Want to apologize to Tagano and SLIM V3nOm for wrecking them Last night. When ** ******* pitted me at lap 5 I was too agressive i was trying to catch back up and give the same back. After wrecking SLIM basically just drove around the track staying out of the way.I apologize to anyone I hit and hope i didn't ruin the race for them.
Want to apologize to Tagano and SLIM V3nOm for wrecking them Last night. When ** ******* pitted me at lap 5 I was too agressive i was trying to catch back up and give the same back. After wrecking SLIM basically just drove around the track staying out of the way.I apologize to anyone I hit and hope i didn't ruin the race for them.
No harm done Garry... It's all in good fun.
Hmmm.... I wonder whose name is under those Asterisks? Does it rhyme with Del Mochino?
Want to apologize to Tagano and SLIM V3nOm for wrecking them Last night. When ** ******* pitted me at lap 5 I was too agressive i was trying to catch back up and give the same back. After wrecking SLIM basically just drove around the track staying out of the way.I apologize to anyone I hit and hope i didn't ruin the race for them.
I too am sorry, I don't know what came over me...
I didn't want to be a vigilante, I didn't... it just happened
Had a great race coming back from an extended absence.
I started first, tangled up with a couple of cars, and eventually dropping to last place during the race.
I worked my way up from last place to 3rd place (thanks to a couple of fender benders from the other races and some mistakes :p)
During the last lap, I was following MotoGP74 and the other race (sorry forgot his name) and we all got tangled up. Tegano came in to take second spot for the final show down.
I personally had epic battles from 2nd place to 6th place and back up to 1st. (I managed to eek out 1st but only due to being unhandicapped.)
I have to say I'm learning a tonne from running with you fast lot, Jimmie, Assasin, snappy. when running behind you My times get faster in leaps and bounds. you should elase yourselves out as training partners for real.
I started out running just below my fastest times around 2.44 but by the end had managed a couple of 2.42!! sick.
Unfortunately Oldschool seemed to develop some minor lag issues which resulted in him slipping to the back.
We only had one caution and enjoyed bumper to bumper racing pretty much the entire run.
Thanks for another great one lads! I have the replay should anyone want it.
One more race with the Scions. It's a great car if you haven't raced it you ought to come out and race with us this thursday. Race is Maple Valley Reverse.
Oh I wish I could run with you, I love that track. Only race I have won with the club was on maple reverse...but it's past my bed time. Curses on time zones...I want a time machine!
WTF?? Great racing last night until lap 15. Trackassassin disappeared from in front of me, I looked up and I was position 1/1, still racing without missing a beat. NICE. See y'all next week
I was like wtf? And saw tour name drop. Danm servers, Was a good race though. You guys kept me sweating. Hope everyone enjoyed this series, Now on to the next.
I had a blast racing with you guys and plan to do the next series aswell. Is the schedule on myforzagarage correct though, is the series changing to Fridays or is that incorrect?
Want to apologize to Tagano and SLIM V3nOm for wrecking them Last night. When ** ******* pitted me at lap 5 I was too agressive i was trying to catch back up and give the same back. After wrecking SLIM basically just drove around the track staying out of the way.I apologize to anyone I hit and hope i didn't ruin the race for them.
No harm done Garry... It's all in good fun.
Hmmm.... I wonder whose name is under those Asterisks? Does it rhyme with Del Mochino?
I too am sorry, I don't know what came over me...
I didn't want to be a vigilante, I didn't... it just happened
for this I apologize
Don't worry alls fun. I was just really agressive and hoped I didn't cause some a bad day. I drove my ass off too catch up to you. lol
Had a great race coming back from an extended absence.
I started first, tangled up with a couple of cars, and eventually dropping to last place during the race.
I worked my way up from last place to 3rd place (thanks to a couple of fender benders from the other races and some mistakes :p)
During the last lap, I was following MotoGP74 and the other race (sorry forgot his name) and we all got tangled up. Tegano came in to take second spot for the final show down.
Some great racing in our room.
I personally had epic battles from 2nd place to 6th place and back up to 1st. (I managed to eek out 1st but only due to being unhandicapped.)
I have to say I'm learning a tonne from running with you fast lot, Jimmie, Assasin, snappy. when running behind you My times get faster in leaps and bounds. you should elase yourselves out as training partners for real.
I started out running just below my fastest times around 2.44 but by the end had managed a couple of 2.42!! sick.
Unfortunately Oldschool seemed to develop some minor lag issues which resulted in him slipping to the back.
We only had one caution and enjoyed bumper to bumper racing pretty much the entire run.
Thanks for another great one lads! I have the replay should anyone want it.
One more race with the Scions. It's a great car if you haven't raced it you ought to come out and race with us this thursday. Race is Maple Valley Reverse.
Practice - Wednesday 9:00pm EST
Race - Thursday 10:00pm EST
Sign up MyForzaGarage or here in the Forums.
Oh my nemesis - Maple Valley reverse!
I am so bad at Maple Valley R that I may not get handicapped this week.
These smilies suck
Practice tonight at 9:00pm EST on Maple Valley Reverse. Even if you don't plan on racing car is on my storefront come out and have fun.
Oh I wish I could run with you, I love that track. Only race I have won with the club was on maple reverse...but it's past my bed time. Curses on time zones...I want a time machine!
Anyone else want to run to night?
From Practice
1 Trackassassin
2 Fantomas
3 SnappyDee
4 T Diamond
5 imjimeez44
Plus all who signed up at MyForzaGarage
I'd love to as well, but it's too late for me. About the time you're lining up, I'm off to bed.
Lets do this.
WTF?? Great racing last night until lap 15. Trackassassin disappeared from in front of me, I looked up and I was position 1/1, still racing without missing a beat. NICE. See y'all next week
I was like wtf? And saw tour name drop. Danm servers,
Was a good race though. You guys kept me sweating. Hope everyone enjoyed this series, Now on to the next.
@Dbrown, Yeh i was chasing you two down, you were lagging pretty hard just before you got dropped. Sucks to happen so close to the end as well.
Great series ! Looking forward to the next one. :-)
Another great series. Prelim testing on the new car, it should be a fun series as well.
I had a blast racing with you guys and plan to do the next series aswell. Is the schedule on myforzagarage correct though, is the series changing to Fridays or is that incorrect?
No PROAM is still Thursdays
Whoops, my bad, I found the post for next ProAm series. Excuse me, I'm still very new around here.