wait to raid, or push it now?

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#1 Sun, 03/08/2015 - 16:10
Rythmdevl's picture
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wait to raid, or push it now?

so my question is this... Without having any raid gear on my main toon, and it being a 31.5 atm, is it worth pushing to get in a raid group to farm new gear? I would think that any new content that may be in the upcoming future would include a new raid. I have a few pieces I need to max with shards, and should have those done soon. I'm trying to get the eris quest done with the public event boss. Should I spend my nights message spamming groups in the hopes I can get a raid that wins, or just wait it out and hope for something next dlc?

Sun, 03/08/2015 - 22:03
SoulTerror's picture
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I'd get it because that's that less of a wait for you to run the new raid since your already maxed out now. The .5 makes a huge difference. destinylfg.com and destinylfg.net are the 2 sites I look for. I joined a group this morning to run my 31 hunter through, we wiped on Crota twice, and that was it. Rest of the raid was a breeze. If your on PS4 shoot me an invite.

Mon, 03/09/2015 - 07:59
DarthTabasco's picture
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The gear is important, but the weapons you can get from the raid are probably more important - especially the primary weapons with damage modifiers. 

I know spamming for invites is tough, but if you can get into a group doing either Vault of Glass or Crota's End, then go for it and look for those primary weapons.

Mon, 03/09/2015 - 09:26
testified's picture
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Raiding is one of Bungie's cores of the game alongside PvP, Objectives, etc.  

 I would:

1.  Find some folks that will do some VoG runs - good experience for what raids take and still gives good weapons (Fatebringer!) and chances for rare Exotics 

2. Get with some folks for Crota normal runs, even if you don't defeat Crota all the time.  You can get through Abyss, Bridge and Deathsinger with a small group. - this will give you armor/materials/weapons

3. Learn to run Abyss solo (normal and hard) and do it every week on each character if possible.

4. Get one character to Eris level 4 so you can move Shards to Energy and reverse. 

Happy to assist.  


Mon, 03/09/2015 - 11:35
Minotaur's picture
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I feel VoG is more challenging than CE (more random/unpredictable stuff). I recommend sticking with CE for the guns & gear, and character advancement. Save VoG for fun - the visuals alone are worth the effort, and it'll be easier when you're a 32.

Mon, 03/09/2015 - 16:54
testified's picture
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CE and VoG have different scenarios that make them hard/easy.

VoG can be REALLY easy - the key to VoG is having a fully competent team that communicates.   VoG while easier from a damage perspective,  really requires more consistent execution from the wider team - every needs to do their job in each phase or you will have serious frustration. Everyone has to be ready and have guns and competence for Oracles, running relic, guarding plates, etc. 

CE however is much more about having a core of good players - sword bearer,  titan bubble, and 2 ghorns.   In CE you can have 1 person run the Abyss, 1 person cross the bridge and survive, 1 person make the run to the chest with ghorn support,  2 ghorns with leveled characters to kill Deathsinger, then drop Crota for a good sword bearer...

In my experience you can carry folks through CE much easier than carrying them through VoG (they just have to keep from dying), however VoG is GREAT training for execution as team that really helps when it comes to downing Crota.


Wed, 03/18/2015 - 18:51
Rythmdevl's picture
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Thanks for all the good advice. A big thanks to Min for dragging me thru CE. Was a complete blast, and a fun raid to boot. Got the second loot chest, and I picked up chest, gloves, and a bad ass sniper rifle. So, thank you so much Min. 2old2play members are some of the best players for a "community" such as here. The only problem is that now I have caught the raiding bug. All downhill from here. 

Thu, 03/19/2015 - 09:40
Megatron's picture
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imo, raids are just fun, i could do them everyday all night 

Thu, 03/19/2015 - 19:30
Rythmdevl's picture
Last seen: 9 years 3 months ago
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First destiny one for me. Back in the day, when I was addicted to War-crack, I was a 5 night a week raider. Server first healer, blah blah blah. All that Warcraft stuff. I like this format much better. 

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