Importing ME2 and Class
Importing ME2 and Class
I've still spent like 20 minutes playing the campaign and I did import my character from ME2 but i've forgotton now...
When you import your ME2 character do you get the option to change your class? I know you can't change your class going from a New Game to New Game +. So i'm thinking way ahead at the stupidity of playing Insane. I was thinking for an Insane go thru, maybe Infiltrator with WIdow and Cloak would be a kick ass combo. But if i want to do that, I need to build that character class now.
So if i can import a ME2 character and make him an Infiltrator then I'll do that. But if i'm stuck being whatever I was in ME2, then I should probably just build a fresh character and not import.
It's been a couple of weeks since I imported my ME2 character but I do seem to remember that I had the option to change class.
I'm looking forward to hearing how you get on with the Insanity play through. Your tips from your ME2 Insanity play though made my experience with Insanity a lot less frustrating. I'm hoping you can absorb some of the pain for me again.
LOL I knew you would succumb to the challenge and do Insanity again. heheh.
Yes, you can change your class when you import a ME2 character. I am doing my Hardcore playthrough right now with an Infiltrator. When I take this character into NG+ I will do Insanity. I wanted to be able to level up all my guns to 10 on Insanity...probably will make things easier.
By the way, you've probably noticed the sniper rifle discussion in the other thread. After going through all the Tuchanka missions with my Valiant, I honestly can't see myself using the Widow or Black Widow. This gun is amazing. One shot kill Cannibals and two-clip kill Brutes. Haven't faced Banshees yet but they are mostly tech/biotic anyway. From what I've heard they don't die well against weapon fire.
Yes, you can change your class at the top of the game.
Also, I went straight to Hardcore for my first runthrough, and I gotta say, it's pretty easy compared to Hardcore on ME3. I've been discussing it on another forum, and the consensus seems to be that they've changed the difficulties in ME3. In ME2, they would put shields/barriers and armor on enemies to make it more difficult, in ME3 it appears it merely takes more bullets.
I'm playing Infiltrator, and coming in at level 30, I'm pretty much beasting it. There are a couple of spots where I had some trouble, but nothing like the Collector ship mission from ME2.
I agree the game is much easier than the other two....until you get to the last part of the game. I might be biased having played as a Vanguard. I can tell you that my Infiltrator playthrough has been much, much easier. The part on Tuckanka where you attack the Reaper was a cakewalk. Just cloak, push the button, cloak, push the other button.
Still have yet to be tested, but the first big test is coming up on Thessia.
Yeah that was pretty easy.
Reaper: Allrighty, let's see what you can do with three Brutes!
Shepard: [cloaks, hits buttons] As Shakespeare would say, I have made worm's meat of you!
Sadly i knew this too :lol:
I've talked with a few people playing Insane and theyv'e said it's more like ME1's insane which was challenging but not frustrating unlike ME2 where they went stupid with the difficulty.
I'm thinking it might be 'easier' to play the game thru on Insane over doing 6 maps of coop on Gold :lol:
You know there's 2 Insanity achievements right? 1 for completing the game, the other for doing ALL the single player missions, which includes the N7 missions, which are the MP maps just with a SP mission attached to them.
I just saw on the BW forums that you keep all your armor, weapons, upgrades and fish on NG+.
Yeah, it's true but a bit misleading.
They are all in the game, but you still have to reaquire them. Pretty much all the weapons you can find during missions, as well as armor pieces, but there are several items you have to purchase from stores. Most notably any DLC or Collector's Edition stuff. (i.e., I have to repurchase my Dragon Blood, Collector, Cerberus armors).