Getting Across the Second Bridge

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#1 Fri, 03/06/2015 - 13:10
Minotaur's picture
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Getting Across the Second Bridge

What follows is the strat we use to get across the second bridge (big green cavern) first time nearly every time and then get the rewards.This works fine for a 3-man team. But 4 or more can make it a little easier. You don't need ninjas or phenoms for this to work great. Most any of us can do it quickly. This is a perfect strat when taking a couple noobs along.

First, you need a Sunsinger Warlock in the team who can self res. All members (except the sword carrier) need a sniper rifle. A scout and tracking rocket can be nice too. 

Once the Warlock's super is up, someone runs across the center plate to start the party. Thrall and Acolytes will enter the map, along with the Swordbearer Knight. All except the Warlock should die in a convenient location (off the center plate) - not clumped, but not too far apart either.

Wait till each team member is ready to be revived, then the Warlock dies. He's been up on a pillar till now staying safe. Jump off the pillar and die (allow the Thrall to kill you or jump off the side). 

When the mission restart death counter counts down to and says "1", the Warlock will self revive. 

All of the ads will disappear when you revive - never to re-appear. The Swordbearer will still be there, so dodge him while you revive the team. This is why you don't want everyone in a clump, but still conveniently located.

Put a team member on the lower plate, the upper plate and the center plate to begin building the bridge. The Swordbearer will pester one of you. If you have a 4th, 5th or 6th person, let them keep the Swordbearer occupied and keep his health bar down to something below half. His health will regen, but you don't want to kill him till the bridge is fully built. 

Once the bridge is fully built, quickly kill the Swordbearer and have your sword guy run across the bridge with the sword. He can kill the gatekeeper on the other side if he wishes, but it's not necessary. Simply hide on the crevasse side of a light post near either side of the bridge (on the other side). 

Those on the near side of the bridge can now leave the plates, jump onto a pillar (a new Swordbearer will spawn) and keep your sword runner alive on the other side by protecting him from cursed Thrall or any other baddies. Use your sniper rifle. If he dies, the whole team needs to wipe and you start over. 

Use your Scout or sniper rifle to kill a couple dozen ads on the other side. The wizards and Knights appearing on the other side are irrelevant unless they threaten your guy. Cursed Thrall and normal Thrall are the biggest threat to your guy. After 2-3 minutes have passed you'll see an ogre appear on both the right and left sides on the far side. Once you've killed both ogres, the bridge reforms by itself, the ads disappear, the rewards drop and the team on the near side can simply stroll across. 

Addendum... If you only have 3 people, the Swordbearer Knight will pester one of you while you're in the bridge building process. You have to stay on the plates, but you also have to stay alive. Lots of jumping is usually involved, along with shots from the other two players to distract the Knight. If you have a sword runner who can fly the sword, he doesn't need a fully formed bridge to get across. A half built bridge is enough if the Knight dies in a good spot and the sword runner moves quickly...

Fri, 03/06/2015 - 14:22
OldnAchy's picture
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That is a better way to do it than I have cheesed it.  You can actually do this with a full team as well.  One note about the plates.  You can run back and forth thru them while dodging the sword Knight and this will keep the left and right plates from turning and keep the center plate building the bridge.

The way we have done it is -- get one person -- a Hunter --  across the bridge legit who takes out the Gatekeeper then hides behind the left post on the other side.  Once he is in position then everyone else but the Warlock wipes; then the Warlock wipes, waits a few seconds until he gets the word from the hidden Hunter that the Hive have despawned and self revives.  Once revived, the Warlock revives everyone else and then he and the rest of the team get high, pull out their sniper rifles and take out all the bad guys on the other side.  Eventually the Ogres will appear and once they are taken out, the bridge will stabilize and everyone can run across the bridge.  Two notes -- keep the Hive off of the hidden hunter across the way.  He has to stay alive.  Also make sure the Warlock has his super before starting the cheese.  Nothing more embarrassing than to have everyone wiping then the Warlock going "ut oh don't have super."

Sat, 03/07/2015 - 11:58
bluBlud's picture
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This method does work pretty well, and I prefer up having more people defend the totems instead of standing on the towers - at least for hard mode.  Anyone solo'd the bridge?  I gave it a try this morning but don't have the timing down for keeping the bridge building without triggering the totems.

Sun, 03/08/2015 - 12:12
BLAMnation's picture
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I've seen both of these done and they work nicely, but only on normal - can't revive players on hard. The way OldnAchy describes works on hard, except that the only players that will be able to revive and snipe are the warlocks.

The sword carrier doesn't even need to go after the Gatekeeper - just hide behind the left lamp and let the snipers take care of everything.

Sun, 03/08/2015 - 13:36 (Reply to #4)
OldnAchy's picture
Last seen: 2 years 7 months ago
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Edmo wrote:

The sword carrier doesn't even need to go after the Gatekeeper - just hide behind the left lamp and let the snipers take care of everything.

We did it that way Friday night.  Takes away the possiblity of the sword carrier dying. 

Mon, 03/09/2015 - 09:57
Blue_Stiehl's picture
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On both Normal and Hard, I have friends who can jump across with the sword and no bridge. That person than hides and we do the Warlock resurrect and kill Ogres as stated above. Saves some time if done correctly.


Mon, 03/09/2015 - 10:13
DEEP_NNN's picture
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I am going to practice sword flying again today.

Mon, 03/09/2015 - 17:01
testified's picture
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it is easier if the selected sword bearer is a hunter with invis.  this helps being on the center plate and when on the other side.   Also it is REALLY better to use a hunter to get in the door of the hallway room with a chest before death singer.   With others taking out the Shriekers the hunter uses blink strike to get invisible then Super Blade Dance at second shrieker this provides more damage protection AND you can blade dance straight over the hole which is much better/faster than jumping and risking missing...

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