ME3 Booster Pack Item lists

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#1 Fri, 03/16/2012 - 13:29
Jedi_Kez's picture
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ME3 Booster Pack Item lists

I found this information over at the site. Here is the list of items that you can randomly recieve in those "Recruit", "Veteran", "Spectre" packs.


[b]Recruit Pack[/b] 5000 Credits
[b]Veteran Pack[/b] 20,000 Credits (or 80 Microsoft Points)
[b]Spectre Pack[/b] 60,000 Credits (or 160 Mircosoft Points)
[b]Equipment Pack[/b] 20 000 Credits (or 80 Microsoft Points) *limited time only
 - Enough bonus equipment to survive any mission.
 - Includes 5 random equipment and supply items. (things like medi-gel are x5)



  •  - Max weapon level is X (10)
  •  - Max weapon mod level is V (5)
  •  - I think you can keep getting the same character cards even if you have all their appearance options already
  •  - Clearing Bronze gets you around 15,000 credits
  •  - Clearing Silver gets you around 30,000 credits
  •  - Clearing Gold gets you around 75,000 credits
  •  - Once you max out weapons and weapon mods you won't get them again. This means if you focus on Recruit Packs and max out all those items there, you won't receive them in the higher packs, which increases you chances of getting the better weapons there.


[color=blue][b]COMMON BLUE (All 3 Packs)[/b][/color]
Cobra Missile Launcher 
Thermal Clip Pack
Ops Survival Pack 
Ammo Bonus Items Rank I - Recruit Pack
Weapon Bonus Items Rank I - Recruit Pack 
Armor Bonus Items Rank I - Recruit Pack
M-3 Predator
M-23 Katana
M-4 Shuriken
M-92 Mantis
M-8 Avenger
SMG Scope
Pistol Scope
Pistol High Caliber Barrel
Assault Rifle Percision Scope
Assault Rifle Magazine Upgrade
Assault Rifle Stability Damper
Sniper Rifle Spare Thermal Clip
Shotgun Smart Choke
Shotgun High Caliber Barrel
Shotgun Blade Attachment
Human Characters (appearance unlocks)
[color=grey][b]UNCOMMON SILVER (All 3 Packs)[/b][/color]
M-5 Phalanx
M-22 Eviscerator
M-9 Tempest
M-12 Locust
M-13 Raptor
M-27 Scimitar
M-97 Viper
M-29 Incisor
M-96 Mattock
M-15 Vindicator
SMG Mag Upgrade
SMG High Caliber Barrel
SMG Heat Sink
Pistol Magazine Upgrade
Pistol Piercing Mod
Pistol Melee Stun
Assault Rifle Stability Damper
Assault Rifle Piercing Mod
Sniper Piercing Mod
Sniper Rifle Extended Barrel
Sniper Rifle Enhanced Scope
Shotgun Shredder Mod
Shotgun Spare Thermal Clips
Ammo Bonus Items Rank II - Veteran Pack 
Weapon Bonus Items Rank II - Veteran Pack
Armor Bonus Items Rank II - Veteran Pack
Turian Soldier
Salarian Engineer
Turian Sentinel
Quarian Infiltrator
Asari Vanguard
Drell Adept
[color=gold][b]Rare (Gold) (Veteran/Spectre)[/b][/color]
Respec Card
M-25 Hornet
M-6 Carnifex
Geth Pulse Rifle
Geth Pulse Shotgun
M-300 Claymore
M-98 Widow
Arc Pistol
Graal Spike Thrower
M-37 Falcon
M-76 Revenant
Ammo Bonus Items Rank III - Spectre Pack 
Weapon Bonus Items Rank III - Spectre Pack
Armor Bonus Items Rank III - Spectre Pack
Cobra Missile Launcher Capacity Upgrade +1
Thermal Clip Pack Capacity Upgrade +1
Ops Survival Pack Capacity Upgrade +1
Medi-Gel Capacity Upgrade +1
Asari Adept
Krogan Soldier
Krogan Sentinel
Quarian Engineer
Salarian Infiltrator
Drell Vanguard
[b]ULTRA RARE N7/BLACK (Spectre)[/b]
Black Widow
M-358 Talon
M-99 Saber
M-77 Paladin
M-11 Wraith
Fri, 03/16/2012 - 16:25
TANK's picture
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Need to print this off and start crossing stuff off.  I think I have a "Talon" if it's the gun i'm thinking of it's a pistol shotgun basically.  IT's not very good.  I'd expect as the rarity increases so does how bad ass the gun is but i'm not feel'in the Talon.

Fri, 03/16/2012 - 15:43
IAmTheLiquor's picture
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I guess I should be happy I got a Javelin. I didn't know it was that rare. I guess it makes sense considering it rapes face

Sat, 03/17/2012 - 07:31
LocGaw's picture
Last seen: 8 years 11 months ago
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Jedi, you are the man! Thanks!

Sat, 03/17/2012 - 08:33
Full_Tilt_Panic's picture
Last seen: 11 years 4 months ago
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Nice info. Thanks man. I keep unlocking lower level stuff so far, but did manage to get a claymore. What I really want it one of the badass ARs. So far, I only seem to have gotten a couple pistols and a SMG. Aside, from the Claymore anyway.

Sat, 03/17/2012 - 09:57
MrGuster's picture
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Thanks Kez!  This is going to help.

Wed, 03/28/2012 - 19:46
tufforcop's picture
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Yeah found this a while back and I have maxed all frigging mods and a lot of weapons but have yet to get even a level one saber..... wtf?!
Fri, 03/30/2012 - 12:06
TRIHunter's picture
Last seen: 8 years 6 months ago
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Did you guys buy all recruit and veteran packs until you had all the mod unlocks? I've read where that is the recommendation but the spectre rares just keep calling me.

Fri, 03/30/2012 - 12:25 (Reply to #8)
TANK's picture
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TRIHunter wrote:

Did you guys buy all recruit and veteran packs until you had all the mod unlocks? I've read where that is the recommendation but the spectre rares just keep calling me.


I've read this too but have been unable to stop buying Specter packs.  The very small chance of being able to get another level on my Widow keeps my buying Specters.  Althought technically I could also get the WIdow in the Vet pack and buy 3 of those for the price of one Specter.

Sat, 03/31/2012 - 06:56 (Reply to #9)
tufforcop's picture
Last seen: 11 years 2 weeks ago
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TRIHunter wrote:

Did you guys buy all recruit and veteran packs until you had all the mod unlocks? I've read where that is the recommendation but the spectre rares just keep calling me.

What I did was buy recruit packs until my basic Weapons were maxed, then I went direct to the spectre pack. I have been hoping to get the Saber but as of yet (N7 over 400) no Saber crying. But I do have all of the mods maxed (they max at 5)  missles at 5, med gels 4, ammo 4, survival 4, and most of the silver and gold weapons are over 5 and quite a few are approching 10.

I mean my wife and son even got Sabers already and havent put the effort into it that I have.... frustrating LOL.


I even have my Widow at a 7 TANK LOL.... and I would trade it for a stupid Saber at this point....

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