Email Notifications: Lots of them

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#1 Thu, 03/08/2012 - 19:34
MrGuster's picture
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Email Notifications: Lots of them

When a topic is updated/receives a new post, I am getting about a dozen email notifications per update/post (gmail).  These are ones that I have subscribed to as I was not receiving any notifications to the topic before. I will try unsubscribing and then subscribe to some other topics I post in to see what happens.  

Thu, 03/08/2012 - 20:17
badmin's picture
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Please do.  Derek is on this bug currently so we're just trying to figure out why its sending more then 1 email.  

Sun, 03/11/2012 - 22:54
MrGuster's picture
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So I tried the above and it didn't change anything. What I did notice is that when I posted a few messages yesterday and subscribed to them that I did not receive any emails for replies that came over the last 24 hours or so until I returned to the site around 7PM tonight.  I then all of a sudden had 4 emails per reply.


This may be a bit confusing, I'm scratching my head over what I just wrote surprise:


What I did notice is that under the "your account" then"notifications" tabs, that the clans (groups) I am a part of are no longer listed as they were when V3 started.  "your account" has all my groups in it but I am unable to change the message settings here.  I had set these groups to "mail" and "immediate".  I noticed that it never worked and that I had to subscribe to the messages to see replies even if I posted in them.


So here is how I have (had) it set up:

-Subscribe to all my own posts through "Your Account" tab

-Subscribe to posts using "Subscribe to: This Post" on first message in topic

-Subscribe to each Group (clan) I am a part of under the original settings in "notifications"  which I can no longer find     *there were two settings, or lines per clan ("mail"  "Immediate").


It could be coincidence but this adds up to 4, which is what I had tonight.

Mon, 03/12/2012 - 05:35 (Reply to #3)
badmin's picture
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This leads me to believe that it is working as intended.  Keep an eye out for me if anything else crazy happens.

Tue, 03/13/2012 - 01:25 (Reply to #4)
MrGuster's picture
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I just realised that I was not subscribed to my own messages.  That was my mistake.


I also found that, if you do the following:

1. Click "Your Account"

2. Select the "Edit" tab near the top

3. Scroll down to "Messaging and Notification Settings"

4. Last line in this box says "Group notifications can also be customized in greater detail if required.

5. Click "Customized"


It brings me back to the "Notifications" page where I am confused because my groups are not present, only the option to edit my subscriptions to posts I have subscribed to.


Also, I have not received any mail since last night to updated messages in the posts I am subscribed to.



Sun, 03/18/2012 - 07:39
DatBasementCat's picture
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I am not getting any email notification if someone is responding to my post/comment. In my account/notification setting, the default send notification is by the Web, the default send interval is daily and I have already checked enabling notifications. 

But when I'm posting a comment in a thread and am expecting a follow-up by someone else anytime, I still do not get an email notification. 

In the old 2old2play format, there used to be an option of checking/unchecking notifications in the comment field before submitting. Now in this new format, it is no longer there. 

Mon, 03/19/2012 - 00:25
MrGuster's picture
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If I subscribe to a post using the "private message" and "immediately" I get numerous messages per post and they only come once a day now.  Seems that the settings don't matter.

Tue, 03/20/2012 - 01:18
MrGuster's picture
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Well, I had 8 emails to 1 reply today.  Is there a way to reset my account? I can't adjust the group notification settings we had when the site first went live and I can't unsubscribe from users whose posts I have subscribed to.  Basically, this is flooding my inbox and frustrating me.

Thu, 03/22/2012 - 00:24
badmin's picture
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The crazy thing is that looking at your account it shows you as having no subs at all.  I went ahead and reset the account, but I'm not sure it's going to fix the issue since I couldnt see any subs in the first place.  Is this broadcast msg coming from your group or just notifications about forum posts?

Thu, 03/22/2012 - 04:10
badmin's picture
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Keep me up to date with this as I'm working on another fix for a seperate issue which may be affecting PMs as well.  Also, try swithing to notification via Email and let me know if you get mass email spam.  Thanks

Thu, 03/22/2012 - 11:13
MrGuster's picture
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Will do. And thanks for resetting it. 

Thu, 03/22/2012 - 19:57
wamam87's picture
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i have the email notifications enabled and have never gotten the multiple emails like i got with the PM's.


also, i changed my PM notifications from hourly to daily and i only get one a day now. when it was set to hourly, i got multiple PM's all with the same time stamp. so it seemed like it was generating the notifications hourly, but only sending them out once a day.

Fri, 03/23/2012 - 08:08 (Reply to #12)
Snuphy's picture
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wamam87 wrote:

i have the email notifications enabled and have never gotten the multiple emails like i got with the PM's.


I do.  I get 4-8 email notifications each time.  Mine are set to immediately.

Fri, 03/23/2012 - 08:37
MrGuster's picture
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That is what I am getting Snuphy. Mine are set to immediately and I get multiple messages wether by email or PM's but they come all at once, once a day. I used to only get 4 but the last time I got 8 messages for the same reply.  I am still waiting to see what happens since my account was reset but I have noticed at least one reply already to a message I have subscribed to with no emails as of yet.

Fri, 03/23/2012 - 14:23 (Reply to #14)
badmin's picture
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MrGuster wrote:

That is what I am getting Snuphy. Mine are set to immediately and I get multiple messages wether by email or PM's but they come all at once, once a day. I used to only get 4 but the last time I got 8 messages for the same reply.  I am still waiting to see what happens since my account was reset but I have noticed at least one reply already to a message I have subscribed to with no emails as of yet.


This is because emails are not instant.  If they were, the server would probably explode with all the email proccessing it has to do.  Instead the server sends out any email during times of "rest" as to not slow down the site.  PMs however are instant since they work off the same platform as a regular private msg.  

V2 worked the exact same way in terms of email.  It would wait and place them in a que to send them off later.  The difference is, you couldnt use the PMs at the same time so most people didn't notice a new reply until the email was fired off.

When we rebuilt the site, we figured it would be nice to have things sent instantly via PM so people didn't have to wait for emails to reach the in box.  However I'm not sure if that really matters since people still need to be notified via email that they have a PM.  The work flow seems to be an issue here.

Mon, 03/26/2012 - 07:54 (Reply to #15)
Walladog's picture
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admin wrote:

MrGuster wrote:

That is what I am getting Snuphy. Mine are set to immediately and I get multiple messages wether by email or PM's but they come all at once, once a day. I used to only get 4 but the last time I got 8 messages for the same reply.  I am still waiting to see what happens since my account was reset but I have noticed at least one reply already to a message I have subscribed to with no emails as of yet.


This is because emails are not instant.  If they were, the server would probably explode with all the email proccessing it has to do.  Instead the server sends out any email during times of "rest" as to not slow down the site.  PMs however are instant since they work off the same platform as a regular private msg.  

V2 worked the exact same way in terms of email.  It would wait and place them in a que to send them off later.  The difference is, you couldnt use the PMs at the same time so most people didn't notice a new reply until the email was fired off.

When we rebuilt the site, we figured it would be nice to have things sent instantly via PM so people didn't have to wait for emails to reach the in box.  However I'm not sure if that really matters since people still need to be notified via email that they have a PM.  The work flow seems to be an issue here.


I have had email notifications on since I joined the site.  It was almost always instantaneous.  I have never had a notification delayed more than a minute.  V3 is an improvement in sending them once a day?  Balls. BALLS! I tell you!  On the upside, your number of hits to the site must be going up.  I have to keep checking the site all day to see when people reply instead of waiting for my phone to buzz.


Sat, 03/24/2012 - 10:35
MrGuster's picture
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That's good to know as I wasn't aware of that. 

Mon, 03/26/2012 - 14:41
Snuphy's picture
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Walladog wrote:
I have had email notifications on since I joined the site.  It was almost always instantaneous.  I have never had a notification delayed more than a minute.  . . . . . your number of hits to the site must be going up.  I have to keep checking the site all day to see when people reply . . . . . .  :(

Me too.

I get a flood of email once a day around 11pm ET.  Between Fri and Sat nights, I got 96 notifications regarding two threads.  Ironically this is one of those two threads.

I really like that the text from the post comes in the email notification.

Tue, 03/27/2012 - 03:00 (Reply to #18)
badmin's picture
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Snuphy wrote:


Walladog wrote:
I have had email notifications on since I joined the site.  It was almost always instantaneous.  I have never had a notification delayed more than a minute.  . . . . . your number of hits to the site must be going up.  I have to keep checking the site all day to see when people reply . . . . . .  :(

Me too.

I get a flood of email once a day around 11pm ET.  Between Fri and Sat nights, I got 96 notifications regarding two threads.  Ironically this is one of those two threads.

I really like that the text from the post comes in the email notification.


So you confirm it's still sending mass emails all about the same thread?  Can I get a screen shot of what it looks like?  I really want to squash this bug, but I seem to get it to happen on my end.

Walla, the timing from sending on V3 and V2 is exactly the same.  Depending on the que size and how many emails are waiting it could take up to an hour for emails to be sent.  The difference in V3 is that there are a shit ton more emails to send.  

You can subscribe to anything in V3 instead of V2 where you just got notified for PMs and threads.  This over head is a lot larger but even still shouldnt be more then an hour of wait time.  There seems to be something holding things back, but Ive yet to track it down.  I'm thinking it may have to do with the work I do on the site after hours.  Since I have to often reboot, or shut down the server I could  be restarting the que each time.  

I will say I'm kind of shock people are still getting the mass emails though.  I totally thought I had that down. 


Tue, 03/27/2012 - 08:39
Snuphy's picture
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V3 has been putting junk in my trunk, so two screen shots.

So far I only got one message from your post above.  That’s the one at the top of the list from 4:16 am.  The rest of the “email notifications: lots of them” are from Walla’s previous post.  The “Group Admins . . .” messages are from admin saying “Bertt and you should be all set. “


It’s fitting that the “Group Admins . . . .” messages below ended up in my junk folder, ‘cause they’re from Bertt.  They say something like, “works now, thanks doodi, and i apologize for masturbating in your shrubberies while peering creepily in your window. :)


Tue, 03/27/2012 - 20:21
badmin's picture
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Ok, I'm going to try another solution today that "should" fix the issue.  I've already tested it out and it seems like emails should fire off about every 5min or so depending on the que.  Keep an eye out over the next couple of days and let me know.  Thanks for helping guys!

Fri, 03/30/2012 - 08:31
Snuphy's picture
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I no longer get a shit ton of notifications !!  Unfortunately, now I don’t get any.  I haven’t gotten one since the 3/27 4:16 am message.  Yesterday I signed up for a couple of busier threads (like unrelated) to see if made a diff.  No dice.

Snuphy wrote:

Sat, 03/31/2012 - 16:13
MrGuster's picture
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Same here Snuphy.  I haven't had anything in a few days now.

Sat, 03/31/2012 - 19:31
badmin's picture
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Are you still getting notifications for  PMs?

Sun, 04/01/2012 - 09:03 (Reply to #24)
Snuphy's picture
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admin wrote:

Are you still getting notifications for  PMs?


Dunno.  My handfull of subscriptions were all set to email.  Just reset notifications for this thread to PM.  Can I get a test?

Sun, 04/01/2012 - 10:48 (Reply to #25)
wamam87's picture
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Snuphy wrote:

admin wrote:

Are you still getting notifications for  PMs?


Dunno.  My handfull of subscriptions were all set to email.  Just reset notifications for this thread to PM.  Can I get a test?


check 1, check 2, check 3

Sun, 04/01/2012 - 12:19 (Reply to #26)
Snuphy's picture
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wamam87 wrote:

Snuphy wrote:

admin wrote:

Are you still getting notifications for  PMs?


Dunno.  My handfull of subscriptions were all set to email.  Just reset notifications for this thread to PM.  Can I get a test?


check 1, check 2, check 3

Thanks.  I got the PM notification.

Sun, 04/01/2012 - 12:48
MrGuster's picture
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Intersting.  I will have to try the PM route again and see what happens.

Sun, 04/01/2012 - 13:31
badmin's picture
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Keep me informed.

Sun, 04/01/2012 - 20:04 (Reply to #29)
Snuphy's picture
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admin wrote:

Keep me informed.

I got 3 PMs, which i believe is accurate.  I got 4 emails saying I got 3 PMs,  I've recieved no emails for subscriptions set for email notification.  Also, I roasted a chicken slathered in lemon, oregano and fennel fronds.  It was roasted with carrots, potatoes, onions, and shallots.  Pearled barley mixed with roasted radish and eau de poulet were served on the side along with homebrewed Bohemian pilsner.  And the missus is looking really good tonight, so I'm hoping to make heavy breathing induced goofy faces in a little while.

Sun, 04/01/2012 - 20:18 (Reply to #30)
wamam87's picture
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Snuphy wrote:

admin wrote:

Keep me informed.

I got 3 PMs, which i believe is accurate.  I got 4 emails saying I got 3 PMs,  I've recieved no emails for subscriptions set for email notification.  Also, I roasted a chicken slathered in lemon, oregano and fennel fronds.  It was roasted with carrots, potatoes, onions, and shallots.  Pearled barley mixed with roasted radish and eau de poulet were served on the side along with homebrewed Bohemian pilsner.  And the missus is looking really good tonight, so I'm hoping to make heavy breathing induced goofy faces in a little while.



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