From the Twisted Garage of Sarcasmo Jones
From the Twisted Garage of Sarcasmo Jones
They said it wouldn't work. They said it was insane to even try...and they were right! From a garage so dark and twisted that grown men have pulled their own heads off to avoid losing their minds from madness within I present...the B Class Fujimi-Tuned Country Squire. This incredible machine has already secured PBs at Motegi Full, Silverstone National, and (yes) Fujimi Kaido D Reverse. I know what you're asking yourself...hell, I'd probably be asking the same questions. "Was anyone harmed, or possibly killed, during the creation of this vehicular abomination?"...possibly. "What other horrors lurk in that garage of madness?"...a lawnmower and some charcoal starter fluid. "Did that monster beat my so-and-so at such-and-such track?"...probably.
Tune is on the SF...if you dare...mwhahahahahah.
I'm going for this , thanks dude...And yes I'm mad as a march hare!!!!!!
Will have to pick it up. I have ran the boat a few times now for some reason
I ran this last night , very planted good speed no drama will run it in track night on Wed .Thanks and keep up the good tunning!!!!!!!!!!!
Jonesy likes the big girls...
He can fit more "junk" in the trunk.
And people laughed at me when I said you'd build one for Fujimi LBs. Hehe.
bought and staged, haven't started her up yet....also grabbed a few other that IROC Z any good Jonesy?
The A-Class IROC is a balanced tune for Nordschleiffe...good accel, good top end, no aero. Doesn't excel in any particular area but it's well rounded for intermediate to longer tracks.
I have posted a tune for an A-Class Exige in my SF that pulls top 100 times on Fujimi in almost every configuration. This one will also decimate at tracks like Iberian, Ladera, Camino, Sedona Club, etc. I will gift the tune to anyone who asks so that you can tweak to your personal driving style, but it would be cool if a couple of guys bought the tune just to rate it...5000 cr.
Gracias amigos.
I will buy it and rate it and I will also buy and rate that Country Squire tune you put up. Could you please send them both over? Thanx.
I'll pop over again and look around Jonesy,
Oh, and the Country Squire has become affectionately known as FAT BITCH!!! hahah, ask the guy in the public lobby in the 510 that thought he'd just tap me and go on by. Bwahahaha! I wish I'd saved a replay.
Yeah, that car is pretty much an immovable object...gonna take more than a tap to veer it off course.
Heh I used it last track day on the ring, I think it was Sherb behind me trying all sorts to find a way by the Fat Bitch...Made my least favorite track night quite a chuckle
If someone could come up with a 2o4f Fat Bitch livery that would be kinda awesome. Probably wouldn't fly in the SF but we could move it around for clan use...esp in the public. Put something real smart-ass on the back for some public lobby goading.
Twice, first time you were so happy you did a summersault and went around a corner on your roof...made it stick the second time though
That's right. It was the Corrado.
It's quite wide when you run it on Indy....
Good News! My A-Class Ram is now a certified Top 1000 leaderboard car...# 620 at Top Gear East! This tune is currently avaiable on my storefront. If I were the kind of guy who named his tunes I would name this one "Unstoppable"...mainly because it is harder than shit to stop due to me wisely replacing brakes with HORSEPOWER...can I get a Hell Yeah! Those of you wanting this top-rated tune need only ask...and it shall be yours. I recommend setting the brake pressure at a lean 8%, but you do with it what you wish. It is your tune.
Ran both the Fat Bitch and your Thunderbird tunes in the multiclass lobbies Sat night and dominated Jonesy! The Birds quite a surprise, Ran all over swhites Aston for a bit on Infineon, until technical abilities interfered ( I was driving, lost it on the third lap)....
I really dig it when guys run my tunes and when...unless they're winning against me. I have C, B, and A class builds for that T-Bird but for some reason the B-Class is the one that shines. Cest la vie.
Not sure if I was in B or C, I wanna say C as I run the Fat Bitch in B. C I think as it's a toss up between the 427 Stingray or the Thunderbird, I'll have to look. And if I'm right I'll need more Thunderbird tunes...
Hey There!
Ever wanted to run the Top Gear in a fat 50's Convertible? Do you lament that Turn 10 seems to have neglected trunk space in favor of actual performance? Do you like supercharger AND rear wheel skirts? Well then, neighbor, Jones Motor Company has just the vehicle for you: the B-Class Top Gear-tuned 59 Cadillac Eldorado something something. It's got leather! It's got excitement. It has enough trunk space for four and a half bodies (chainsaw sold seperately.) It can be yours for a mere 5000cr...or I will gift it to you for abso-fucking-lutely free if you're on my friends list.
Ride hard, amigos!
Unofficially ran this at Infineon long and had some respectable competition (cough Motorhead/Snappy cough)...
I think they stopped for coffee somewhere...
No, seriously, I was looking in the rear view and Motorhead was wearing out his 70 Camaro, and it just wasn't getting done. This things quick, steady, solid and smooth, so the ALiens probably won't like it,but the masses should fall in love with it. Rumor has it a certain Stig was seen riding around in one stolen from a certain Caped Crusader...
[url=]Forza200[/url] by [url=]Oldschoolsmart[/url], on Flickr
Thanks for the Batmobile design, I have to build an A-Class Caddy. You can never have too many Cadillacs!
I have one that needs serious suspension tweaking...(hint hint) (Engine swap/supercharger) little twitchy but drivable, needs to be tamed a hair...probably spring/swaybar attention...
This thing is bonkers good slowly climbing the B RWD rivals with it