MyForzaGarage links not working

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#1 Sun, 03/25/2012 - 14:19
Shadders's picture
Last seen: 11 years 10 months ago
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MyForzaGarage links not working

is it  just me but when I click on the links on car lists and tuning, and personal leaderboards, I get redirected to Groupon site, then if I try again I get

 Error 404: NOT FOUND! This domain name has just been registered 

I am using Chromium browser, have also tried it in firefox, same results, if that makes any difference.


Sun, 03/25/2012 - 14:46
jcotter13's picture
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It's working for me on firefox.

Sun, 03/25/2012 - 15:24
Shadders's picture
Last seen: 11 years 10 months ago
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Mmmm, Have cleared out all caches, deleted cookies etc, but it still not loading for me, strange its only those two tabs, I can access all the other parts of the garage, will have to poke about some system folders see if I can find the problem, Thanks Cotter

Edit: strange if Itype into browser manually it loads in both browsers, seems they are not recognising the links properly, totally stumped now, just booked marked it and will load from there.

Sun, 03/25/2012 - 15:27
jcotter13's picture
Last seen: 9 years 8 months ago
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You might want to shoot a message to psybertech. He might be able to hel you get sorted since he 's the site's builder.

Sun, 03/25/2012 - 15:33
Shadders's picture
Last seen: 11 years 10 months ago
Joined: 03/17/2012 - 17:16

Yes I will drop him a PM and let him know,

I have found I can load the tuning calc from the garage, but when I go to 2O4F section of site,  those links are not working

Sun, 03/25/2012 - 16:35
jcotter13's picture
Last seen: 9 years 8 months ago
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Hmm your club staus may have gotten borked somehow then. I'm sure he can get you sorted.

Sun, 03/25/2012 - 21:20
psybertech's picture
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Sorry, I was out all day and just saw this.

I don't see what the issue is. The only thing I can think of, and its similar, not the same, is that you have an addon for Chrome or Firefox that is misbehaving (ie hijacking parts of the page to display ads or redirect you to other sites). FOr me it was an auto-reload addon for Chrome. It just started one day long after I installed and use the addon in question. Its like it updated or turned on a new "feature" that added ads. Annoyed the hell out of me since it was a great addon, but not so much when they are putting ads on any page I visited. Sneaky bastards.

But you also said you tried two browsers so unless you have the same addon from the same people for two different browsers, I am clueless. I hate to even suggest that you might have some malware on your PC. NOT from me of course, but something that would interract between the internet connection and any browser running. I hope that isn't the case for you.


You said "chromium", not Chrome. Are you on a Linux Distro? Not that matters... just curious.

I really don't have an answer as what you describe is basic links, nothing to do with the special 2O4F sections (normally when people can't access a page it is becuase they haven't visited the specil page and clicked the link to gain access to the special section). It's never on the links on the mian page that work whether or not you are signed into MFG (car lists and tuning db don't need registration or signin to view).


This might be asking alot, but if you could, it could help me.

When it happens, make sure you are back on MFG, right click on the page and choose the option to "View SOurce"... copy/paste into a text editor and save and send to me. Ideally, click on the top section of the page and do that, then repeat in the middle of the page and finally right above the footer black bar on the page. Why? Just in case it is code injection from a virus, malware or misbehaving addon. If you see any mention of "FRAME SOURCE", that is the big boy and if you do see that, view the Frame Source and copy/paste and send that. The Frame Source should NOT exist. I do not use frames. Hijacking code will sometimes create a fake webpage made of frames which in one of them they load what you expect to see an in another they load or try to load crap.

Anyway.... I am back and will be around the PC so I will stay tuned. OK... bed time soon, but I will be around. :)


Oh, and shadders... sorry my site is being a pain to you. I will try to help you find what is wrong, but I hate to say it, I doubt its anything on my end.sad

Mon, 03/26/2012 - 12:40
Shadders's picture
Last seen: 11 years 10 months ago
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Hi, yes I am running Ubuntu disto of linux, I have no add on's for either browser (Chromium and Firefox), I have done a full system scan for virus / malware and the system is clean, I have always been very careful when it comes to security and in over 15 years have never had a single infection from any form of virus etc, Now here the strange thing I have tried the site using the Konqueror browser and the whole site is working fine, no problems at all, only thing I can think of is maybe some host files are screwed up, I am going to remove and reinstall both browsers after a thorough clean up, see if that makes any difference, 

I have copied the page source from top, middle and bottom of page, do you want me to email them to you or send via pm

Sorry for being a pain, its obviously something my end, at leats I can use the whole site all be it using different browsers etc, not a massive problem, more of an inconvieniance really

Mon, 03/26/2012 - 12:52
psybertech's picture
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No worries. I am happy to try to help.

Seeing that you are on Ubuntu, then most malware causes are pretty much ruled out.

Hosts file could be it if there is an entry with the MFG IP address in it for some reason but that would be global and you technically wouldn't be able to reach MFG at all if the same IP was listed in the hosts file. 

You can email me the files at Maybe something will jump out at me in them but I am doubting they will show anything odd. I do hope they show something though to help find what the issue could be.

I am intrigued to say the least. 

Mon, 03/26/2012 - 13:35
Shadders's picture
Last seen: 11 years 10 months ago
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Found nothing in the hosts file, have emailed you the pages, maybe you will see something, I dont know what I'm looking for in there

Thanks for your support

Mon, 03/26/2012 - 13:46
psybertech's picture
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Shadders: Got your email and replied already. Basicaly, can you test again when you get a minute?

More details in the email...........

Mon, 03/26/2012 - 13:52
Shadders's picture
Last seen: 11 years 10 months ago
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psybertech you are a gentleman and a scholar, that is all fixed and working a treat, Thank you so much for taking the time and effort to sort things out for an old man, an old and very happy man smiley

Mon, 03/26/2012 - 14:01
psybertech's picture
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haha... I need to read up on how Nix Browsers operate. The change I did from relative to absolute links should never have worked.

So for whatever reason, any links I linked as relative like /thisPage.htm instead of were failing for unknown reasons. When they failed something (probably your ISP) was redirecting you to a sponser page which is relatively common for ISPs (most provide opt-out options in account settings of the ISP home page).


Regardless... glad it works as expected and a mental note to myself.. when in doubt, absolute > relative. :/

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