I'm surprised this topic hasn't been locked with a request to open a new version. Some forums force this because long topics cause site slow downs. Maybe this type of forum is immune to that problem. It's slow enough already.
On weather related news, there is another 10cm/4inches of wet snow in my yard. Waiting for the plow to go by before going out to clear it.
Keep hearing this place is slow...Don't notice it myself, I'm sure if the thread was an issue someone might have mentioned it...And if it is they should, it is established well enough to survive moving house.
Powerstar Golf, I believe it has match play over XBL. I'm going to check tonight. I bought the whole game for $20, it sure would be fun to play with others.
Powerstar Golf, I believe it has match play over XBL. I'm going to check tonight. I bought the whole game for $20, it sure would be fun to play with others.
Don't let the chemo run you down, Kit...hurry back.
Knight, if it will help your racing thread I would be happy to jump in and start a fight with Kurupt. If you think that's a bad idea I will start a fight with you...I don't like being told that I had a bad idea. You bastard.
I go to the chemo center this morning after days of planning and stressing. The routine has ALWAYS, for YEARS, been: lab, Dr appointment, 5-6 hour iv. I always have hubby leave when they come get me for the lab because its straight to doc then IV. This morning the place is PACKED. I wait 20 fucking minutes. Finally they call me back. They are running ONE blood test. ONE. They draw blood and the girl says "okay see you next week when you're back for treatment." I say hang on sunshine, I should have treatment today, then again in two weeks, with nothing NEXT week?! She checks with the doc's schedule and the IV room. They've suddenly changed the routine. Lab (for one fucking test that comes back in five fucking minutes cos the lab is TWO FUCKING FEET away). Then a week later doc and 1 treatment, then two weeks later treatment.
1. When I scheduled this 6 months ago, no one said there were changes.
2. I still have the "future appointment" print out from them that says today's date is the usual lab/dr/IV.
4. There were 3 other patients having the same confusion/fuck up.
So now I'm sittin there with no ride home, cos hubby left to go to the gun range. I managed to get my mom on the phone and she rescued me. Hubby checked in about the same time, came home, made me stop crying, and took me out to run errands and get a slice of pizza.
Im SO pissed! The chemo messes with my taste buds, so our diet changes because of that, my total lack of appetite, and the fact hubby has to cook after working all day. So now we have no regular meals for me to cook this week. I joke about having anxiety and OCD but its true. This sort of thing REALLY fucks with my brain. I FREAK OUT. And hubby's job is beyond stressful right now, and this has fucked his whole schedule up. He has meetings and projects, and he's got to reschedule all kinds of shit.
Anddddd they looked at me and the other people thrown off by this like we were being unreasonable??!! The one man's son took off work to bring him in, and can't change his days off with only a week notice. They don't seem to understand this treatment knocks your life into a different routine for a month. So you prepare and sort things out. You have to have sonekne else drive you because of being heavily medicated. Being told "oh yeah, no, sorry, that's changed" is messed up! And that doesn't even take into account the mental preparation, psyching yourself up, preparing to be sick but looking forward to when the treatment kicks in and you feel better.
They acted like it was nothing and no one was inconvenienced.
They think they have you...since this is life substaining treament they can mess with procedures and schedules without regard to the patient with impunity. Only thing I can think of is to file a comlaint with the AMA or whatever oversight organization there is for these people. To change procedure and appointments including add ons without notifying the patient is just outraageous.
Those BASTARDS!!!! I'd actually be more pissed off but I am subdued by my over eating of sushi today. Sorry you had to deal with assholes, I would definitely complain to somebody a lot. I would make a huge fuss because you don't get anything by being silent.
Thanks guys. I still can't believe the way all three of the people I talked to couldn't "get" why I (we) were upset?!
I will search out who handles complaints like this. I'm also going to tell the doctor at my appointment next week.
Im TRYING to put a positive spin on it. I have another week to eat at restaurants, another week to run errands (I always go with either hubby or mom and end up enjoying myself), etc.
Tons of rain so far, snow overnight possible, we'll see.
Rain is measured by volume, not weight.
...and if anyone intended to measure it that might come in handy... water's about 8 pounds a gallon(?)((U.S, not Imperial))...if the rains intense enough it's measured by height...
How high's the water momma? two feet and rising...( not a calibrated tube but the marker out in the lake by the sea wall...)
Back home we measured rain in bunchs as in a whole bunch of rain Expecting 8 inches of snow tomorrow here in Northern VA after a whole bunch of rain tonght.
I'm surprised this topic hasn't been locked with a request to open a new version. Some forums force this because long topics cause site slow downs. Maybe this type of forum is immune to that problem. It's slow enough already.
On weather related news, there is another 10cm/4inches of wet snow in my yard. Waiting for the plow to go by before going out to clear it.
Keep hearing this place is slow...Don't notice it myself, I'm sure if the thread was an issue someone might have mentioned it...And if it is they should, it is established well enough to survive moving house.
OS & I are keeping the Diablo thread alive for the moment.
At least until I squirrel and wander off.
Powerstar Golf, I believe it has match play over XBL. I'm going to check tonight. I bought the whole game for $20, it sure would be fun to play with others.
Is it available as a download?
Don't let the chemo run you down, Kit...hurry back.
Knight, if it will help your racing thread I would be happy to jump in and start a fight with Kurupt. If you think that's a bad idea I will start a fight with you...I don't like being told that I had a bad idea. You bastard.
Oh! you could be our Troll in Residence...is that a thing? It should be a thing. I'm making it a thing!
I don't remember enough about Kurupt to pick a fight with him...is that a thing?
Free, Gizzie says that doesn't have online play available? Says wait for the PGA version to come out.
I suspect dementia that's a thing...
I'll have to check on that. I forgot last night when I was playing.
What's this Sarcasmo Jones? He keeps trolling my XBL activity feed.
Warning: expletive filled rant below.
I go to the chemo center this morning after days of planning and stressing. The routine has ALWAYS, for YEARS, been: lab, Dr appointment, 5-6 hour iv. I always have hubby leave when they come get me for the lab because its straight to doc then IV. This morning the place is PACKED. I wait 20 fucking minutes. Finally they call me back. They are running ONE blood test. ONE. They draw blood and the girl says "okay see you next week when you're back for treatment." I say hang on sunshine, I should have treatment today, then again in two weeks, with nothing NEXT week?! She checks with the doc's schedule and the IV room. They've suddenly changed the routine. Lab (for one fucking test that comes back in five fucking minutes cos the lab is TWO FUCKING FEET away). Then a week later doc and 1 treatment, then two weeks later treatment.
1. When I scheduled this 6 months ago, no one said there were changes.
2. I still have the "future appointment" print out from them that says today's date is the usual lab/dr/IV.
4. There were 3 other patients having the same confusion/fuck up.
So now I'm sittin there with no ride home, cos hubby left to go to the gun range. I managed to get my mom on the phone and she rescued me. Hubby checked in about the same time, came home, made me stop crying, and took me out to run errands and get a slice of pizza.
Im SO pissed! The chemo messes with my taste buds, so our diet changes because of that, my total lack of appetite, and the fact hubby has to cook after working all day. So now we have no regular meals for me to cook this week. I joke about having anxiety and OCD but its true. This sort of thing REALLY fucks with my brain. I FREAK OUT. And hubby's job is beyond stressful right now, and this has fucked his whole schedule up. He has meetings and projects, and he's got to reschedule all kinds of shit.
Anddddd they looked at me and the other people thrown off by this like we were being unreasonable??!! The one man's son took off work to bring him in, and can't change his days off with only a week notice. They don't seem to understand this treatment knocks your life into a different routine for a month. So you prepare and sort things out. You have to have sonekne else drive you because of being heavily medicated. Being told "oh yeah, no, sorry, that's changed" is messed up! And that doesn't even take into account the mental preparation, psyching yourself up, preparing to be sick but looking forward to when the treatment kicks in and you feel better.
They acted like it was nothing and no one was inconvenienced.
I don't like doctors. Wife hates them. She's smarter than I am ( and I'll deny it to my grave, so don't try anything).
And the main reason is the dogmatic attitude they have. I'm a doctor so you have to "believe/listen/mold your life around me"....
Can't tell you how many times my wife's proved 'em wrong, it's getting boring.
Don't let it get to you Kit. No one can MAKE you feel anyway at all unless you LET them.
They think they have you...since this is life substaining treament they can mess with procedures and schedules without regard to the patient with impunity. Only thing I can think of is to file a comlaint with the AMA or whatever oversight organization there is for these people. To change procedure and appointments including add ons without notifying the patient is just outraageous.
Those BASTARDS!!!! I'd actually be more pissed off but I am subdued by my over eating of sushi today. Sorry you had to deal with assholes, I would definitely complain to somebody a lot. I would make a huge fuss because you don't get anything by being silent.
That sucks big time Kit, such a total lack of consideration from "the caring profession" is deplorable. Much sympathy.
Thanks guys. I still can't believe the way all three of the people I talked to couldn't "get" why I (we) were upset?!
I will search out who handles complaints like this. I'm also going to tell the doctor at my appointment next week.
Im TRYING to put a positive spin on it. I have another week to eat at restaurants, another week to run errands (I always go with either hubby or mom and end up enjoying myself), etc.
Another 3- 4 inches of snow this morning.
I visited a side street in Halifax yesterday. Holy hell, what a mess.
Tons of rain so far, snow overnight possible, we'll see.
...and if anyone intended to measure it that might come in handy... water's about 8 pounds a gallon(?)((U.S, not Imperial))...if the rains intense enough it's measured by height...
How high's the water momma? two feet and rising...( not a calibrated tube but the marker out in the lake by the sea wall...)
You're both way off course (play on words regarding your racing skills); Rain is measured by density.
Hopefully one last day of negative lows...getting up into the 40F's next week.
Back home we measured rain in bunchs as in a whole bunch of rain
Expecting 8 inches of snow tomorrow here in Northern VA after a whole bunch of rain tonght.
Interwebs say 1-3" here tomorrow. Sometimes we measure in oodles, but usually not the weather.
Holy schnikys, stop the presses! This has to be a first in 2o2p history.
Umm, unofficially no, and that's all I can say at this time...