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What year were you born? Obvious Question for an older gamer site right?
Iam in love .
I saw that on Top Gear.com... the craziest part is that it isn't just a concept car. It's street legal and someone actually will own the one-off car.
demonhellcat wrote: I saw that on Top Gear.com... the craziest part is that it isn't just a concept car. It's street legal and someone actually will own the one-off car.
I'd say the crazy part is the HP to weight ratio on a convertible...
I've always said I'd drive a convertible anything, but that thing's nutz...
Yeah this car is allready sold. £1.8 millon pounds ( $2,826,000 Dolla!!)
© 2007 Media Crumb Inc. All rights reserve Media Crumb Inc.
Iam in love .
I saw that on Top Gear.com... the craziest part is that it isn't just a concept car. It's street legal and someone actually will own the one-off car.
I'd say the crazy part is the HP to weight ratio on a convertible...
I've always said I'd drive a convertible anything, but that thing's nutz...
Yeah this car is allready sold. £1.8 millon pounds
( $2,826,000 Dolla!!)