Steam Box?

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#1 Sun, 03/04/2012 - 12:44
Biznass's picture
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Steam Box?

Rumors are out there that Valve are creating a "Steam Box", it's basically a pc with standard pc gear in it but it will give devs a baseline to work with for 3-4 years. What says you WASD? Would you grab a pre built pc with Steam branding?

Sun, 03/04/2012 - 13:47
badmin's picture
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Just have to say,  if it's true this is fucking amazing and just what gamers need.  An open system that acts like a Xbox in the living room.  




And if anyone could get the market share, Valve could.

Sun, 03/04/2012 - 15:58
Cardiac_Wolf's picture
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So I am guessing that it is not upgradeable?   I think I will stick to a customer built pc, but if the price was right and I was in need of an upgrade, I might consider it.  

Sun, 03/04/2012 - 16:28
ImMrPete's picture
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I think that it would work. Rumor has it that it would be a open system meaning anyone can develop for it free of charge much like PC's are now. If this is the case I believe that sky's the limit. Lets face it, development costs on consoles is rising giving way to more rehashes and less innovation. On the PC however, you're starting to see some really cool stuff, Minecraft, Realm of the Mad God, and Audiosurf just to name a few.


Would I get it? Probably not. Why? I don't see the need in replacing my PC. Messing around with hardware is half the fun for me. If it's sold at a reasonable price, I could see people buying it who don't have the funds or the knowledge to build their own PC.

Sun, 03/04/2012 - 17:20
BlowMonkey's picture
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If they could some how make decent / upgradable and at a competetive price I might consider it :D  otherwise I see no reason.

Sun, 03/04/2012 - 21:09 (Reply to #5)
MrGuster's picture
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BlowMonkey wrote:

If they could some how make decent / upgradable and at a competetive price I might consider it :D  otherwise I see no reason.


I'll echo that.  What would be the point if you can't upgrade or swap out pieces of it over time?

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