Armored Core V - Opinions and Reviews
Tue, 03/20/2012 - 12:36
Armored Core V - Opinions and Reviews
Just starting a thread for peeps to place thoughts and opinions on the finished product.
im personally not very good at writing reviews but, i will post up some thoughts and such when i manage to actually play.
here is the only review ive managed to find so far:
link to meta critic for whole bunchy of reviews. Well only 3 at the moment unless you count the one from Playstation UK, but nobody counts that.
So far its a favorable response but its getting hit in the marks department for lack of learning curve and unsatisfying single player experience (not suprising news). It is getting much praise where the multiplayer/gameplay and customization are concerned. Which is all I needed.
They complain the store doesn't have enough parts. It's got over 500, most games you're lucky if you can choose between 20 guns.
I've been playing for a bit and I'm really impressed so far. When you first start up it makes you join or create a team (I started up the Iron Age Lynx already, should be searchable. Password is 2o2p) Once you're on the main screen it feels very much like Chromehounds. It shows the world map and what teams have taken what territories. You can opt to jump right into a free battle, which is just typical PVP stuff. You can sign up as a mercenary to go on joint missions with other teams, or you can take your team on a conquest to invade and take some territory of your own.
The combat feels nothing like the last two AC games with the super fast constant boosting and flying, it's much closer to the original Playstation games. The aiming and shooting and such is all very intuitive. Shoulder button for shoulder weapon, right and left trigger for right and left weapon, click left stick to boost, it's all stuff we've been using in every other game.
Making your mech is a little more streamlined. There's still just as many stats to consider, but it looks like they've done away with the FCS tuning you had in the last games. But they also let you customize the workshop and I don't have anything for that yet, so it's possible that's something you have to unlock/purchase later. Your parts can now get junked if they take damage in combat. I'm not 100% on how this works just yet but it looks like some RPGs where your gear breaks when you die and does less damage or has less defence. You can repair it of course, but it's costly.
I think anyone who really enjoyed Chromehounds should give this game a try. There's no online pass so you can rent it easily enough. It'd be really cool to see a 2o2p army taking over the world.
That would be really nice.![smiley smiley](
7 is my imaginary friend who I was talking with at the time.![wink wink](
Wow, wow, wow. Played some games with Taco last night and I'm impressed.
The options for customization are above and beyond that of what Chromehounds was. In the 3 hours that we played, I probably spend 70% of that time in the garage tinkering with different shit while Taco patiently waited for me to play some missions, lol.
Was late for work this morning but damn that was fun and I'll probably do it again tonight![smiley smiley](
right on dude. How was the online? I heard many otheres couldn't access the store and single player campaign progress wasn't being saved for some reason... You guys experience any of that? They may have been on PS3 not sure.
We didn't try any of the multiplayer stuff. May have to try that tonight.... that is if I want to chance loosing all our team money due to heavy damage, lol. I was going to try the store but I got lost in the plethora of weapons and gadgets for my garage that came with my pre order bonus.
We didn't have any problems with campaign progress loss and we were in the garage tweaking between every mission. Hopefully it doesn't get lost between xbox power ups.
God Dammit!! Its gonna be really hard driving by both Best Buy and Gamestop on the way home tonight without stopping to buy this. Shit! I haven't finished playthrough 1 on ME3 and am still about a 1/3 of the way through KOA and GOW3 DLC drops next week.![crying crying](
Look at it this way... you will have no excuses for being bored clear up till christmas, lol. BUY IT! If everyone gets it that has posted in here we are still going to have only about 5 teamates. I'm not sure if there is a limit on teammates but we need more.
From what I've been reading as well there is not a lot of outsiders playing this game so we potentially have the chance to be the 2o2p rulers of the U.S. ACV servers![cool cool](
Go rent it and give it a try, you'll get hooked. This beats the pants off KoA.
Taco, how many on a squad, 5? Do you already have 5 your running with?
Depends on the mission, it's 2-5 people (with 5 it's 4 on the field and 1 operator). Even if by some miracle all 6 of us are online at the same time (and we all know that won't happen) we can always break up into teams of 3 so everyone has people to play with.
If you like tactical gameplay and teamwork, this is a game you need to pick up.
The menu system is a little wierd. There definitely is a learning curve. Controls are pretty straightforward.. other than switching weapons- thanks Taco for the help on that one.
Got to play a quick match or two with Taco last night- had a few connection issues, but when it was working it was damn fun. Looking forward to getting a full group and taking on human opponents... that's what I remember most from Chromehounds. We need to take over this world just like back in the day.
I finally found a review![smiley smiley](
This one seems to sum up my experience as well.
I finally found a review![smiley smiley](
This one seems to sum up my experience as well.
I think I'll give in. I played CH to death and if ACV is anything remotely similar, it wil scratch an itch I've had for a few years. I'll probably pick it up tomorrow on the way home from work. It's a no-timmie squad, right?
Yeah, it's gonna be a 2o2p only squad. We conquered our first territory tonight with me, Evil, Levi and Pulsaris. Unfortunately you need a fair amount of team points to do a conquest mission. They're easy enough to get, just play missions but we need more members actually playing missions.
If nothing else, give it a rental and hop in a few games with us, see if ya like how it feels. I think it's a lot closer to CH than the last AC games were, especially the invasion missions we've been mostly running tonight.
I will give it a rent I guess. I miss CH... Hated the other AC games though.
Well if you hate it then you hate it. Cool that you are giving it a try though. I get online with it friday night. hopefully I have time for some games. I wont screw with the garage right away.
There is no "hopefully"... only "I will ". You're slacking in your team participation already![wink wink](
I said friday... Dont know why musta been wishful thinking cause I am not getting online with it till sunday. Screw me I must be on drugs. Goodnight and have a great weekend.
the game feels very different to me. it doesnt have that twitchy quick boosting dodge. the urban street settings really slow the game down and gives you options on which way you want to reach the objectives. granted i've only done two of the missions in SP so, i dont have a full grasp on how the combat is. i need to get re aquainted with the controls. i've gotten too used to the controls for AC4 with the triggers as the boosting and the face buttons for the weapons.
The button layout is completely customizable. You should be able to switch them to whatever you want.
Just ordered mine, my local Gamestop was sold out, go figure. I should have it sometime next week.
Bout time you showed up! Currently this brings our numbers up to eight. If relic and loc decide they like it we could have 2 full teams. Respectably half an army. It feels like we are still missing people....
LOL, thanks Polteg, I haven't had much gaming time as of late, but I will definitely try to get on more once i get my hands on my copy.
Couple new reviews and scores up on Metacritic.
It's sittin at 71 right now, and most of the negative is about the lackluster campaign and complex garage.
This is why the series won't take off. If there's not some mega weapon they can get within 5 minutes to do all the work for them, nobody wants to actually put effort into learning anything. Am I the only one who remembers when having to actually think wasn't something to be frowned upon?
Some of us are old and drunk so we don't remember what happened 10 minutes ago. :)
Man, I drove around stopping at places for a couple hours last night. Still could'nt find a copy.
Wow. Really?? Its hard to imagine that it's a sold out game. Did they really ship such limited quantities?