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#1 Mon, 03/12/2012 - 16:04
BigFish's picture
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I was talking to a buddy of mine recently about different reads. We were talking about the Hunger games and how it had a lot of reality TV in the mix, and we then started to talk about 1984. It's been about 20 years since I read it and really liked it back in the day. I should really pick it back up again just to scan thru if nothing else. It's pretty amazing how Orwell back in 1934 depicted a society that resembles today in terms of "big brother" watching and all. Ok, I understand that there are a vast amount of differences, but having google, apple, facebook, twitter all knowing where you are, what you are doing and searching for or information you are looking for isn't that far off, IMO. 

Anyway, my buddy, who is quite a deal younger, maybe 10years or so has never read the book. I thought it was close to mandatory reading in HS, but I picked it up for fun because I wanted to see what was in the mind of Orwell back in the day. It was a good read, and if you haven't I suggest you give it a try. May open your mind about things.

Mon, 03/12/2012 - 19:29
Lou_Keymia's picture
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I read every few years just to see how things have changed. Kind of scary, actually.
Mon, 03/12/2012 - 21:16
Jedi_Kez's picture
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I never got to read that one in HS :(

But, I do have it on my Kindle, so it's on my list to read soon.


It's funny, in HS I was always annoyed that they would pick the books we had to read... now I'm going out of my way to find those same books!

Wed, 03/14/2012 - 16:22
Deman267's picture
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If you liked 1984 you should give '1985' a try. It's by Anthony Burgess, the author of 'Clockwork Orange'. The first half is a look at 1984 and Orwell,the second half is a story.Pretty good but it might be hard to find.

Wed, 04/04/2012 - 14:42 (Reply to #4)
JPNor's picture
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Deman267 wrote:

If you liked 1984 you should give '1985' a try. It's by Anthony Burgess, the author of 'Clockwork Orange'. The first half is a look at 1984 and Orwell,the second half is a story.Pretty good but it might be hard to find.

A Clockwork Orange is one of my favorite movies of all time, but I couldn't make it through the book. I'm just not smart enough to make it through his prose. Is 1985 an easier read?

Thu, 04/05/2012 - 09:43 (Reply to #5)
Deman267's picture
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JPNor wrote:

Deman267 wrote:

If you liked 1984 you should give '1985' a try. It's by Anthony Burgess, the author of 'Clockwork Orange'. The first half is a look at 1984 and Orwell,the second half is a story.Pretty good but it might be hard to find.

A Clockwork Orange is one of my favorite movies of all time, but I couldn't make it through the book. I'm just not smart enough to make it through his prose. Is 1985 an easier read?

Yes,much.  Good insights into Orwell as well.

Wed, 04/04/2012 - 02:41
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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I love Orwell books, 1984 and Animal Farm being the best (of course).  However, Coming Up For Air is surprisingly good.

Fri, 04/06/2012 - 08:14
Orwell_Huxley's picture
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You know a lot of people see my gamertag and immediately assume I'm huge into conspiracy theories, which isn't really the case. Books like those of Orwell take the same approach as children's books (I believe Animal Farm even bills itself as a fable) in that they present solid ideas and concepts in a fantastic over-the-top way to make them a little easier to swallow. I'm not nearly as worried about some secret puppet master behind the curtain as I am by the fact that we so readily hand him our strings. Most the ways that we are monitored and have our thoughts influenced these days are completely voluntary.


Fun fact: In 2009 many editions of 1984 and Animal Farm were sent down "the memory hole" when they were remotely deleted from peoples Kindles. Turned out to just be a poorly handled rights issue but the irony...

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