MP Boss weak spots

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#1 Fri, 03/16/2012 - 14:14
TANK's picture
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MP Boss weak spots

Found this over in the Bioware forums.  The guy was using a widow and the numbers beside each spot indicate how many blocks disappeared with each shot.  To summ it up you want to shoot the Atlas in the front in the cockpit, Prime shoot front at the Red Eye and Banchee shoot it in the tits.. ya that's right, deflate those boobies for maximum damage.


Pilot seat: 3-4
Rocket or lascannon arm: 2
Legs: 2
Back: 3
Note: Hitting from the front, aiming for the pilot seat (orange part) offers best results. On average 6-7 shots to kill. Take extended clip if on gold. will come in handy if two spawn up together and not enough time to get to ammo crate.

Red eye: 4-5
Chest: 3
Back: 3
Arms: 2-3
Legs: 2
Note: You must hit the red eye from the front for maximum damage. CAN be killed in 4 perfect shots.

Head: 2
Chest/breast: 3-4
Back: 2-3
Belly: 2
Arms: 1-2
Legs 1 
Note: The barrier drops much quicker then the armour no matter where you aim. Same as above try to take on head on. Will drop people if it takes approx 4-5 blocks of damage in one hit (more likely if barrier is down), will not happen 100% of the time.

Fri, 03/16/2012 - 14:55
LocGaw's picture
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The Brutes and Ravegers have sweet spots too. I imagine that others do too.

Fri, 03/16/2012 - 14:56
Barheet's picture
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Hit the Banshees with Overload and Energy Drain to get rid of that barrier first. Then switch to Warp and Incenerate/Inferno ammo to get rid of the armor. 

Fri, 03/16/2012 - 15:53
Leviticus78's picture
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TANK wrote:


Pilot seat: 3-4


That's all I needed to read to justify my Black Widow purchase :)

Fri, 03/16/2012 - 16:09
Jedi_Kez's picture
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Nice to know about the chest on the Banshee! I was always trying for the head and that is fricken hard on that biatch.


What about Ravagers? I hate those things, and I still am not certain on their weak spots. People say those sacks, but that didn't seem to work well for me last night, neither did hitting that silver circle they have in front.


There are difinitely spots on a Brute that are armored... I hate taking a shot and hearing my sniper shot deflect off it and doing no damage. I know the back is decent and so is it's head.

Fri, 03/16/2012 - 16:22
TANK's picture
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The Brute uses it's arm like a shield though covering its head if it's being shot at.  At least that's what it looks like to me.  I dunno about the Ravagers, i always shoot the sacks first then shoot it in the face.  At least then you don'thave to watch out for those little ankle biters that come out of it.

Sat, 03/17/2012 - 08:21
LocGaw's picture
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No guys, on the Ravagers, shoot the blue/silver target(face like thing) first and not the sacs. The Blue Target is the sweet spot and it is right above one of the sacs. The sacs drop the bugs and when they break it covers the floor with roaches. Not too bad if you have a SMG or AR which sprays like Raid on the cokaroaches but it sucks when you got a 5 shot clip on a precision rifle.


The Brutes head is not armor plated. I don't think the ass is either. You can shoot the plating apart on a Brute, just takes a little longer. The Brute is stupid. If 1V1 against him, manuver into a tight area and he will become stuck. If 2v1 on the Brute, 1 guy kites it while the other shoots it in the back and vise versa. Not for nothing, I don't think there is much of a damage bonus for head shotting a brute. You just dont have to shoot the plating off it.


Also, it is not the entire back of the Atlas. Aim for the blue/silver spot.


Barheet is right, Warp/Fire devistates armor but Warp also debuffs defence and prevents health recovery.



Mon, 03/19/2012 - 14:06
scotchboy0's picture
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I read in a bioware forum that the Brute spine is the week spot. But I swear I Cloak, Energy Drained, one shotted one in the head last night on Bronze. A teammate may have hit it with a biotic but it went down for me faster than I've ever seen.


Does Carnage do much to armor? I meleed a both a Banshee and Brute with my Krogan soldier but never thought to use carnage first in the frenzy.

Mon, 03/19/2012 - 14:11
TANK's picture
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I had good luck with both the Brute and the Banchee, cloaking letting them run past then shooting them in the ass.  Not a one shot kill but it takes a chunk of health away.  I can't hit the Brute in the head, i hardly ever recognize the head from the rest of it from the front it's so damn small.  If i shoot it fron the front i try to get between the bones sticking out on it's back.


Tue, 03/20/2012 - 16:08
Barheet's picture
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Incenerate with the extra armor damage is brutal against these guys. As soon as the shields/barriers are gone, it only takes a few hits with Incinerate to bring them down. 

Wed, 03/21/2012 - 11:37
LocGaw's picture
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Yea, after last night, I think it is absolutly necessary to have at least 1 guy(better 2) running heavy weapons. You guys were tearing the bosses to shreds.

Does anyone know if the DPS/debuff abilities stack or do they simply convert to a Tech Burst or Biotic Explosion? I guess it does not matter really. Crushing damage is crushing damage regardless how it happens.

*On a semi-related note, I have taken to calling Banshees "The X". I never noticed the resemblance until I actually witnessed one scream. It was the little flecks of spittle flying from the mouth when she screams...

Wed, 03/21/2012 - 12:32
TANK's picture
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The combo we had success with on gold was 2 Solarian Infils with Widows with all the damage boost mods and power builds, one Asari Adept to stasis the Phantoms and one Quarian engineer with the rocket turret i think plus the shock/overload stuff.  We were destroying Cerberus on silver and most of gold was a cake walk too except for wave 10.

I think Wave 10 is the hardest wave there is.  THe game cheats and spawns shit right on the hacking objective and you have to stay in the circle and defend for 4 minutes.  This to me is the round to have three of our four guys relieve themselves of their rockets.  Wave 11 is cake.  You just use three guys as distraction to draw them away from the extraction and have an infil sit in the extraction point taking pop shots at stuff but not drawing attention to himself and you're guranteed a successful extract.



Wed, 03/21/2012 - 13:08 (Reply to #12)
scotchboy0's picture
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This whole team sitting in the hack area is often where we fall into trouble. I know the clock goes faster the more bodies you have but could you not use the same strategy as your extract. Will the game allow just one invisible guy to stay in the hack radius for success?

Sun, 04/01/2012 - 16:31
tufforcop's picture
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I have found that often one Guy on overwatch during a hack can take a ton of pressure off the group in the hack circle and usually draws little attention themselves.
Mon, 04/02/2012 - 15:51 (Reply to #14)
TANK's picture
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True, the trade off here is that you make less money because you don't get the 4 person bonus every couple seconds.  IT also takes longer to hack, not a lot longer but longer is longer.  That leaves the 3 in the circle open to attack for a longer period and reduces your completion bonus which means a reduction in $.


On the other hand failing a hack mission on wave 10 on silver means you spent as much time playing as bronze but won't make as much money.  Wave 6 on gold i believe is just about as much $ as 10 on Bronze and takes 8-10 minutes, good for credit farming.


Overwatch is a good idea, there's just a trade-off there.  We use similar tactics for extractions with the guy in the circle being overwatch and the other three being a distraction to get the horde away from the extraction zone

Mon, 04/02/2012 - 10:56
Barheet's picture
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Yeah 9 times out of 10, failed missions that I play are lost on wave 10. It's usually the circle hack out in the open. Usually, I will use all my rockets right off the bat, but it doesn't matter because the game just spawns more Banshees/Brutes/Phantoms/etc as soon as the first ones are dead. 

I've actually had some success if everyone leaves the circle before it gets overrun. Kill a few of the big enemies, then have 2 guys go back to the circle while the others distract. Honestly,'s hit or miss. Sometimes wave 10 is cake and sometimes it's impossible. 

Mon, 04/02/2012 - 17:57
tufforcop's picture
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I guess it depends on location, on the open hack on Giant (The Tuchanka Map) if one person holds at the top of the ramp at the control room the badguys will only spawn from the LZ. This does help IMO because this is the area that I always get raped on on this map if everyone is in the hack zone. If you place your best sniper in that Pos, he/she can call out and drop the biggest threats as they round the corner. (Ie engineers, phantoms etc) I would rather loose the bonus than loose the entire amountwink.

Wed, 04/04/2012 - 10:06
Prof_Rockwell's picture
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Regarding Ravagers: you actually DO want to hit the sacks. Specifically the large center sack. It exposes a green fleshy area that takes massive damage when you focus your fire on it. The loading menu with the laptop actually suggested this, and I've noticed that it works...REALLY well. Best results if the Ravager is at a distance, that way you don't need to worry about the little buggers swarming you. With a good team focusing their fire, Ravagers go down in seconds. 


Cosign with Locgaw re: Brutes armor. You can shoot the plating off it's front side when it does the gorilla chest thump, which weakens it, and I want to say I've seen the plating on the claw-hand get shot off as well(?)



Wed, 04/04/2012 - 11:19 (Reply to #18)
Jedi_Kez's picture
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Prof_Rockwell wrote:

Regarding Ravagers: you actually DO want to hit the sacks. Specifically the large center sack. It exposes a green fleshy area that takes massive damage when you focus your fire on it. The loading menu with the laptop actually suggested this, and I've noticed that it works...REALLY well. Best results if the Ravager is at a distance, that way you don't need to worry about the little buggers swarming you. With a good team focusing their fire, Ravagers go down in seconds. 


Awesome, thanks! :)  I hate sniping these things in the head-area and taking a mere bar off it's armor (or whatever pitiful amount it is). I knew there had to be a better spot.

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