Another Wild Card
Sun, 03/04/2012 - 18:52
Another Wild Card
What do you guys think of the extra wild card spot they are adding in?
I still havent decided if I like it or not. I guess it has its good and bad points and Im sure i'll love it if it ends up working in my teams favor. Im just happy baseball is starting.
as a pirates fan, it means nothing to me.
i'll get excited when they open playoffs to anyone that wants in on it.
That trade for Burnett was terrrrrrrible.
we're pretty good at that.
the only thing i don't understand is the fact that this goes against everything they stand for...
how much money can the owners get out of this right now.
Hey it could be worse you could be me I'm a Mets fan need I say more?
At least your not a Cubs fan.
Other than the fact that my team will benefit from the extra wild card spot, I think this will make the playoff race more exciting. I'm sure that this will be a great thing for MLB.
Miami Marlins FTW
Well in a smart move, the Pirates did lock down Andrew McCutchen today to a 6 year deal so thats good.
maybe not for McCutchen.
I am undecided. I will reserve judgment until I see how bad it fucks up the post season.
even a blind squirell find a nut now and then.
Not a huge fan of it, then again, not a huge fan of Bud either.
Eh. I really don't care one way or another. I'd rather have kept it the way it was, because the season runs too long as it is. Now the playoffs, and the World Series, are running clearly into winter. Shorten the season or start the season earlier, I say.
How about both? I don't like the world series nearly running into November.
Ask me a good portion through the season. I'm baseball starved right now, so right now, I'm down for a longer season.