Finally the mute button for the wife is created
Fri, 03/02/2012 - 01:20
Finally the mute button for the wife is created
Many have tried pushing the mute button on your remote to hush the wife. It is now a possibility
Greatest invention evar.
I have a mute already for the wife. Instead of a button, it requires an unzip, but I like it way more.
So fucking epic. Well played sir.
I don't see how making her roflol mutes her, but i guess laughing is better than bitching
Well played, sir. Well played.
Hmmm now that you mention it, the back of the throat gagging does sound an awful lot like sounding roflllolloll out. I thought it was her trying to breathe while her eyes were streaming tears, but your saying it's some kind of weird laughing mechanism eh?
They've perfected the echoing cell phone call.
It works though, totally fucks with me when I call a co-worker who's cell phone ALWAYS echoes. Fucking hate it!
They need a concealed carry version of this.
Not only does it mute, it repels. It's like an invisible shield.
I dont know Walla... Not only did it not repel Monica but I believe that when she opened her mouth, she wasn't muted.
You can't use that as an example. He had +10 Charisma +12 Luck and +10 Speech. I think he may also have activated intimidating spout. That trumps Tobacco Repel any day.
The dude must have failed his luck roll!