CE Gun Choices

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#1 Mon, 03/09/2015 - 16:45
Minotaur's picture
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CE Gun Choices

Here's the list of guns I use every time I'm in a CE normal raid. 

Primary - For the light maze, I equip the MIDA for its agility perk and killing Thrall. Once through the light maze, and am at the second bridge, I equip the solar scout rifle Vision of Confluence. Any good scout will do when Thrall are on the menu. Once we get to the Crota chamber, I equip the arc pulse rifle Oversoul Edict that I use to burn down close to mid-range Knights and Acolytes, though sometimes I keep the Voc up for clearing midrange Thrall who pester our sword carrier trying to get the sword.

Special - The Murmur is my usual choice for the all of the raid except for the second bridge portion. There, I equip the Icebreaker, used to protect our sword guy and kill ogres on the other side. Once past the bridge, I re-equip the Murmur, set on solar. I use the Murmur primarily for clearing rooms of close range Knights and Acolytes. If I were assigned boomer duty in the Crota chamber, I'd have the Icebreaker online. 

Heavy - I keep the legendary solar tracking rocket launcher "Hunger of Crota" selected till we get to the Crota chamber. Once there, I bring up the Gjallarhorn for the two wizards, the shriekers and Ir Yut. After that, I'm on Crota duty with the Gj (put him on his knee for the sword carrier). The Gj is a great rocket launcher, but its proximity detonation can be a problem unless you're aware of it and work around it. Any enemy near you will cause the rocket you just launched to detonate, killing you. When using it in the shard room for the shriekers and Ir Yut, I always jump-boost shoot to get above the crowd because there are so many baddies in there.

Now that I have a developed Red Death pulse rifle, I may work it into the primary lineup - to practice for hard mode.

What do you guys use?

Thu, 03/12/2015 - 08:10
OldnAchy's picture
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When running the Abyss with a full team:

Atheon's Epilogue AR, Purfier VII (Void) fusion rifle with the Lightweight perk, Hunger of Croata. 

When doing the Titan second lamp rock jump or Hunter camo solo run I switch the AR out for the Midas Multitool with the Lightweight perk. 

Not sure if having two equipped weapons with that perk gives me +4 Agility, but I definitely run faster and jump farther.

In all cases when I get to the bridge and jump up on a rock I immediately switch to VOC and Ice Breaker and basically use VOC, Ice Breaker, and Hunger of Croata the rest of the way.

Can't get the Ghorn dammit.  Ran Croata NM and VOG NM last night and all I got was shards and energy

Btw the Purifer VII is a really nice fusion rifle and comes in all 3 burn versions.  I have all 3 from NF runs.

Thu, 03/12/2015 - 14:20 (Reply to #2)
Minotaur's picture
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OldnAchy wrote:

When running the Abyss with a full team:

Atheon's Epilogue AR, Purfier VII (Void) fusion rifle with the Lightweight perk, Hunger of Croata. 

When doing the Titan second lamp rock jump or Hunter camo solo run I switch the AR out for the Midas Multitool with the Lightweight perk. 

Not sure if having two equipped weapons with that perk gives me +4 Agility, but I definitely run faster and jump farther.

In all cases when I get to the bridge and jump up on a rock I immediately switch to VOC and Ice Breaker and basically use VOC, Ice Breaker, and Hunger of Croata the rest of the way.

Can't get the Ghorn dammit.  Ran Croata NM and VOG NM last night and all I got was shards and energy

Btw the Purifer VII is a really nice fusion rifle and comes in all 3 burn versions.  I have all 3 from NF runs.

I've wondered about doubling up on the +2 gun agility. I've begun equipping both a primary and special with the perk... Hope it helps. Every little bit of extra agility makes you safer in the abyss.

Raid rewards seem to be feast or famine... 

I have two Warlocks and one Titan. I always run Sunsingers when with the Walocks (though I would like to experiment more with the "Surge" option in the Voidwalker subclass). I select the solar grenades and the extra grenade. These are great in the Abyss and everywhere else (like the boomers) or for help in the Ir Yut chamber and stopping a Knight charge. When running the Titan I run a blind bubble till we get to the Crota fight (great for the light maze), then I switch to the Striker subclass and the Skullfort helmet after Ir Yut - for clearing rooms, orb generation and health regen. Bubbles cause too many accidental suicides when rocketing Crota, especially with a full team. 

It's great fun to drop a bubble onto the throng when going in after Ir Yut, and see a room filled with blind enemies. It's fairly easy to then jump straight up out of the bubble to shoot Ir Yut - all the while rubbing elbows with several Knights and Acolytes.

Thu, 03/12/2015 - 08:25
DEEP_NNN's picture
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I guess I have to be happy with my Thunderlord from CE normal.

I can't wait to rank it up and burn the workd down.

Staying on topic, I use Red Death a lot. Seems to hit really hard against majors and give health.

I think I should try Super Good Advice against the Oversoul when someone dies. I heard the bullets get refunded here too.

Thu, 03/12/2015 - 23:14
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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A scout rifle I've had since the new DLC came out that fires stupid fast and has Firefly, my solar LDR 5001, and the Gjallarhorn.

Fri, 03/13/2015 - 07:01
Megatron's picture
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for all of ce till the end i run

oversoul edict, ice breaker & hunger of crota

for crota i switch to

oversoul edict , black hammer & g horn

Fri, 03/13/2015 - 07:25
OldnAchy's picture
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Starting to like Oversoul Edict.  Used it in the NF this week and it really kicked butt!

Fri, 03/13/2015 - 08:49
Megatron's picture
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im a huge scout rifle fan, it is hard for me to use anything but vision of confluence, one day i was dicking around after getting oversoul edict and saw hey there is a grimoir card thing for pulse rifles, so i started using it originally to max the card out, dumb i know, but its kind of grown on me. I still like voc for vog tho

i just got fang of ir yut last night so i may be making a return back to scout rifles for pve

Fri, 03/13/2015 - 11:16
SoulTerror's picture
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I just use Sword Breaker/Ice Breaker, and Hunger of Crota/Gjallarhorn. Primarmy is usually an auto/pulse rifle.

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