS-SDW's took out the remaining mech hanger in the area. None of the planets citizens were hurt in the fighting they were notified by the local resistance leader to stay indoor at home away from the area. 

 The RVS-SDW's returned to the Jumpship and Dropship hangers. They Dropships launched and docked with the Jumpship and the Jumpship's Lithium-Fusion Battery was full and the local star gave off minor solar flares, the solar sails managed capture most of the solar radiation. That allowed the power levels to get up to 2/3 full more than enough for a safe Jump out back to Labrea.  They made it back to the ODBG base of operations, where Raven contacted his Yakuza told himof the groups success in taking out supply depository's and 2 Trinary's of Clan Smoke Jaguar mechs. The Yakuza contact was overjoyed with the news that the hit and run mission was a great success. They passed the news on to the Coordinator and he was very pleased with the ODBG, was willing to forgive their failure at Jarrett. Finally some good news after all the systems lost to the Clans.



Thu, 02/26/2015 - 17:27
Raven Starbinder's picture
Last seen: 9 months 4 weeks ago
Joined: 06/06/2012 - 20:50

  After October it was very quiet Raven returned to his Corporate Headquarters to check on the progress of the Battlecarrier Hachiman. Raven returned with the 30 Clan Smoke Jaguar Aerospace Fighter Pilots and they were very impressed with the scope of Ravens operations. The Clan Smoke Jaguar Pilots agreed to join Ravens Clan. Raven had 2000 more automated worker bees constructed to speed up the construction of the Battlecarrier. The progress was good, all 7000 automated worker bees from all 3 Capital Shipyard Drydocks had been working non-stop since the beginning and had completed 50% of the superstructure already. The Jumpdrives and the Engines for the Battlecarrier Hachiman were 30% complete in one of the factories and the Naval Grade weapons were 40% complete in another factory. The Lamellor Ferro-Carbide Armor Plating was 50% complete in another factory and the conventional weapons were 50% complete in another factory. In the last factory the modular electronic computer systems for the  were 50% complete. The 30% of the 9 Regiments of RVS-SDW's (648) that are going to be placed in the Battlecarrier Hachiman were complete.  Raven started to really mine the local asteriod field very intensily for raw materials the Battlecarrier Hachiman was taking all his resources now.

  During the last year there was no real Clan activity after October of 3050.  Raven had multiple asteroids brought in from other systems to sustain the Battlecarrier Hachiman. The progress has been excellent with the superstructure, interior structures, and inner hull complete.  The Electronic Computer Systems and Wiring going into the interior structures. With all 25 of Ravens Clan Technicians and Scientists overseeing the progress personally taking pride in the fact that they are building the first Battlecarrier in the Inner Sphere since the Star League. By September 3051, All the Naval Grade and Conventional Weapons for the Battlecarrier Hachiman were complete as well as all the 9 Regiments of RVS-SDW's were ready.  All 33 of Ravens Clan Aerospace Fighter pilots trained more pilots from the local planetary population that volunteered to fill the cockpits of the new fighters. The Lamellor Ferro-Carbide Armor Plating was finsihed being installed over the Inner Hull and the Jumpdrives were complete, they were being installed. The 1700 m Solar Sails were also complete, the Naval and Convientional Weapons systems were being installed.

  Raven still kept his promise and provided supplies for the ODBG during the year, Raven completed another degree in Organic Chemistry. The Stealth suits were also improved, by having the Neurohelmet transmitting direct neuro transmission from the user to the suits affected area aiding the user. A photoreactive laminated layer was added to the suit allowing it to minic any any surface that it is close to. The users reflexes, strength, speed, and agility were enhanced by the suit and the suit was fully sealed against the vaccum space with an independant air supply. The Nanatechnology Neurocircuitry was improved to be more robust to handle the increased traffic of multiple tasks of ECM, Stealth Cloaking, and Bio Enhancement.

  Also during the year Raven and the ODBG made a few more raids on planets that the Clans used in their supply routes to cause more disruption in the supply chain. They raided the worlds of Byesville, Jeronimo, and Bangor taking out their forces guarding the supply caches and taking out the supply caches along with any other targets of opportunity. Raven got 24 more Clan Aerospace Fighter pilots, 5 more Scientist Caste members, and 5 more Technician Caste members from Clan Smoke Jaguar to join his Clan. This really hurt Clan Smoke Jaguar's supply chain badly.  Draconis Combine force also did the same for a few worlds in their space. The Coordinator was very pleased that they were finally able to fight back against the Clans and hurt them where it really mattered.  The Scientist Caste members had new research they were working on for Clan Smoke Jaguar and Raven had them pursue it further. 

  By Mid October 3051, the Battlecarrier Hachiman was having its Control and Targeting Computers for the naval and conventional weapons systems were being installed. The 14,000 Double Heat Sinks were being installed along with the Lithium-Fusion Battery.  The new Pilots, Technicians, and Scientists joined Raven's Clan and helped with the Battlecarrier Hachiman's preparations. By late October 3051 the Clan frequences were buzzing with activity again about another wave of attacks being planned by the Clans for November.  Raven told his Yakuza contact to prepare the remaining DC worlds for an another offensive by the Clans in the very near future, maybe even November. By the end of October everything was done for the BattleCarrier Hachiman, was 1,700 meters of fury waiting to be unleashed upon a enemy. By the end of November 3051 the Battlecarrier Hachiman had all its systems tested and was ready for its maiden voyage, but by then Raven had already heard the news of Thessalonika, Marshdale, Labrea, Hyner, Outer Volta and Avon falling to the Clans. 




Wed, 02/25/2015 - 17:26
Raven Starbinder's picture
Last seen: 9 months 4 weeks ago
Joined: 06/06/2012 - 20:50

  In the beginning of December, Raven started to load all his supplies aboard the Battlecarrier Hachiman and had all 656 RVS-SDW's 9 Regiments worth loaded into the three hanger bays. All the munitions loaded into the weapons and ammuntion bays all the crew boarded.  The Dropship Midnight docked with the Battlecarrier Hachiman. The Monolith Jumpship Eclipse stayed at the Corporate Headquarters along with her 72 Ravens Shadows to guard it. The Battlecarrier Hachiman had in the front center of the top deck 2 set of 6 Naval AC/30's each on rotating mobile turrets that has 1 weapon bay that holds all 6 weapons. Behind the 2 sets of 6 Naval AC/30's, 2 sets of 6 Naval AC/30's each on rotating mobile turrets that has 1 weapon bay that holds all 6 weapons. Behind the 2 sets of 6 Naval AC/30's, 2 sets of 6 Naval 55 Laser's each on rotating mobile turrets that has 1 weapon bay that holds all 6 weapons. Behind the 2 sets of 6 Naval 55 Laser's, 2 sets of 6 Naval 55 Laser's each on rotating mobile turrets that has 1 weapon bay that holds all 6 weapons. In the front of the ship 2 AR-10 Launchers and one AR-10 Launcher on both sides of the front nose area. Each AR-10 launcher has 100 Barracuda Capital Missiles per launcher.

  On the lower right and left sides of the first 2 sets of Naval AC/30's, 2 sets of 6 Naval AC/30's each on rotating mobile turrets that has 1 weapon bay that holds all 6 weapons. Behind the 2 sets of 6 Naval AC/30's, 2 sets of 6 Naval 55 Laser's each on rotating mobile turrets that has 1 weapon bay that holds all 6 weapons. Behind the 2 sets of 6 Naval 55 Laser's, 2 sets of 6 Naval 55 Laser's each on rotating mobile turrets that has 1 weapon bay that holds all 6 weapons. Behind the 2 sets of 6 Naval 55 Laser's, 2 sets of 6 Naval 55 Laser's each on rotating mobile turrets that has 1 weapon bay that holds all 6 weapons. Behind the 2 set of 6 Naval 55 Laser's, 2 sets of 6 Naval 55 Laser's each on rotating mobile turrets that has 1 weapon bay that holds all 6 weapons. In the Aft section behind the Dropship docking bays 4 sets of 6 Heavy Naval PPC's each on rotating mobile turrets that has 1 weapon bay that holds all 6 weapons. In the very rear 2 AR-10 launchers and to the right and left sides of the rear 1 AR-10 launchers each. Each AR-10 launcher had 100 Barracuda Capital Missiles per launcher.

  The Battlecarrier has conventional weapon systems to protect it from enemy fighters in 3 set of weapon blisters per side of the ship.  The front blister has 2 sets of 6 ER PPC's each on rotating mobile turrets that has 1 weapon bay that holds all 6 weapons. plus 1 set of 6 Large Pulse Lasers on rotating turrets that has 1 weapon bay that holds all 6 weapons. plus 1 set of 6 LRM20's w/ArtIV on rotating mobile turrets that has 1 weapon bay that holds all 6 weapons. Each LRM20 w/ArtIV has 12 tons of ammo. each launcher.

  The middle blister has 3 sets of 6 Large Pulse Lasers each on rotating mobile turrets that has 1 weapon bay that holds all 4 weapons. Plus 1 set of 6 LRM20's w/ArtIV on rotating mobile turrets that has 1 weapon bay that holds all 6 weapons. Each LRM20 w/ArtIV has 12 tons of ammo. each launcher. The back blister has 2 sets of 6 ER PPC's each on rotating mobile turrets that has 1 weapon bay that holds all 6 weapons. Plus 2 sets of 6 Large Pulse Lasers each on rotating mobile turrets that has 1 weapon bay that holds all 6 weapons. Plus 1 set of 6 LRM20's w/ArtIV on rotating mobile turrets that has 1 weapon bay that holds all 6 weapons. Each LRM20 w/ArtIV has 12 tons of ammo. each launcher.

  The Battlecarrier Hachiman has 16 LAMS's on the Bridge, also 13 LAMS's in the rear and 16 LAMS's front of the top deck. Along the side of the top deck 13 LAMS's. In the front blister's on either side of the nose area they have 4 LAMS's and in the middle blister's they have 4 LAMS's. In the last blister in the aft sides they have 4 LAMS's. In total the Battlecarrier Hachiman has 95 LAMS's protecting it from enemy missiles.

  Raven entered the bridge sat down in the Captains chair and gave the order to the Chief Engineer to power up the fusion core and start the engines. The Chief Engineer replied " Aye sir, powering up fusion core and starting engine".  The Battlecarrier came to life and the engines harmonic pitch resonating throughout the ship. Raven order 2g safe thrust on main engines to clear the drydock.  As soon as they were clear of any gravity wells Raven order the Navigation Officer to power up the Jumpdrive and plot a jump to the ODBG base. The Navigation Officer replied "Aye sir, powering up the Jumpdrive and ploting a jump to the ODBG base". Raven then got on the comm. and said "To all the crew prepare for a jump in 10 minutes, I repeat prepare for a jump in 10 minutes".  After a minute all stations signaled their readiness to jump and Raven ordered the Navigation Officer to jump. The Battlecarrier Hachiman was making a jump into its destiny.



Wed, 12/17/2014 - 16:34
Raven Starbinder's picture
Last seen: 9 months 4 weeks ago
Joined: 06/06/2012 - 20:50

  The Battlecarrier Hachiman jumped into the system where the ODBG base was located and Raven ordered the main drives to a safe thrust of 2g towards the world that the ODBG base is located. Raven boarded the Dropship Midnight and went to the ODBG base.  When the rest of the ODBG came to greet Raven they saw the Battlecarrier Hachiman in orbit and stared like deer staring at headlights. Gen. Paine ask Raven "Where did you get that ship and I want one for myself" and Raven answered "I built it and it is mine but I will lend it to the ODBG to use against the Clans". The ODBG prepard to hit the world of Thesslonika. They prepared their Battlion of mechs as well as the muntions to go along with the mechs in the Overlord Dropships Old Dragons Wrath and Midnight.  The Battlecarrier Hachiman had it's 1,700 m solar sails out recharging its Jumpdrive.  The preparations took 3 days and by then the Battlecarrier Hachiman was fully charges and ready to jump the solar sails were placed back into the ship. The Overlord Dropships Old Dragons Wrath and Midnight docked with the Battlecarrier Hachiman.

  The Battlecarrier Hachiman took a few days to get to the Planet Tinaca and spent a few days recharging its Jumpdrive. The Battlecarrier Hachiman jumped it the Thessalonika system and there were 9 satillite defence platforms in the system, Raven order all the RVS-SDW's to scamble and break into 9 groups of 72 fighters each taking on a defence platform. All three doors opened and 648 RVS-SDW's came out and formed 9 groups of 72 fighters, went to attack their individual targets. The satillite defence platforms fired capital missiles at the Battlecarrier but the RVS-SDW's intercepted them. Raven order the Battlecarrier Hachiman's naval weapons to target one of the satillite platforms when it got in range, Raven order the fighters to stay clear of the platform. The Hachiman's 72 Naval 55 Lasers all fired at once obiderating the defence platform. Raven systematically took out the remaining 8 defence platforms and he ordered the Ravens Shadow's to return and refuel.

  When the Hachiman was in orbit of Thessalonika, Raven ordered the RVS-SDW's, to attack the surface defences. The RVS-SDW's took out the surface turrets and luckily got 3 Mech Hanger Bays when the mechs were pilotless. The 3 Mech Hanger Bays went up in a huge explosion along with all the munitions stored in their and all the mechs inside.  The Ravens Shadow's signaled the all clear and the 2 Overlord Dropships landed at the spaceport.  The ODBG battalion disimbarked from the Dropships and formed up into separate companies first company commanded by Gen. Paine, second company commanded by Divine Retribution and the third company commaded by Raven Starbinder. Raven ordered the RVS-SDW's to take out any supply caches and warehouses with muntions. luckily the supply caches and warehouses were located outsided of any populated areas due to the muntions stored in them.  The second large group of Clan mechs were still in an area with many muntions caches and all three companies of the ODBG took advantage of that and fired all their weapons into that area and all 3 Stars of mechs were obliderated in the massive explosion that followed.  

  Gen. Paine ordered a retreat back to the Dropships mission accomplished, the ODBG could not hold the planet against Clan Ghost Bear for long so this mission was an hit and run.  All the mechs got back into the Dropships and they launched and docked with the Battlecarrier and prepared to jump to Tinaca again using the Lithium-Fusion batteries. The RVS-SDW's had time to rearm and refuel by the time at the Dropships docked with the Battlecarrier Hachiman. Raven got to the bridge and got on the communications system and said "All crew prepare for a jump in 20 minutes, I repeat we are jumping in 20 minutes prepare".  Raven got readiness report from everyone and the 2 Overlord Dropships were ready and secured for jump. Raven gave the command to jump to the navigation officer and the Battlecarrier Hachiman jumped to Tinaca.  As the Battlecarrier Hachiman jumped, Raven sitting down in the captains chair securely buckled down he said "Now our ODBG founders we dedicated this battle to you, may you find some peace".

  After they reached the Planet Tinaca, Raven sent a communication to his Yakuza contact and told him of the many Clan mechs taken out as well as the muntions supplies destroyed. The Yakuza contact was very pleased with the news and he passed it on to the Coordinator. The Coordinator was very pleased with the ODBG and his faith was renewed in them. After a few days the Battlecarrier Hachiman Jumpdrive was recharged and they made the jump a back to the ODBG base. 




Sun, 11/23/2014 - 13:24
Raven Starbinder's picture
Last seen: 9 months 4 weeks ago
Joined: 06/06/2012 - 20:50

  It was beginning of the 2nd week of December 3051, Raven returned to his Corporate Headquarters and got a message from his Yakuza contact about a request for 3 Essex Class Destroyers from the Coordinator, he wanted the DCA Saber Claw, the DCA Saber Fang and the DCA Sabre Storm is willing to give you all the resources you require to complete the task along with payment of 3,000,000,000 c-bills. Raven replied to the message and agreed to bulid the 3 warships for the Draconis Combine. Raven had his Technicians bring up the Clan Schematics for the Essex Class Destroyers and start production right away on the 3 warships. Raven had the 7000 automated worker bees build another orbital factory in the orbit of the desolate moon. The orbital EndoSteel factory started to make superstructure pieces for the new orbital factory. While the worker bees passed up resources that it required to produced the Warship Grade EndoSteel for the new orbital EndoSteel factory.

  Once they had the some pieces of Warship Grade EndoSteel the worker bees would place a reactive substance between the large pieces, so when the worker bees started to weld the pieces from both sides at once in unison. The EndoSteel would be superheated and bond all the way through creating a airtight seal and coalescence bond between the 2 pieces of warship grade EndoSteel. Then they would polish and smooth the welded surface so it was seemless. The 7000 automated worker bees started to built the superstructure of the orbital factory. The other 8 factories to get started on all the other components required engines, weapons, armor, electronic systems, muntions, and etc. The 4 remaining factories made machinery and systems for the new orbital factory. The Coordinator allowed the acquistion of another moon in the system and more asteriods to be brought to the system for Raven's company Starlight so the 3 Essex Class Destroyers could be built on schedule. This was another volcanic moon Raven built another refinery to process the precious metals and ores that would be required to build the 3 warships.

  There was no way that Raven's company Starlight could compete with Matabushi Incorporated, but during the years before the Clan invasions in 3050. They did have Dropships and civilian Jumpships they manufactured for customers, they made a decent profit off those sales. In 2 weeks the 3500 Automated Workers Bees were constructed and the 2nd orbital factory was completed. The orbital EndoSteel factory was armored with Ferro-Carbide Armor to protect them from attacks. The 2nd orbital factory was also armored with Ferro-Carbide armor to protect it from attacks. The 2nd orbital factory started to produce Warship Grade hardened plate superstructure piece's that they were programmed to do for the 3 Essex Class Destroyers. Raven assigned 3500 automated worker bees each per Capital Shipyard Drydock to start on the superstructure's of each Essex Class Destroyer.

  While resources were being gathered from both volcanic moons and asteriods as well as the desolate moon. They were distributed to the factories on the desolate moon and 2 orbital factories that were manufacturing the 3 Essex Class Destroyers. On January 5, 3052 the Clans Nova Cat and Smoke Jaguar attacked Luthien in force with 5 Galaxy's worth of Clan forces. Fortunately Luthien survived the attack and defeated the 5 Galaxy's worth of Clan forces, but at a very terrible cost the Draconis Combine forces were very weakened after that. Clan Smoke Jaguar lost over 50% of it's 3 Galaxy's worth of units and Clan Nova Cat did not fare any better with only 40% of it's 2 Galaxy's still operational. Wolf's Dragoon's arrived with 5 regiments left with 2 1/2 regiments and the Kell's Hounds only had 2 Battalions still operational from it's 2 regiments.


Mon, 11/10/2014 - 17:13
Sherb's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 months ago
Joined: 03/19/2011 - 23:00
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I've never had the opportunity to play any mech games.  But I just wanted to stop in and mention I'm thoroughly enjoying the story line.  Makes for a nice break in the daily grind during lunch breaks.  Thank you for sharing.  Cheers.

Sat, 12/27/2014 - 11:55
Raven Starbinder's picture
Last seen: 9 months 4 weeks ago
Joined: 06/06/2012 - 20:50

Hachiman Class Battlecarrier (Adv. Clan Tech.) (Aerotech 2)

Mass: 2,400,000 tons

Length:  1,700 m

Sail Diameter: 1,700 m

Safe Thrust: 2 g

Top Thrust: 3 g

Bridge, Controls, Radar, Computer + Attitude Thrusters: 6,000 tons

Power Plant, Drives + Controls: 288,000 tons

Fire Control Computers: 55,236 tons

Structural Integrity (150): 360,000 tons

Double Heat Sinks (12,000)(804 free): 11,196 tons

Fuel + Fuel Pump (2% of Fuel): 5,000 + 100 tons = 5,100 tons(126.58 days)

Burn Rate: 39.5 tons per day

Food & Water: 1,063 tons (78 days)

Sail Mass (Integrity: 9): 150 tons 

K-F Drive Compact (Integrity: 45): 1,086,000 tons

Lithium-Fusion Battery: Yes (24,000 tons)

Hyper Pulse Generator: 50 tons

Escape Pods (457): 3,199 tons

Gravity Decks (4) (250 m diameter each): 400 tons

Dropship Capacity (4): 4,000 tons

Armor: Lamellor Ferro-Carbide (1.1 multi.) 7,200 tons (7,920 armor points)

(Fore: 1,320, Fore Right: 1,320, Fore Left: 1,320, Aft Right: 1,320, Aft Left: 1,320, Aft: 1,320) (Damage Threshold (10%): 132)

Crew:  Officers: 558 (10 ton Quarters (First Class)): 5,580 tons

           Engineers: 500 - 100 Officers (7 tons Quarters (Second Class)): 2,800 tons

           Pilots: 672 - 139 Officers (7 ton Quarters (Second Class)): 3,731 tons

           Armored Infantry/Security (28 per Squad) (5 tons Quarters): 900 - 180 Officers: 129 tons

           Gunners: 262 - 45 Officers (7 ton Quarters (Second Class)): 1,470 tons

           Cargo Bay Crew/Firefighters/Cooks: 400 - 80 Officers (7 ton Quarters (Second Class)): 2,240 tons

           Total Crew:  2,741 (13.70 Food & Water Cal. Factor) 

           Laser Anti-Missile System (95): 95 tons

Spare Parts(1% Battlecarrier,5% Fighters,5%Small Craft): 25,333 tons

Bay 1: 216 Fighters + 25 tons of Fuel for each Fighter - 3 Doors: 37,800 tons

Bay 2: 216 Fighters + 25 tons of Fuel for each Fighter - 3 Doors: 37,800 tons

Bay 3: 216 Fighters + 25 tons of Fuel for each Fighter - 3 Doors: 37,800 tons

Bay 4:Cargo Bay(100 ton armor reinforced + CASE storage area) (80,000 tons) - 3 Doors: 80,100 tons

Bay 5: Small Craft Bays (16) + 25 tons Fuel for each one - 2 Doors: 3,200 tons


Heavy Naval PPC's (x24) (3,000 tons each): 72,000 tons (heat per unit: 225) (total: 5,400)

Naval-55 Laser's (x72) (1,100 tons each): 79,200 tons (heat per unit: 85) (total: 6,120)

Naval AC/30's (x36) (3,500 tons each): 131,760 tons (heat per unit: 100) ( total: 3,600)

AR-10 (x8) (250 tons per Launcher) (100 Barracuda Missiles) (30 tons per missile): 2,000 tons

Barracuda Missiles (10 heat per missile) (800): 24,000 tons

ER PPC's (x48) (6 tons each): 288 tons (heat per unit: 15) (total: 720)

Large Pulse Laser's (x72) (6 tons each): 432 tons (heat per unit: 10) ( total: 720)

LRM20's w/ArtIV (x36) (12 tons of ammo each) (6 tons each): 648 tons (heat per unit: 6) (total: 216)

Laser Anti-Missile System (LAMS) (x95) (1 ton each): 95 tons (heat per unit: 3) (total: 285)

Weapons ARC's

Fore:  x12 NAC/30's (200 shots each) (43,920 tons)

           x2   AR-10's (100 Barracuda's each) (3,500 tons)

           x16 LAMS's (12 tons)

(43,920 + 3,500 + 16 = 47,436 x 10% = 4,743.6 tons)

Fore Side (R/L):  x12 NAC/30's (200 shots each) (43,920 tons)

                            x1   AR-10 (100 Barracuda's) (3,250 tons)

                            x12 ER PPC's (72 tons)

                            x6   Large Pulse Laser's (36 tons)

                            x6   LRM20's w/ArtIV (12 tons of ammo each) (108 tons)

                            x4   LAMS's (4 tons)

(43,920 + 3,250 + 72 + 36 + 108 + 4 = 47,854 x 20% = 9,478 x 2 = 18,956 tons)

Broad Side (R/L):  x30 NL-55's (33,000 tons)

                              x17 LAMS's (17 tons)

                              x18 Large Pulse Laser's (108 tons)

                              x6   LRM20's w/ArtIV (12 tons of ammo each) (108 tons)

(33,000 + 17 + 108 + 108 = 33,233 x 30% = 9,969.9 x 2 = 19,939.8 tons)

Aft Side (R/L):  x1   AR-10 (100 Barracuda's) (3,250)

                         x6   NL-55's (6,600 tons)

                         x12 LAMS's (12 tons)

                         x12 ER PPC's (72 tons)

                         x12 Large Pulse Laser's (72 tons)

                         x6   LRM20's w/ArtIV (12 tons of ammo each) (108 tons)

(3,250 + 6,600 + 12 + 72 + 72 + 108 = 10,114 x 20% = 2,022.8 x 2 = 4,045.6 tons)

Aft:  x12  Heavy Naval PPC's (72,000 tons)

        x2   AR-10's (100 Barracuda's each) (3,500 tons)

        x13 LAMS's (13 tons)

(72,000 + 3,500 + 13 = 72,513 x10% = 7,551.3 tons)

Fire Control Computer: 55,236 tons

Weapon Damage: Capital Naval Weapons

Naval AC/30's:  Standard Damage: 300  Capital Damage: 30

Heavy Naval PPC's:  Standard Damage: 150  Capital Damage: 15

Naval-55 Laser's:  Standard Damage: 55  Capital Damage: 5.5


Thu, 02/26/2015 - 17:17
Raven Starbinder's picture
Last seen: 9 months 4 weeks ago
Joined: 06/06/2012 - 20:50

  Back at Raven's corporate headquarters the 57 Clan Aerospace Fighter Pilots/Mechwarriors. The 57 Clan Pilots became the Colonel's, Captain's, and Commander's in Raven's 9 Regiments of Aerospace Fighters. The 57 Clan officers in the Aerospace Fighter Regiments continued to train others to fly and fight in the aerospace fighters. The 10 Clan Scientists and 25 Clan Technicians continue to build the 3 Essex Class Destroyers.

  By the end of January 3052, 15% of each of the Essex Class Destroyer's superstructure was completed. The training for the aerospace training was going well. The Clan Scientist's added very small bundles of Triple Strength Myomer to the stealth suits and directly connected them to the Nanotechnology Neurocircuitry running through out the suit. The Neurocircuitry is connected to the Neurohelmet of the stealth suit this enhanced the bioenhancement aspect of the suit truly making it a part of the user. This further enhanced the strength, speed, dexterity, and agility of the user. Clan Ghost Bear had taken the planets of Tinaca, Marawi, Halesowen and Sternwerde in the Draconis Combine.

  Raven had heard about how Clan Smoke Jaguar was taking out it's anger over it's severe loss of 50% of it's forces at the Battle of Luthien on it's captured world's. It was time that Clan Smoke Jaguar got a taste of it's own medicine. Raven ordered 16 more Satillite Defence Platforms built as soon as possible to defend against multiple warships and fighters. Raven re-fueled the Battlecarrier and re-stocked all supplies. Loaded the new improved stealth armor suits in the the Battlecarrier. Raven launched in the Dropship Midnight and docked with the Battlecarrier.  Raven made the jumps to Braunton and waited a couple of day as the jumpdrive recharged using the solar sails.

  The Battlecarrier Hachiman made the jump to Avon and Raven arrived in the system to see 10 orbital defence satillite's protecting the planet. Raven ordered the 72 Naval 55 Laser's to take out the orbital defence satillite's. All 12 turrets each containing 6 Naval 55 Laser's turned to face the first defence satillite, targeted it and all fired once they had a target lock. All 72 Naval 55 Laser's did 396 capital damage to each of the 10 satillites obiderating them in sequence. The Battlecarrier took some moderate damage from the defence satillite's capital weapons. When the defence satillites were out of the way, Raven ordered all RVS-SDW's to launch and take out the defending 90 Aerospace Fighter (Cluster (3 Trinary's)) heading their way from the planet's surface. All 11 doors on all 4 Bays 1 - 3 and Bay 5 opened and released 656 Fighters, they split into squadrons and took on a individual fighters. Before that Raven ordered all enemy fighters to surrender and they will not be harmed. The former Clan Smoke Jaguar pilots in Raven's squadrons urged their former comrads to surrender because they had no chance to win or survive in a fight. The Clan Smoke Jaguar pilots stated "We will fight to the death" and charged. Raven ordered all enemy fighters diabled to take prisoners, all the enemy fighters were disabled with all thier weapons taken out as well as their engines, some RVS-SDW's took some nominal damage.  All 90 of the enemy pilots were captured, they were taken as bondsman. A Star Colonel, 3 Star Captains, 9 Star Commaders along with their suboardinants asked Raven to take them as his bondsman. 

  The 656 RVS-SDW's re-fueled and launched again to the planets surface as soon as the Battlecarrier was in orbit of the planet. The Battlecarrier took some capital damage from the surface, the RVS-SDW's took out the capital weapons batteries that damaged the Battlecarrier. They took out all the all the weapons and muntions factories on the planet with no civilian deaths because they warned the civilians to clear the areas being hit and took out any mech hangers on the planet. When they were done the planet's weapons and muntions production capability was eliminated. The RVS-SDW's took 4 more re-fuels to complete the task any Clan Smoke Jaguar forces remaining were eliminated from the planet. The RVS-SDW's re-boarded the Battlecarrier, the Battlecarrier jumped back to Braunton using the Lithium-Fusion battery. Raven knew that he could not afford to take on any Clan Warships and hope to hold the planet for long.

  Raven waited in the Braunton system for a few of days, to recharge the Jumpdrive after that Raven  jumped back to the corporate headquarters. Where the 90 Clan Smoke Jaguar pilots were integrated into his Clan. The battle damage to the Battlecarrier was repaired with new Lamellor Ferro-Carbide plates and damage done to the RVS-SDW's were repaired also. Now Raven had 147 Clan Aerospace Pilots/Mechwarriors in his Clan.  Out of the 147 Clan pilots, 131 were assigned to the Battlecarrier as Officers and the remaining 16 were assigned to the Jumpship Eclipse's fighter squadrons as Officers. The Jumpship Eclipse's small craft bays were upgraded to hold 12 fighters each for a total of 72 fighters (1 Regiment, 3 Wings, or 9 Squadrons of Fighters).

  While the work on the 3 Essex Class Destroyers was proceeding ahead of schedule, with 25% of the superstructure for each Destroyer completed and 25% of the weapons as well as the electronic systems completed. The Ferro-Carbide armor was also 25% complete in production. The 16 extra satillite defence platforms were completed, the 36 satillite defence platforms protected the 4 moons. Raven ordered 6 sets of 6 Heavy Naval Gauss's each on rotating mobile turrets built on the desolate moon to protect the factories from orbital bombardment.  Another 6 sets of 6 Heavy Naval PPC's each on rotating mobile turrets built on desolate moon. With 6 sets of 6 Large Pulse Lasers each on rotating mobile turrets and 6 sets of 6 LRM20's w/ArtIV each on rotating mobile turrets to protect the factories against fighters. The same arrangement for the forest moon to protect the corporate headquarters.

  By May 3052, all 3 Essex Class Destroyers were completed with upgrades to armor from Improved Ferro-Aluminum to Ferro-Carbide Armor and all the electronic systems were tested they were delivered to Luthien and the payment of 3,000,000,000 c-bills was made to Raven's company Starlight for the contract completion. The DCA Sabre Claw, DCA Sabre Fang, and DCA Sabre Storm were officially handed over to the Co-ordinator in an official naming ceremony. Raven's company received an additional 1,000,000,000 c-bills for the upgrades made to the 3 warships. By that time Raven completed another degree in Civil Engineering by that time.




Sun, 03/29/2015 - 19:45
Raven Starbinder's picture
Last seen: 9 months 4 weeks ago
Joined: 06/06/2012 - 20:50

  By May 3052, Raven geared 5 of his factories to build Mechs with the help of his Clan Scientists and Technicians to build Clan Mechs. Started to build 5 more factories on the desolate moon to replace the factories that were converted from Aerospace Fighter production. They started production of a 3 assault company's that would be the vanguard for his 3 mech battalions. There would be 3 heavy support company's and as well as a 2 medium company's and 1 light company rounding out Raven's 3 Mech Battalions. Many Asteroids resources were being used to build the new factories and 3 new Overlord Class Dropships that the Coordinator commissioned along with 3 more Monolith Class Jumpships to rebuild the losses that were incurred during the Clan Invasion so far. The Hachiman Battlecarrier and the 3 Overlord Dropships that will hold the 3 Battalions are docked with the Battlecarrier is keep hidden inside a hollowed out asteroid base inside the asteroid field.

  Captain Divine Retribution, was promoted to the rank of Executive Officer (XO) by General Jonathan Paine for his distinguished contributions and actions during the war so far. Raven continued to train more Ninja to build his special forces unit.  Raven has a battalion worth of trained ninja warriors that make up his special forces unit a thousand warriors. The Ninja special forces were trained in all modern special forces tactics and skills along with weapons. Each warrior having a Stealth Armor Suit that was custom made for the user. A select few who have mech piloting and gunnery skill were trained to use the new Clan Mechs being built.

  Raven heard communications that some Clan Wolf Scientist and Technicians were going to visit the world of Alternmarkt to check on the progress of the Clan scientific research facility and new Clan tech Factories that were being build on that world. Raven planned a ambush to capture them, he prepared the Battlecarrier Hachiman to set sail. Once the preparations were complete, Raven ordered a series of jumps to Pilkhua to wait for the appointed time when the Clan Wolf Scientists and Technicians would arrive in the middle of May 3052. When the time was right Raven ordered a jump to Altenmarkt a day before to wait in the shadow of one of the moons. The Clan Wolf overlord dropship appeared in the system, Raven ordered all RVS-SDW's to scramble and intercept that dropship. He ordered then to take out the weapons and engines as well as jam their communications with their ECM. The 656 RVS-SDW's launched and in a matter of 5 minutes the overlord was a drift and weaponless. The RVS-SDW's used magnet tow lines to drag the overlord to the Battlecarrier. The overlord was docked to the Battlecarrier and a boarding party was prepared. The security force armored infantry was prepared and boarded the overlord using controlled explosives to open a hatch.

  They meet some resistance but took out the Warrior Caste Guards but managed to take they out without incident. Raven entered the overlord and ordered the Crew, Scientists, and Technicians to surrender and he would allow them to live. The 3 Scientists and 6 Technicians surrendered and asked to be taken as Raven's Bondsman. Raven order the jump back to Pilkhua immediately. Raven ordered the Clan Wolf Scientist and Technicians to access their database and download everything since their communications and computers were still functional on the overlord dropship. In a week Raven was back at corporate headquarters integrating the new Scientists and Technicians into his Clan.

  Also during this time the Battlecarrier Hachiman was going through a refit adding a Electromagnetic Field Generator and ECM unit. Adding electromagnetic field emitter under the Lamellor Ferro Carbide Armor and laying neuro-circuitry in between each emitter. The electomagnetic field generator would be used to create artifical gravity using electromagnetic fields removing the need for gravity decks. When it is complete the battlecarrier Hachiman will be able to become invisible or cloak. Raven also started to built 3 more capital shipyard drydocks above the corporate headquarters.


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