H-pattern fanatec shifter question
Fri, 03/02/2012 - 13:15
H-pattern fanatec shifter question
Hi guys - just considering Fanatec or G25 G27 H shifter but is the different pattern of gears on G25 than fanatec - Reverse is right down fanatec left up.....
Question is - can somebody do shifter calibration and check is it possible to mismatch positions of the gears - i mean try to calibrate wheel and put 1 as 4 , 3 as 2 , 5 as R - just mix it - will the wheel take the possitions and then will be possible use it in game ??
You can do that in a PC sim racer, such as rFactor or iRacing, since you can map the controls basically however you want. I do not see a way you could do that in Forza 4. I have never checked, though, since my H shifter's defaults work just fine, so someone might correct me on that.
I only would like know will the Fanatec wheel (calibration on the wheel) allow to calibrate shifter in different positions.
I think it would work and can test it for you later tonight unless someone beats me to it. Interesting thought here...many manual race cars would have a pattern that the 2 - 3 and 4-5 were right over each other. 1st is said to be for getting the car going and then you spend the rest of you time in the other 4 gears. Image below. Would be interesting to try this and set reverse as 1st. If you need reverse in the race you can paddle shift. Image is from Wikipedia
Not bad idea too
- if You can check it will be great.
Why bother? How often do you need to find "R" while driving or do you belong to the "R is for racing school of thinking"?
When You jam you car between tires and wall You will know why You need R
- by the way I can always use paddle to put it in R
No good ..... it mean that wheel sorting out gears is sort of X Y axis scheme not everyone seperate .....
Look like need to stick to Fanatec shifter