IMHO, spawn trapping is a sign of poor map design. Maybe that's why I never liked the Pit so much. I know you MLG types will disagree and say it's a skill, and I agree, but I'd rather play on a map that tested other skills that spawn trapping. To each their own...
Then, ywah, we're fundamentally going to have some disagreements about what constitutes a map. Spawn trapping is an outcome of predictable spawns, which helps out immensely when executing a plan. I think Narrows would be an even better example of this dichotomy. The regular variant will flip your spawn from one side of the map to the other. The MLG variant will not. You spawn on that side the entire time, enabling a spawn trap or enabling predictability in the gametype. Also, flipping the spawns on that map makes flag fucking impossible.
Spawn predictability also helps with Construct. Construct is about controlling that sword lobby, and if you don't do so with your spawns, you're porked. Also, if you can account for where the other team is, you can push them to spawn back Gold or mid Gold, the worst set of spawns on that map.
that's all cool except for the the MLG twist. if you're going to occupy the other teams base, and leave your base unattended, then you should lose out on your claim to that base.
That's the thing. If you're occupying their base, you get pushed out, unless you're just clearly outclasing the other team in a vulgar manner (or hit some lucky spawns with full rockets). On MLG Narrows, you spawn either on the flag side or on the opposing side, and keeping your spawn is important, because you don't usually grab flag there (and expect to cap it) if you don't clear the spawn out first.
That's the thing. If you're occupying their base, you get pushed out, unless you're just clearly outclasing the other team in a vulgar manner (or hit some lucky spawns with full rockets). On MLG Narrows, you spawn either on the flag side or on the opposing side, and keeping your spawn is important, because you don't usually grab flag there (and expect to cap it) if you don't clear the spawn out first.