Gold tactics

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#1 Tue, 03/13/2012 - 11:03
TANK's picture
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Gold tactics

I'd like to get a group together at some point to do some GOld runs.  But it looks like everyone will need to be level 20 and have some good weapons and equipment and medkits to be successful.


One strategy I'm thinking about is a team of 3 level 20 characters shooting Stasis and one level 20 with Invis.  WIth bubbles everywhere and some good complimentary combo powers and decent guns shooting speciatliy ammo the elimation rounds might go pretty well.  Then the Invis guy does the objective rounds while the other three keep on eliminating.


Anyone else got some strats to try?

Tue, 03/13/2012 - 11:10
Jedi_Kez's picture
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I'd like to get some gold runs in. I did try the other night with a room of higher levels (18, 19, 20, 20 maybe), and we couldn't complete one. Definitely need to have some strategy with it.


Guess I better level up a character with statis and/or invis next :)  (my only level 20 is an Adept).

Tue, 03/13/2012 - 11:23
Barheet's picture
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I agree with all that, but I would prefer only 2 Asari characters instead of 3. Matter of fact, I might go with only 1. Asaris are not as tough and can't cause nearly the damage as a Soldier or Engineer. You are going to need some people spamming Overload and Carnage, doing tech bursts and combos. You have to plan on not using any Missiles until wave 10, and assume that wave 10 will be "Kill the Target" and all the targets will be Banshees/Atlas/Primes.


The problem with having more than 1 Asari with Bubble is that Bubble doesn't work on boss enemies. When you have 3-4 Banshees/Atlases going at once, your Bubble starts to become a liability.


It would also depend on the enemies. For example, Bubble is practically worthless against Geth because the Pyros just walk right though it. But Sabotage can dominate the geth and is not as useful against Reapers. 




1 Asari with Bubble

1 Infiltrator

2 Engineers or Soldiers




2 Engineers/Infiltrators with Sabotage

1 Infiltrator

1 Soldier/Engineer



Tue, 03/13/2012 - 11:53
EVILCLAW's picture
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I have an Asari adept w/ stasis bubble maxed @ level 20 and also a Soldier w/ carnage, overload and drone maxed @ level 20. Need some fucking gear though. Ammo bonuses are scarce in my boxes as of late.

Tue, 03/13/2012 - 12:04
TANK's picture
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I've read the Geth are the easiest to take down so maybe Tune builds for fighting Geth.  In which case Overload is a must have and the AI Hack power would be great.  Have one guy OVerload the shields of a prime or pyro and then the AI Hack guy makes them fight for us. 


I have a level 20 Human Engineer wtih Overload maxed.  I don't have AI Hacking or Invis though.

Tue, 03/13/2012 - 12:04
Barheet's picture
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I'm wondering if the level 6 Stasis that ISN'T bubble is any good against the boss enemies. Anyone know? 


I have a level 20 Asari Vanguard with Stasis and a level 20 Quarian Infiltrator with Sabotage. 

Tue, 03/13/2012 - 12:13 (Reply to #6)
EVILCLAW's picture
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Barheet wrote:

I'm wondering if the level 6 Stasis that ISN'T bubble is any good against the boss enemies. Anyone know? 


I have a level 20 Asari Vanguard with Stasis and a level 20 Quarian Infiltrator with Sabotage. 


Well I'm guessing by now you have accumulated some respec packs, perhaps respec her and see.

Tue, 03/13/2012 - 12:31
Barheet's picture
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I don't have a single respec pack. Never seen one...ever.

Tue, 03/13/2012 - 12:37
LocGaw's picture
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I agree with Barheet on the Asari Adept. I don't have one to try but would be willing to try it out. I just don't think the bubble will be effective enough to stop the bosses from walking over and stomping your position.


I can't stress the effectiveness of Shockwave enough. While it is not so great against shields it still can be thrown through any cover or wall and is still effective enough to stun a shielded opponent for a moment. A steady rate of fire through walls with Shockwave will slowly wittle a horde down and keep you safe. I can't think of a single enemy in Multiplayer that has anything that can counter this. All enemies require a direct line of sight to attack and the AI is simply not smart enough to bounce a grenade off a wall and into your position.


Soldiers while being the most effective at weapon DPS, they just don't have the resources for a long stand off. With incomming direct fire from gold rank enemies, I don't see them holding up long enough. I would rather run a Sentinal equiped with damage mitigated armor and shield stripping/stunning Overload vs a Soldier that will run out of Grenades quickly.


At least one person will need to have a heavy weapon with an innate piercing ability. That infiltrator equiped with a Widow or Black Widow would be sublime. Not only would you have the high burst damage from the sniper, the pierce and you get a fat damage bonus from shooting out of cloak. I have seen this build get a killstreak on a single rifle shot.



I have a couple respec toons that I have, 1 at L20 specificly built for gold ops. Also, the sentinal I ran last night is designed for survival and the focus is heavy weapon DPS.



Tue, 03/13/2012 - 13:39
Barheet's picture
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Check out this video of a group beating the Reapers on Gold. They didn't even use Bubble, but you will notice they use a ton of tech and biotic powers. 36,000 credits just for capping all the devices on round 10. 107,000 total credits.


Other tactics to watch for: 


1. They conserved most of their missiles until round 10. 

2. They didn't all immediately run off to the extraction point on the final round. They moved there over time so they wouldn't get raped. 

3. Using Bubble means you are using biotics for something other than causing damage. It's a trade off...and something that might be worth looking at. 

4. Everyone had just 1 gun. Improved cooldowns and more combos. 

Tue, 03/13/2012 - 13:31
IAmTheLiquor's picture
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We got to the end of wave 9 on gold the other night without coordinating anything so I know with planning it can be done. We saved our missiles and at one point took about 8-10 atlases out with just gunfire in one round. But I agree you need at least one infiltrator and one Asari adept. Also not having manbat is key. I can not stress this enough :)

Tue, 03/13/2012 - 14:10 (Reply to #11)
EVILCLAW's picture
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IAmTheLiquor wrote:

Also not having manbat is key. I can not stress this enough :)


Ouch! Your gonna hurt his feelings. He is a bullet sponge though.

Tue, 03/13/2012 - 13:57
TANK's picture
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Also not having manbat is key. I can not stress this enough :)


Tue, 03/13/2012 - 14:35
Barheet's picture
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Manbat is like having Decoy. heheh

Tue, 03/13/2012 - 15:16
LocGaw's picture
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Tue, 03/13/2012 - 16:46
KamakazeTaco's picture
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Going against Cerberus might be the easiest way to do it. You can have an asari stasis the threats like phantoms or nemesis, and a quarian infiltrator can hack any turrets they put down. Maybe a krogan sentinel spec'ed for damage reduction to sit on objectives since they get way more shields and health, then maybe a soldier just for raw damage. As long as none of em are manbat you should be good to go.

Tue, 03/13/2012 - 17:05
TANK's picture
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I dunno... those Cerberus guys throw down a shit TON of turrets on gold .  I think I was using Overload on them though and that blew them up pretty good, wonder if you could AI Hack them and turn the turret against it's Engineer.  That would be some sweet justice.

Tue, 03/13/2012 - 17:52 (Reply to #17)
Leviticus78's picture
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TANK wrote:

I dunno... those Cerberus guys throw down a shit TON of turrets on gold .  I think I was using Overload on them though and that blew them up pretty good, wonder if you could AI Hack them and turn the turret against it's Engineer.  That would be some sweet justice.


Sabotage works great for turning turrets AND Atlases against the enemy. Works great! Done it many times. You need to have somebody dedicated to just using sabotage in those situations. It doesn't last forever but if someone is keeping an eye on it they can keep it completely off your back until it's destroyed with small arms fire.


Edit: and yes, low weight is key when using this strat. 

Tue, 03/13/2012 - 18:09 (Reply to #18)
KamakazeTaco's picture
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TANK wrote:

I dunno... those Cerberus guys throw down a shit TON of turrets on gold .  I think I was using Overload on them though and that blew them up pretty good, wonder if you could AI Hack them and turn the turret against it's Engineer.  That would be some sweet justice.


As long as everyone stays together and pays attention, the turrets aren't a threat. Sabotage works wonders on em and can turn a potentially fubar situation into an easy one.

Wed, 03/14/2012 - 12:15
Barheet's picture
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Combos explained: 



We all know the drill, cast a biotic power on an enemy, and once an enemy is affected by it, finish it off with another biotic power for a damaging AoE explosion.

-Not all biotic powers are compatible with each other (E.G. Singularity --> Pull will not cause a biotic combo). 
-Stasis is unique, because it can bypass defenses (such as shields and barriers), and enemies can be detonated while their defenses are still present. It is, however, completely ineffective vs. armored targets such as Atlas mechs and Turrets.
-Warp & Reave are unique because they can either set up or set off biotic combos. They can also set up combos on enemies with defenses (shields/barriers), so they functions similar to Stasis in this regard. And they are the only two biotic powers in the game, able to set up combos on armored targets, such as Turrets and Atlas mechs.

List of biotic combos below.

-Sigularity --> Warp/Throw/Shockwave/Charge/Nova/Cluster Grenade/Reave

-Stasis --> Warp/Throw/Shockwave/Charge/Nova/Cluster Grenade/Reave

-Pull --> Warp/Throw/Shockwave/Charge/Nova/Cluster Grenade/Reave

-Warp --> Throw/Shockwave/Charge/Nova/Cluster Grenade/Reave

-Lift Grenade --> Warp/Throw/Shockwave/Charge/Nova/Cluster Grenade/Reave

-Shockwave (only with Rank 6 Lifting Shockwave evolution) --> Warp/Throw//Charge/Nova/Cluster Grenade/Reave

-Reave - Warp/Throw/Shockwave/Charge/Nova/Cluster Grenade

There are also some new combos in ME3, that involve Tech or Combat elemental based powers. It's the same principal as with biotic combos, but they function in a slightly different manner.

-Can be set up by: Incinerate, Carnage, Inferno Grenade, Incendiary Ammo
-Can be detonated with any Biotic/Tech/Combat powers that can deal direct damage (except for the powers that are used to set up the combo).
-Effect: Enemies effected by any of the fire based powers, cause an AoE fire explosion, once they are killed by a direct damage power. The effect is similar to blowing up Pyros with Overload in ME2.
-Note: Enemy MUST be killed by the second power, in order to cause a Fire Explosion. E.G. it will not work, if an enemy is hit by Incinerate --> Overload, and still has HP left after that. So, in this case, Overload would have to do sufficient damage to outright kill a burning enemy, in order to cause a Fire Explosion.

-Can be set up by: Cryo Blast, Cryo Ammo
-Can be detonated with any Biotic/Tech/Combat powers that can deal direct damage.
-Effect: Frozen enemies killed by damage based powers, cause an AoE cryo explosion, freezing any enemy that is nearby.
-Note: Same as Fire Exlplosion, frozen enemies MUST be killed by the second power in order to trigger Cryo Explosion.

-Can be set up by: Overload, Energy Drain, Sabotage, Disruptor Ammo
-Can be detonated by any Biotic/Tech/Combat powers taht can deal direct damage (except for the powers that are used to set up the combo).
-Effect: Enemies effected by electricity based powers, discharge multiple electricity bolts to nearby enemies, when hit with direct damage powers. Effect is similar to Overload's Chain Overload upgrade.
-Note: Unlike Fire & Cryo Explosion combos, this one doesn't require an enemy to be killed by the second power. E.G. enemy hit by Overload --> Incinerate will produce a Tech Burst, whether he is killed by Incinerate or not.

Wed, 03/14/2012 - 12:25
TANK's picture
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You shoud maybe make that list it's own topic so people can find it easer.

Wed, 03/14/2012 - 12:50
LocGaw's picture
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Well, Ice and I were playing the 2 of us and we got a Biotic combo last night. I was using my Sentinal and I am not spec'd for Warp so I don't know how this happened...


Also, at the end of one round, a kill registerd on a Biotic Charge but there was no charge? I wonder what if there is a time delay for the combos to be executed. I noticed that Po tried to do a self combo but it did not register. It looked like the combo proc'd but it did not say the combo happened?


Sorry for the derailer...

Sun, 05/19/2013 - 15:32
JimSmyth's picture
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Gold is for scrubs. How about some platinum? 4

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