What's The One Book...
Wed, 03/14/2012 - 23:46
What's The One Book...
You wish everyone read so you can talk about it? Not necessarily your favorite book, but the one book you'd enjoy talking about with anyone?
For me, its Catch 22 by Joseph Heller. The first time I read that book, I laughed practically cover to cover. I woke up patients I was sitting with when I worked at the hospital while reading that book. Between the humor, great plot, and crazy situations the characters would experience, the book never gets old no matter how many times I read it. (The sequel, not so much.)
I agree. The sequel was just...............strange. Pissing heavy water and footlong pubes are just a couple of things that make it hard to read. "Catch-22" is a great book though.
For me, it's anything by Douglas Adams.
I really enjoyed The Christmas Sweater. It was a good story and it brought a smile to my face. Since I liked that book, I am reading Being George Washington. I am about half way through and am really enjoying that book as well.
Nobody I know has read either. ><
Any book by Terry Pratchett.
I just started reading some of his books. I was directed to him by a sales gal @ B&N while purchasing a couple books by Piers Anthony (Xanth series). Enjoyable and easy to read...though it does take a little time to get your mind to grasp certain aspects of the Discworld.
And this is why I try to make as many of my purchases in brick & mortar stores.....I probably never would have heard of him if I purchased all my books online. I certainly would've missed out.
it used to be, and sorta still is The Lion, The Witch, and the Wordrobe. everyone that's seen the movie i can still have mostly the same conversation with and tell them some other stuff from the book.
i guess now it would be the Hobbit, but that's no fun becuase i haven't read it in 25 yrs.