blog posts not found when accessing from "latest Community Blogs" scroll at top of page
blog posts not found when accessing from "latest Community Blogs" scroll at top of page
I'm getting page not found errors when I try to access some user's blog posts from the "latest community blogs" scrolling icon section at the top of the page. Loading these user's blogs through the "BLOGS LATEST BLOGS" type of path doesn't have a problem
I'll use Mrs Dixon's blog as the example...
Click on link from "latest community blogs" icon area and get:
The requested page could not be found.
Look at URL being called and see:
Remove underscore in user name ( ) and blog page loads just fine.
Same thing for user Pearly 54. (icon calling pearly_54 results in page not found, modify URL to pearly54 and get blog loading fine)
Start of a trend here with user names of more than 1 word?
What she said.
fixed. Thanks!