vault of glass 6th chest thoughts

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#1 Mon, 03/02/2015 - 14:16
Megatron's picture
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vault of glass 6th chest thoughts

so I saw this video

and it got me wondering, why is there a portal that is closed? why does the jump path to atheon go all the way down to this portal? 

this is after the gorgons, so maybe there is something during the gorgon phase that triggers it


there is a materials chest that appears if you prevent the templar from changing spawns, so it is possible there is a way to trigger another chest i would assume by maybe killing a specific gorgon 



Mon, 03/02/2015 - 15:28
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Might take another content drop before that area has a function.

There are a couple of strange places on Venus that look like the beginnings of new areas coming from DLC.

FWIW, incomplete/cut content can drive you crazy with speculation.

Mon, 03/02/2015 - 17:14
Megatron's picture
Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
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there aare rumors floating that there is a bonus chest after the first triple plate sync entry aand one before atheon

these are just theories, but with triggers like the templar prevent spawn spawning a bonus chest im sure there are other bonuses that have been missed


Mon, 03/02/2015 - 18:07
Megatron's picture
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read this

What We Know So Far: Loot

In addition to the normal loot we get from bosses (Oracles, Templar, Gatekeepers, Atheon), we know that there are at least FOUR Raid Chests in the VoG that reliably give us special loot. These chests, and their locations, are as follows. Chests are numbered in the order you reach them in a typical playthrough - but that doesn't mean we aren't potentially missing chests in between ones we know of.


  • Raid Chest 1 - Just Inside The Door. This Raid Chest sits right in the middle of the path in the Trials of Kabr, just past the entrance to the Raid.
  • Raid Chest 2 - No Templar Teleportation. This Raid Chest only spawns if you prevent the Templar from teleporting. It can be accessed by following the secondary passage to the Gorgons' Labyrinth, which is reached by jumping up into the walls on the left side of the Templar encounter and crouching in the hole near the Spirit Bloom chest. Follow the caves down almost all the way to the Labyrinth proper - stopping on the level right above the first yellowy-Venus terrain. In the darkness nearby there is a crouching passage that leads to a broken Vex gate, which is where the Raid Chest spawns if the Templar had been prevented from teleporting.
  • Raid Chest 3 - Gorgons' Labyrinth (Left). This Raid Chest spawns on the left side of the Labyrinth (relatively speaking). When dropping down to enter the maze from Raid Chest 2, Raid Chest 3 is in a small room to the side. Very hard to miss.
  • Raid Chest 4 - Gorgons' Labyrinth (Right). This Raid Chest spawns on the right side of the Labyrinth. Following the stream from the start of the maze is the easiest way to reach this Raid Chest. If any member of the fireteam is seen by a Gorgon, however, the entrance to this Raid Chest will shut.


There is also one more suspicious chest that we know exists, but honestly don't know what to make of. Is it a decoy? Is it a hint designed to lead us to Raid Chests 2 and 3? Should we open it or not? The jury's still out, but opening it does not seem to affect the appearance of Raid Chests 2, 3, or 4.


  • Spirit Bloom Chest - Templar Room. This Chest seems to be a normal Venus Chest, in that it rewards Glimmer, Spirit Bloom, and potentially Engrams/Weapon Syntheses/Ship Schematics to people who open it. Access it by hopping up into a small corridor in the left wall in the Templar Room - very close to the spawn point of the leftmost enemies during the boss encounter.


What We Know So Far: Secret Paths

  • Secret Templar Path. We know that a second path to the Templar exists. When grabbing Raid Chest 1, jump off the far side of the platform and turn 180 degrees to see an alcove below, inside the platform. Follow this path (full of weird red lights and floating tree-islands) to reach the Templar encounter from a higher vantage point.
  • Secret Gorgon Path. We know that a second path to the Gorgons' Labyrinth exists (and it's super useful for snagging Raid Chests 2 and 3). Enter the room with the Spirit Bloom Chest after killing the Templar, and find the hole you can crouch through to drop into a different set of caves than those found by running straight past the Templar in the most obvious way.
  • Secret Jumping Puzzle. We know that a second jumping puzzle exists in the Vault of Glass, after passing through the Gorgons' Labyrinth. Jumping to the left at the start of the jumping puzzle leads to a new cave, which can be followed toward an additional jumping puzzle that takes players quite close to the floor of the Vault (and even quite close to the broken Vex gate in the center area).


What We Don't Know So Far: Suspicion

We have strong reason to believe that Bungie, being fans of the number 7, would include 7 chests in the Vault of Glass. Given that we've found 4 Raid Chests and 1 Venus Chest, that leaves some room for interpretation. Are there 3 more Raid Chests to be found, or does the Spirit Bloom Chest count as one of those 3, leaving 2 more chests to be found? No one you find online can give a correct answer to that, because we just don't know. Either could be true. The Spirit Bloom Chest could even be a Raid Chest in disguise, as we may have missed a way to "activate" it.


The one chest we've found so far that is particularly telling of a pattern is Raid Chest 2. Raid Chest 2 is unique in that it requires us to handle an encounter in a certain way to enable it to spawn. This has driven a lot of discussion with regard to "triggers" - IE certain things that must be performed as prerequisites to get Raid Chests to spawn. A huge number of these have been proposed - a nonexhaustive list of community speculation follows:


  • No wipes
  • No deaths
  • Have every fireteam member take every "secret path" through the Raid
  • Let no Vex take a Sync Plate when opening the Vault
  • Don't let anyone get Marked during all phases of the Templar Encounter
  • Prevent the Templar from Teleporting
  • Don't let the Gorgons see a single teammate
  • Kill a Gorgon
  • Kill lots of Gorgons
  • Perform the jumping puzzle in a certain way
  • Defeat the Gatekeepers in a certain way
  • Defeat Atheon in a certain way


Now, we can speculate about triggers all we like, but we don't even have an exhaustive list of potential chest-spawning locations that people check routinely to see if a chest has spawned. It's very possible that many Raid groups have successfully "triggered" additional chests to spawn, but haven't looked in the right places for said chests, and thus have missed them!


Raid Chest 2 - the first chest "discovered" in earnest as a trigger chest, was found in the center of a broken Vex gate. Raid Chest 1 spawns in the middle of a pathway, and Raid Chests 3 and 4 spawn in the middle of large circular stone structures. So it's a safe assumption that any potential spawn points for additional chests will be "obvious" - because that's good level and game design, and I guarantee Bungie wants us to find all the secrets (if not immediately, eventually). I personally know of 3 broken Vex gates - one below all three of the sync plates on the outside of the Vault, one where Raid Chest 2 spawns, and one on a lonely platform way far out from the jumping puzzle. I don't know of any more large stone circles though. There may be more "suspiciously obvious" spots that chests may be reasonably expected to spawn - so feel free to list any you know of in the comments.


Testing the community's theories has been a bit disorderly, and lots of liars have racked up clicks and views based on misinformation - so know that if you expect to be believed, you're going to have to provide VIDEO PROOF of any Raid Chest findings.

Tue, 03/03/2015 - 08:24
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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Yep, spculation about additional chests is a bit of a pastime.  There's even a subreddit devoted to possibly figuring out all the secrets of the Vault.  The left way to get down the jump puzzle is kind of fun, and yeah, I doubt they'd put that in there if it didn't have some kind of function.  Also, I completely agree with Deep.  After the next DLC or some time in the future, they'll release a new difficulty that could enable more treats to be found.

Tue, 03/03/2015 - 08:38
Megatron's picture
Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
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specualtion that the 6th chest has been found is running crazy this am

step one-play vog on hard

step 2 - you have to flawless it up till gorgon pass

step 3 - kill first gorgon on the right

step 4 - take the path to the left in the jump maze, all members have to jump at the same time on the lower puzzle all the way to the lower broken gate 

team is saying they got it to spawn 1 time there doing this.

Tue, 03/03/2015 - 10:18 (Reply to #6)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
Last seen: 9 years 1 month ago
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Megatron wrote:

specualtion that the 6th chest has been found is running crazy this am

step one-play vog on hard

step 2 - you have to flawless it up till gorgon pass

step 3 - kill first gorgon on the right

step 4 - take the path to the left in the jump maze, all members have to jump at the same time on the lower puzzle all the way to the lower broken gate 

team is saying they got it to spawn 1 time there doing this.

Tue, 03/03/2015 - 11:56
Minotaur's picture
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Or... Bungie follows the speculation, then builds the coolest idea/theory into a future update. I suspect that if there's a hidden anything yet to be found, there'll be some cool armor piece or gun that drops for the lucky/skilled player(s). This would inevitably lead to a a widespread quest among Destiny players who want it too, which results in a renewed interest in the VoG. 

Completed a start-finish VoG run last evening on normal. That's enough of a challenge for me... Got another Chatter White, Found Verdict and Hezen Vengeance... Thanks to Chaos and Krull for joining us. Good times!

Tue, 03/03/2015 - 13:02
Megatron's picture
Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
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at dixon, ive been reading that reddit forum, very informative 

at minotaur we raid all week long from 9est till 12, if you want send me a fr we run vog normal, vog hard and crota normal at the moment till everyone gets to a 32 which may be a little bit. 


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