Tracking Spam. Finding Spam. Reporting Spam. Killing Spam
Tracking Spam. Finding Spam. Reporting Spam. Killing Spam
Just so people are aware, 2o2p is still going to recieve spam for a while until we weed them all out. The reason is because any spam that we see now is from dormant accounts. That means they are left over from V2 but we didn't catch them before we ported over. These bots basically "wait" until a certain time and then post. There could be hundreds of them out there to track! This means in the coming months while 2o2p is invite only we can let them reveal themselves and slowly ban the remaining offenders.
So whenever you guys see spam, HIT THAT REPORT BUTTON. The more we catch the smarter the system becomes. The cool part is the site also sends me an email letting me know someone has spammed us. It automatically remembers the IP address, bans the IP, stores the spam message, and tracks similar messages in the future. Its some pretty cool shit! So be on the look out and we can all make sure this place remains spam free.
Very cool that it auto bans the IP. I'll do my best to keep an eye out!a
Uh, what report button. Is it the "Flag as Offensive" link you are talking about?
If that is it, I suggest changing the name of the link to "Report as spam or something" or create a seperate link that is specifically for sma.
People might be under the impression that the "Flag as offensive" button refers to a post or posts as being "offensive" instead of spam.
i thought the same thing.
it looks to me that the 'offensive' button would be for 'dick' stuff or NSFW posts that aren't flagged as such.
to report a user as a spammer click on their avatar to get to their profile. thats where the report a user button is. The one you guys were just discussing I imagine "Is" for stuff that is offensive.
we can't click on the avatar anymore, but just on their user name.
i see it now.
This is correct. Reporting the actual user is best although if you flag as offensive I still get the email. Either way it works. I will say that flag as offensive is best used to flag people being dicks since that is the point of the flag. I may just make more flags in the future.
I'll make the avatar clickable. Sorry about that.
So how does thiis work exactly? Does a new user need to register & list me as a reference for instace, or should we contact with their info for you to "invite" said prospect?
Sorry to wear you out Doodi, But we get a lot of times.
I'm going to open it up to full soon. I'm just holding off the spam assualt for a bit. If they sigh up now I can enable their account when it comes in. I get notified of all new accounts.
Gotcha.So I don't need to notify you when I get a new member wanting to join? so you'll know who to approve.
Doodi, I've got spam comments on my last blog. There's no button to report on blog replies.
Spam Account Username: Ying
Click here to go to my blog.
Nevermind. I went to his profile & reported him from there.
got the email. Nuking him,
So do you ip/ban or user name/ban?
I`m only asking cause, (and i know less than feck-all about this) Im on mobile internet, and every time i connect I have a different ip address.
Now as long as i keep my user name and password the same, you will all know me as (lets say) Thin Cheese.
But and this is where im getting it from.
When im watching a movie online free (yes we have all done it) and it comes to that certain cut off point on some sites.
where it says, "You have watched 56 mins of the movie,either subscribe or wait 20min/1hr to continue"
All I do is turn off my modem (not my PC) wait till i have connection again, and withing 2 minutes im watching the rest of the movie.
Or is timmie doing something completely different?
It's adaptive. So it doesn't just look at the IP the next time he logs in. It check to see if that IP is "like" any other banned ips from before. It searches a known DB of other spam IPs like it. It then looks at the Username and password chosen to see if that matches any known spammers.
As you may have noticed. since V3 launched there have been almost no spammers. This isn't because the mods are moving them, they just simply don't exist anymore. That isn't to say that they wont adapt as well, but it is much easier to find them and weed them out then before. We can literally click one button that deletes anything they have written, flags ip, and adds the name to the spam repository.
Spam in the blogosphere. Someone trying to sell discount prescription drugs. I hit the report button, but honestly until I read through this thread I had no idea where it was.
Upside, this forum has had little to no activity, and I'm thinking that's a good thing.
Dammit I missed it, I need some discount drugs.