Porsche Expansion Pack - Confirmed

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#1 Mon, 03/05/2012 - 07:47
POIDSLY's picture
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Porsche Expansion Pack - Confirmed

Mon, 03/05/2012 - 07:49
jcotter13's picture
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Mon, 03/05/2012 - 07:54 (Reply to #2)
POIDSLY's picture
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jcotter13 wrote:


I think I might be happy to take that one on the chin.... :)
Mon, 03/05/2012 - 07:51
jcotter13's picture
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On the negative side of things....How much you want to bet that they'll wait until season passes have expired to releasing this. Thus forcing season pass holders to purchase this one.

Mon, 03/05/2012 - 08:05
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Not a huge Porsche fan. but they are quite fun to paint. I do love the Sport Classic. At the basic 560ms per 10, this could go to 1700 pts or so, but I'm hoping T10 cranks it down to reward the buyers for staying loyal without the Porsches at release.


Yeah, I'm being an idealistic weenie...


And I want my Pig Porsche....

Mon, 03/05/2012 - 09:19
thechosenfamily's picture
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Gonna be 1600ms points or $19.99.


I'm in though, goot love a porker and we can finally do proper ALMS|GT races now we will have the Lizards etc

Mon, 03/05/2012 - 09:26
jcotter13's picture
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The Cayman Series will be coming back!!!

Mon, 03/05/2012 - 12:00 (Reply to #7)
Sherb's picture
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jcotter13 wrote:

The Cayman Series will be coming back!!!


Yay!  Teme!  Be ready to get your s*&% together!  We're going racing!  cheeky

Mon, 03/05/2012 - 13:13 (Reply to #8)
TemeLolman's picture
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Sherb wrote:

jcotter13 wrote:

The Cayman Series will be coming back!!!


Yay!  Teme!  Be ready to get your s*&% together!  We're going racing!  cheeky


YEEEEEEEEEEEES!!! This is the best news since FM4 was revealed!!! I´m ready Sherb, all I need is me Porker!


Cotter: I think we can now forget the Ferraris @ saturdays!!?

Mon, 03/05/2012 - 09:28
SpinningHat's picture
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Mon, 03/05/2012 - 09:29
jcotter13's picture
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I hear angels singing.

Mon, 03/05/2012 - 09:47
CProRacing's picture
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Love the cars just £14.00 is a lot of money for one dlc.


Almost as if this was set up with E.A / T10 and Porsche


But I will be buying to due to the extra achivements.

Mon, 03/05/2012 - 09:55
zedarchitect's picture
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Yeah, it seems so convenient that this comes out right after the season pass. If there weren't issues between T10 and EA (as they claimed) wouldn't the Porsches be part of the initial release? These guys have it all figured out. I love Porches (favorite marque) but I am only buying this DLC if they address the lobby issues before hand. They claim they are, so they have two months to come through. I can only hope that others do the same because that is the best way of telling T10 you won't keep spending money on a broken game. And how about an f'ing track pack???

Mon, 03/05/2012 - 10:00
Parcells2's picture
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Only way Parcell shells out more coin for useless cars is if our group starts running too many series with Porsche cars that Parcells starts feeling left out. 

Mon, 03/05/2012 - 10:11 (Reply to #14)
jcotter13's picture
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Parcells2 wrote:

Only way Parcell shells out more coin for useless cars is if our group starts running too many series with Porsche cars that Parcells starts feeling left out. 


I'm assuming you will be able to buy individual cars if you don't want to buy the whole pack & still participate in any porsche related series that may arise.

Mon, 03/05/2012 - 10:14 (Reply to #15)
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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jcotter13 wrote:

Parcells2 wrote:

Only way Parcell shells out more coin for useless cars is if our group starts running too many series with Porsche cars that Parcells starts feeling left out. 


I'm assuming you will be able to buy individual cars if you don't want to buy the whole pack & still participate in any porsche related series that may arise.


Big assumption and a great question to aim at T10.


From a business point of view, that assumption makes less cents...

Mon, 03/05/2012 - 10:21 (Reply to #16)
jcotter13's picture
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oldschoolsmart wrote:

jcotter13 wrote:

Parcells2 wrote:

Only way Parcell shells out more coin for useless cars is if our group starts running too many series with Porsche cars that Parcells starts feeling left out. 


I'm assuming you will be able to buy individual cars if you don't want to buy the whole pack & still participate in any porsche related series that may arise.


Big assumption and a great question to aim at T10.


From a business point of view, that assumption makes less cents...


At 200 points per car, it does.

Mon, 03/05/2012 - 10:03
SpinningHat's picture
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I dunno.. $20 seems a little steep, especially when my HDD space is dwindling faster than .. Well, Something really fast. Use your imagination. :)

Mon, 03/05/2012 - 10:21
Spazster's picture
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I'm sure it going to be an all or nothing deal. Shame it going to cost 20 bucks for something that should have been in the game in the first place. They should have made this the final season pass pack for the folks who have already shelled out 100 bucks on this game.... I'm not a porsche fan, so obviously i'll be passing on this but for those that are...glad to see you guys finally having access to them.

Mon, 03/05/2012 - 10:24
PTR_Paparazzi's picture
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I'm not surprised by the price at all.  30 cars, new events (now you know what the black squares are for), and new achievements all add up to more than 3 regular DLC and is still slightly cheaper.  This one just  happens to be exclusively Porsche instead of a mixed bag.  Along with most of the Forza faithfuls I will be getting this pack on release day yes

Mon, 03/05/2012 - 10:25
demonhellcat's picture
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I'm very mixed on this one...  for one, I'm glad to see Porche but it makes me wonder if the whole EA issue was legit...


Regardless... I'll still be buying this but I'd still rather spend $20 on a new track.

Mon, 03/05/2012 - 11:24 (Reply to #21)
POIDSLY's picture
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demonhellcat wrote:

I'm very mixed on this one...  for one, I'm glad to see Porche but it makes me wonder if the whole EA issue was legit...


Regardless... I'll still be buying this but I'd still rather spend $20 on a new track.

Legit....t10 are a bunch of thieving lying bar stewards, But this is getting downloaded the second it's out there. For the record - I'm still a total Ferrari fan, but porkers behave in a certain way that can be great fun. Have often missed the chance to pull one out in races.
Mon, 03/05/2012 - 21:13 (Reply to #22)
DCJamison's picture
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Ah, if the "EA refusing to let Turn 10 license Porsches" wasn't legit, EA would have sued them for slander when Turn 10 gave their press statement as to why there would be no Porsches on release day. Just sayin (Greedy EA buggers).


While I would also enjoy more tracks, I need this way more than I need a new track. Forza 4 just didn't sit right with me not having my Porsches to drive.


Oh, yea, Jamison will be racing again, just when you thought you were rid of me. hehe


P.S. I dont think I said it enough yet: Porsches, Porsches, Porsches!!!

Mon, 03/05/2012 - 10:41
HadOne2Many's picture
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If this doesn't give me the motivation to get back behind the wheel then nothing will.  I'm very happy about this!  I may have to take a few days off from work when this hits.

Mon, 03/05/2012 - 11:35
kurupt's picture
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They want me to spend more money on a broken game and for content that was free in fm3? They can go fuck them selves....fix the game and add some tracks and i might get the erge to put the game back in my console
Tue, 03/06/2012 - 20:33 (Reply to #25)
F1Fan07's picture
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kurupt wrote:
They want me to spend more money on a broken game and for content that was free in fm3? They can go fuck them selves....fix the game and add some tracks and i might get the erge to put the game back in my console


Yeah, seriously WTF?  I'm on the fence about buying this... it might get me back into Forza for a while but these cars should be free.


My guess is most of these cars are sitting there on the DVD waiting for a patch to unlock them.

Wed, 03/07/2012 - 08:08 (Reply to #26)
zedarchitect's picture
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F1Fan07 wrote:

My guess is most of these cars are sitting there on the DVD waiting for a patch to unlock them.

Oh man, if you're right and this pack doesn't come in as a massive download I think shit will hit the fan. T10 really can't get it right it seems. Now delaying the update that was coming out yesterday (not sure if that's been resolved or not). I don't want to join the bashing bandwagon but I wasn't following the release of this game and I only found out about not having P-cars after I started playing and came back to the forum. If I get into rFactor and rF2 is released before the next FM  (not the BS Horizon release) I will definitely think twice about it. [/rant]

Wed, 03/07/2012 - 23:09 (Reply to #27)
OldSlowFred's picture
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that is a pretty cool sig zed cool

Fri, 04/27/2012 - 09:15 (Reply to #28)
mrbasherman's picture
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F1Fan07 wrote:

My guess is most of these cars are sitting there on the DVD waiting for a patch to unlock them.


As funny as that would be. They aren't. :) Trust me, I know.

That doesn't mean they weren't already created...  The moment this news hit I knew it was a crock of shit but whatever, nothing surprises me anymore.

As for EA not "letting them do it..." Who's to say EA didn't agree to a cut of all those profits? I mean, how much do you think it REALLY impacted their sales when news of them not letting Turn 10 use Porsche was released? Insignificant in comparison to what they'd make off all these people wanting to spend their $20. That's 1/3rd the price of a game for fucks sake.

Fri, 04/27/2012 - 09:28 (Reply to #29)
POIDSLY's picture
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Too true.


Hard not to be cynical about what when on and what calculations were made by the various parties.

Mon, 03/05/2012 - 12:08
El_Kochino's picture
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