Sim cockpits with pics of the final choice.
Sat, 03/10/2012 - 07:29
Sim cockpits with pics of the final choice.
Another question from the curious Knight
I am investing is a cockpit and am going mental trying to pick one. Being in Southern Ireland I face huge delivery costs so I have found two suppliers on the island, one here in the south, and one in the North.
In the South we have the GameRacer pro/elite , and in the North we have the GTR Racing Driving Simulator. Does anyone have any knowledge of either of these and have any input to help me make a decision. The rig must be upgradable over time and obviously comfortable over long periods...Just added the GT Omega to the list, even with shipping this one comes in under budget.
Maximum budget is €400 including delivery.
Dude I wish I had your budget to pay my bills LOL
Anniversary gift from my good lady, and saved for mate :-)
build your own, you get exactly what yopur looking for
this what I have 'attempted' and I am 'still' building it... 
I may not have gotten exactly what I was looking for but most certainly have gotten what I deserved
LOL I have never been a DIY success, I did ponder on getting one fabricated but to be honest when I looked into it it was no cheaper than getting one off the shelf. I have more or less settled on this one
You know that looks like that will do the trick pretty well and not a bad price imo. I like the design and how it has no center mount stand for the wheel mount where you have to straddle it. Good choice, and hope it works out for you and is sturdy enough for rough play.
The lack of centre stand was a big factor, it is the heaviest of the trio and looking at vids of it in action it is rock solid in use. I like the fact you can go from the base model to the full three screen in stages and that is the long term aim...Well in three weeks or so all will be revealed and I can't wait
I want to build my own but haven't decided if I want to go with MDF or T-slot aluminium profiles.
Whole range of ideas here,6.0.html if you havn't seen it.
Well I have taken the plunge and ordered the GT Omega Racing Simulator. Should be here next week and I cant wait to settle in for some truely comfortable racing. As much as I have enjoyed the Rennsport Stand it does have it weaknesses. By the time I have done I am going to have to leave the living room and dedicate one of our smaller rooms as Sim Racing room its going to get a little crowded in here as it is LOL
The rig left Glasgow today, a quick trip across the ferry and it should be with me Wednesday. Getting quite exited now...just a big kid at heart
Beautiful looking rig. Congrats and enjoy!
I am years away from a cockpit. No room for it in my house. I did manage to squeeze a triple screen set up into my small home office.
+1 fella
Cheers guys, at least I will be comfortable when chasing Fitzty's ghost around the wrong track LOL...And the aren't many places that sentence would make sense.
An interesting aside is the fact that the email telling me the item was shipped and giving me the shipping number was sent personally by Leo from Omega. Not some automated computer generated thing. I responded telling him how much I was looking forward to recieving the rig and the long process I went through to choose it. Also my plan to upgrade over time to a three screen set up. He replied this morning to say when I did there would be a discount for the stand...I love the personal touch when I shop, and it is rare to find it on the internet. It shows a committment to his product and his customers.
Sounds like you made a great purchase there Knight. I'm sure before long Fitzy will be chasing your ghosts around.
I too was getting tired of the limitations of my Rennsport Wheelstand. It is quite solid and weighs 42 pounds fully assembled with wheel, pedals, and shifter, but still would move a little during long races. It is also hard to stay comfortable sitting in a chair that is designed for reclining and watching tv. So today I ordered an rSeat EVO V3. Took a bit of convincing (bribing) with the wife, but the order finally went through. Haven't received the shipping info yet, but I expect about a week or so. I can't wait. Like you, I am just a big kid.
He he... nice one Troy. Mine has just arrived today and after much sweating and cursing it is assembled, but curses heaped upon Fanatec, the lead to connect the gear stick is too short by a mile. Considering they sell to serious Sim racers you would think they would expect a certain amount of us to need to place the shifter on our rigs. What really annoys me is all the extra length on the pedal board lead...If they did it on one why not the other!
Hi boss try get some pics of ur new setup would love to see
For sure mate, I'll have a go tomorrow. I can say it is as solid as a rock and real comfy, bit of a sod to put together, would be easier with two people. Not a rig to have if space is tight...One of the living room chairs is going to be kicked out and replaced the the Racing seat when not being used. Not quite sure how I'm going to deal with the front section yet LOL Actually scratch that had an idea as I was typing and it worked. Any how did a couple of hours in it and was more comfortable at the end than I was at the start, the seat is just great. Only drawback so far? It is such a racy feeling I keep going too daft is that? Ordered a new lead for the shifter as well so that will be installed in a few days, it will be nice to have a shifter where a shifter should be. Now just gazing adoringly at the seat, all red a black with logos stitched into the faux leather front and back..just lovely
Ok as promiced some pics.
Nice set up Knight!!!!
Knight, are you living in my old house in Wales?
Just asking coz that fireplace looks mighty familiar, and the brass box there with the ship on it!
I live in Canada now, and yes as I type, its still fkn snowing!!!
Nice set up even so!
Not unless it was airlifted to the middle of nowhere Ireland
I've seen Doctor Who episodes that explain that sort of stuff!
Nice setup Knight, looking good. Did you notice you have the gear shift on the wrong side? You're not in the southern hemisphere you dumb ass.
As Parcells types at 7:30 in the evening in Nova Scotia its currently 23 Celcius having hit high 20's earlier today. There's no way global warming is real.
No Parcells all you other numptys have the gear stick (the correct term) on the wrong side...must be because all your brains are frozen. Must also be why your always running into Fitzy and Church...
Sweet m8 im not jealous honest
High of 74 yesterday...
Rig looks sweet, but I'm afraid I'd need a set up similar to Fitzy's...
Great looking set up!!! Congrats and enjoy.
Nice setup Knight, I would love to do the same all I need is the fanatec setup, cockpit and a divorce lawyer.