Friday Night Gathering???
Friday Night Gathering???
Parcells created the sequel event to the Lotus Cup Extravaganza on Sunday but with it now in the Race series and events sub forum it is getting little to no attention. Therefore this thread is not intended to schedule a series or an event, rather to garner interest in getting together this Friday evening for some casual but totally preplanned races Repeat of original thread below.
Coming this Friday evening, March 30, 2012 at 7:00 EST Parcells presents to you the Opel Speedster Open. Not quite the extravagant event the Lotus Cup was marketed as but the Opel Open promises to be very similar. Same flexible rules and prize for the winner just the car and tracks have changed. This is not an invitational event (we’ll do one of them some other Friday) but if you’d like an unsolicited invite on Friday just let me know.
Total lobby points is declared the winner after the below 6 races are run (roughly 12 minute races). Everyone uses a stock Opel Speedster (no tunes/upgrades allowed).
Practice starts at 7:00 pm EST and the official event starts at 7:30 sharp. In the interest of efficiency, during the Lotus extravaganza we collectively decided to include the practice race points towards the overall winner points. That may or may not happen again.
Limited damage will be on and the race start will be reverse lobby points all night (most lobby points at back of every race). No cautions.
You are encouraged not to practice for this event so as to not have an advantage over the kind and gentle host. That said, someone needs to step it up and put sWhite in his place. He’s been advertising his Lotus domination all over the Internet last week and unless I’m mistaken I think the Top Gear guys are expected to bring it up “in passing” during this week’s show. Parcells can’t beat him so maybe Assassin needs to show up early – or I’ll restart the room if needed.
Motegi East – 8 laps
Camino Viejo Full – 8 laps
Suzuka West – 8 laps
Sebring Club – 8 laps
Silverstone International – 8 laps
Infineon Nascar – 8 laps
sounds like a plan !
I just hope Fitzy shows up so I can do some final driving comparison btwn the two of you
Sounds like Churchpro is gonna set up a pool on which of you comes out on top after Sunday's race...
and I need to decide where to place my bet
send an invite towards me please.
You posted this on March 27th for a race event on March 23rd. I don't get it. I might have joined you, but I don't have a time machine. I guess we will all have to use the Delorean to participate in this event. Can this be completed in under 2 hours? I'm running the final race of my Modern Muscle Series this Friday.
He's been hitting the pipe again.
Yes it seesm the date is defintiely wrong. The race is this Friday, March 30 and we'll be done before 9:30 EST.
You may want to edit the original post to avoid any confusion.
Jarhead confusion is Parcells middle name, or is it slow I can never remember.
I would definitely like to take part in this, after all I have about 5 gallons of illegal fuel left and my wife is keen to clear the space in the shed!
My main concerns are:
1) I have no idea what time 7pm EST actually is Manchster, UK (which happens to be where I live!). Despite looking at more than one time-zone website, the fact that the UK went onto daylight saving time last week but not at the same time as all of the US, which appears to go onto DST on different dates depending on which part you are in has left me completely baffled; and
2) I suspect I may well be asleep by the time it does start!
However, if I do manage to work out the start time in the UK and I am awake, then you can count on me being there.......
The lobby opens up exactly 29 hours and 10 minutes from the time you posed the question (submitted above post) and the races start 30 minutes after that.
It's actually 7 pm EDT as we are in daylight savings time here also. That works out to be 12:00 midnight in the UK.
Like I said, I'm in. It'll be nice to run with Sheldon again. I thought he was only racing on PS3 these days........................
I think it is questionable whether it should be called racing when it comes to me...
But don't fear I am still on Forza and still haven't improved at the 'racing' much
I will try to be on tonight for this, just gotta navigate a bit of RL to make it happen...
Who's Sheldon?
he is the guy that was only racing on the PS3 these days
I just raced with Sheldon on the PC the other night. He really gets around for only racing on the PS3.
We raced on the PS3 last night but there was no Sheldon. This is becoming very confusing, it's hard to know what Sheldon is racing these days.
So, is Sheldon Oldslowfred ?( although if so, I'm baffled)...or Parcells (doubtful), definately NOT jimi...
I might even make this tonight :)
Ooo,Ooo, me too!
So is this stock Opel's? Is there a spec build?
Huey would like to join.
Totally stock raddo. I'll invite you and church in after a few practise races to enable Parcells to gain some lobby points, see if I can milk the victory.
I'm gonna be too late for this i think but def would love to get in some racing tonight. I should be on 6.30ish PST if you're still about.
Best part of that night was this