Mar 20 balance changes
Mar 20 balance changes
I wondered why the Atlas was taking longer to kill ....
March 20, 2012
Phaeston Assault Rifle
- Damage increased from [29.7-37.2] to [34.7-42.2]
Revenant Assault Rifle
- Damage increased from [52.9-66.2] to [57.9-71.2]
Claymore Shotgun
- Damage increased from [152.8-191.0] to [167.8-206.0]
Falcon Assault Rifle
- Increased refire time on the Falcon to 0.65 seconds
- Decreased rate of fire from 125 to 50
- Decreased max spare ammo from [24-34] to [18-28]
Sentry Turret Power
- Increased base shields from 500 to 1000
- Increased base damage from 25 to 30
- Evolve 5 Rocket upgrade damage increased from 150 to 250
- Evolve 5 Rocket upgrade radius increased from 1.5 meters to 2.0 meters
Combat Drone Power
- Evolve 5 Rocket upgrade damage increased from 150 to 250
- Evolve 5 Rocket upgrade radius increased from 1.5 meters to 2.0 meters
Ops Survival Pack Consumable
- Increased amount of bonus shields given from 1000 to 1500
- (Silver) Armor increased from 11250 to 12940
- (Silver) Shields increased from 11250 to 12940
- (Gold) Armor increased from 16875 to 21094
- (Gold) Shields increased from 16875 to 21094
Why? They can fix a MP that is working just fine, but they can't fix a crappy ending?
Boo urns to the Falcon nerf.
That thing used to be beast, now its a shell of its former self.
Guess they thought you made it to easy with 2 shots and incinerate to take one down. Now you''ll have to reload one more time.
It's not even a competitive multiplayer, why are they nerfing everything? I can understand making some enemies harder for extra challenge, but leave the weapons alone.
It's not even a competitive multiplayer, why are they nerfing everything? I can understand making some enemies harder for extra challenge, but leave the weapons alone. It won't be long before the salarian infiltrator is nerfed as well. Take away the armor penetration of the Widow. Stasis gets a 20 second cooldown.
Y ai fully agree. They're going to wreck the game with all their fucking around with it. I want to get the gold runs done before it becomes unplayable.
I thought the falcon was shooting slower. The Quarian engineer rocks.