Patch Coming Next Week

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#1 Sat, 04/07/2012 - 18:26
reaper1795's picture
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Patch Coming Next Week

From Bioware Site


Patch Notes:

April 9th - PC

April 10th - Xbox and PS3

issues when in some cases Shepard's customized facial features from
ME1/ME2 may not be properly imported to ME3
an issue when quickly and repeatedly selecting to Resume a Save could
result in Player Level reset and a potential locking of powers.
an issue when selecting Multiplayer in the Main Menu while under a poor
network connection could result in an unresponsive state.
a potential crash while accessing an in-game terminal from Eden Prime
an issue when attempting to login while Server is down. It would display a
Server Down message and accepting the Server Shutdown message would shut
down the game.
a potential memory crash while loading a Quick Save of a custom FemShep.
an issue when restarting missions and acquiring an above max amount of
weapon mods results in displayed debug text on-screen.
an issue when an unresponsive game state could occur during transition
after the Conduit level.
an issue when DLC game saves can be accessed from an account without DLC
if another account on the same computer has access to the related
DLC. (PC Only)
an issue when saves from different accounts on the same computer may
become locked if one account has access to DLC which the other account
does not. (PC Only)
an issue when potentially the game could enter unresponsive state when
transitioning from the Holding Docks area to the Normandy Docks area of
the Citadel. (PS3 Only)

Sat, 04/07/2012 - 18:49
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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Good to hear that the custom face import issue is fixed.

Mon, 04/09/2012 - 10:32
TANK's picture
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I wonder if the money glitch will be fixed in MP.

Wed, 04/11/2012 - 14:24
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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So was ME3 patched because I logged on last night and there was no download prompt?  The wife really wants to play 3 but won't until the custom face import glitch is fixed.

Wed, 04/11/2012 - 16:34
KamakazeTaco's picture
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I got an update today.

Wed, 04/11/2012 - 17:08
TANK's picture
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I've read a number of posts today from people sayign they got the patch today.


The face import glitch only affects characters that were started in ME1 and carried over to ME2.  If she build a fresh character model in ME2,  it imported fine into ME3.


Anyways that should all be fixed now no matter how far back your sheppard's origin goes.

Wed, 04/11/2012 - 17:37
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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Yeah, she played through both games, using a custom face in 1 and importing it into 2, so it was likely she would experience the glitch.  Good to hear that the patch is out though.  I'll let her know.  Also good that I picked up the 360 that was on sale at target linked in the main forums.  Now I'll still be able to play halo while she starts ME3.

Thu, 04/12/2012 - 09:43
LocGaw's picture
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I got a patch yesterday, It fucked up my Xbox and I could not play for a couple hours.

Thu, 04/12/2012 - 18:11 (Reply to #8)
MrManbat's picture
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LocGaw wrote:

I got a patch yesterday, It fucked up my Xbox and I could not play for a couple hours.

don't know if its a region thing but I got the patch last night and everything seemed normal

Thu, 04/12/2012 - 10:30
TANK's picture
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The patch didn't 'fix' the Credit Gltich.  Bioware must not be interested in fixing that, i'll have to take that as permission to exploit it :lol:

Thu, 04/12/2012 - 12:56 (Reply to #10)
Jedi_Kez's picture
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TANK wrote:

The patch didn't 'fix' the Credit Gltich.  Bioware must not be interested in fixing that, i'll have to take that as permission to exploit it :lol:

I thought I read on the bioware forums the other day that they were handing out 3 day bans for that offence.

Thu, 04/12/2012 - 14:02
TANK's picture
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Hmm lemme see here....  45,000 credtis every 3 minutes is 900,000 credits an hour.  Playing gold legit at ~90,000 credits a game it would take 10 gold games to earn that, at half an hour a game that's 5 hours so that's like one night of play for me assuming successful wave 10 objective completions on gold which requires the right skill level of people.


I'd prob still credit glitch :lol:

I could actually use a multiplayer ban so i can focus on progressing my single player campaign...  I'm only as far as the mission in the demo where you go to a Salarian ship or planet and do the rescue mission.




Fri, 04/13/2012 - 10:15
TANK's picture
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There were a number of people complaining on the Bioware forums about the patch crashing their game or not letting them connect to the servers.  So if you were having that problem you weren't alone.  I believe it's all worked out now though.

Mon, 04/16/2012 - 20:37
Barheet's picture
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I just imported my FemShep with a custom face from ME1 and ME2. That patch is bogus. It works, but that looks nothing like the FemShep I created. It looks like a half a dog gorilla girl. 

Mon, 04/16/2012 - 23:40 (Reply to #14)
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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Barheet wrote:

I just imported my FemShep with a custom face from ME1 and ME2. That patch is bogus. It works, but that looks nothing like the FemShep I created. It looks like a half a dog gorilla girl. 


My wife said the same, and she had to make some adjustments to make or even remotely appealing.  shame.

Tue, 04/17/2012 - 09:08
TRIHunter's picture
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They must have also put in their "fix" for their commendation pack issue. I finally got my operation raptor (2 weeks ago?) commendation pack last night. This was the one where there was a glitch that allow people to get multiple packs.

Tue, 04/17/2012 - 14:14 (Reply to #16)
TANK's picture
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TRIHunter wrote:

They must have also put in their "fix" for their commendation pack issue. I finally got my operation raptor (2 weeks ago?) commendation pack last night. This was the one where there was a glitch that allow people to get multiple packs.


I got mine last night as well and my jaw hit the floor when I got the gun i actually wanted, the sniper rifle.  I got the Eagle Pistol in the first pack that had N7 guns in it, so those were my top two choices and I got those guns...  it's so rare to get something I actually want out of the stupid pack system that it's cause for celebration when it actually happens :lol:


Wed, 04/18/2012 - 09:18
DasBoba's picture
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I'm pretty much a noob when it comes to mp in this game.  My N7 level is only around mid 50s.  That being said I hate the pack system.  So far I've only gotten 1 assault rifle modification in all the packs I've bought.  It drives me mad.  I know they did this to lure people into paying money to buy the packs, but with the horrendous luck I've had, I'd never spend real money on it.

Wed, 04/18/2012 - 10:09
Barheet's picture
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This thread is completely hijacked.

Tue, 05/29/2012 - 10:15
Slater's picture
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This is from the Bioware Forums:


Hi Everyone.

We are pleased to say that the next Mass Effect 3 patch will be arriving this week for most platforms. It will be available for the PC on Tuesday May 29 and for the Xbox 360 and Playstation3 on Thursday May 31.

Patch 1.03 Notes:

Common to all Platforms:
-Fixed an issue where sometimes facial movement would not match the voice over if a hitch occurred
-Fixed an issue where taking cover in a certain area of Cure the Genophage mission would cause players to become blocked from progress
-Fixed Action mode so it will now respect difficulty if set in the main menu
-Fixed an issue where the player would always be walking forward instead of towards objective in The Return mission
-Fixed the Ultralight Materials SMG weapon mod in multiplayer so it correctly affects weapon recharge
-Fixed a rare case where the reinforcement pack purchases could fail and take currency without giving cards
- Fixed the issue where users logged off/disconnected during multiplayer gameplay would not log back in properly until their game is rebooted
-Fixed the issue that multiplayer Geth sentry turret flamethrower would endlessly repeat audio SFX
-Fixed various multiplay maps where a player could fall through the map during multiplayer gameplay
-Fixed the issue that using an ops survival pack consumable immediately before death could have no effect. It now works as intended
-Fixed the issue so the Falcon weapon in multiplayer no longer sometimes fire blanks
-Fixed the issue where enemies who were detonated with a biotic power while in stasis would become invulnerable
-Fixed the issue where Banshees who got hit with a rocket launcher would not play the correct death animation
-Fixed the issue where joining a match in progress while a Geth prime turret is active leaves the turret there for the remainder of the game. It now disappears.
-Fixed the issue when joining a match in progress while the host is performing a combat roll would play firing animation on the client for the host character, for the duration of the match
-Fixed an issue so Vanguards who are charging as they die are no longer being routed to the ground
-Fixed Host migration that would sometimes cause players to start on an incorrect wave
-Fixed the issue when a client quitting a match during deep bleedout causes muted/ducked audio to persist into next match
-Fixed the issue that when being revived at the same time as being executed would leave players in an T-Pose state
-Fixed the issue that when a Banshee takes enough damage to stop her charge state, her normal state is not immediately returned
-Fixed the issue where a player could enter a state when completing cover interactions near a ladder which could lead them to becoming invulnerable and unable to deal damage
-Fixed game hitching of 1-2 seconds at start of waves
-Fixed clients occasionally seeing nonstop firing visual effects
-Fixed evaded projectiles having an erratic course
-Fixed an issue where selecting resume after death could occasionally cause henchmen to not spawn properly
-Fixed weapon recoil that could become reversed with a Turian when stability mod and passive power present
-Fixed the cover slot in Meet the Diplomats mission would cause a player to become stuck
-Fixed Geth prime and harvesters taking headshot bonus damage when they shouldn’t
-Fixed shooting the atlas in the cockpit with a penetration weapon doing double damage
-Fixed the Kishock Sniper Rifle that would hit head bone (critical hit) on enemies that should not be possible, such as the Brute, Banshee and Ravager
-Fixed and issue where clients in cover cannot do any damage to targets at wide angles relative to the cover
-Fixed an issue where player can glitch their melee combo to only perform cover lean melee animations
-Fixed an issue where while dying in multiplayer, if the player pressed the prolong life button too quickly they could erroneously die
-Fixed an issue so Drell Adept Reave audio plays at full volume for all players
-Fixed an issue that an interrupt could sometimes fail to prevent a Cerberus engineer from building a turret
-Fixed a crash in conversations after Investigate Sanctuary mission
-Fixed an issue where gear items from the Rebellion DLC would unequip at the end of each match.
-Fixed an issue so ammo consumables, such as cyro ammo, would not replicated from host to clients
-Fixed the Memory Leak going in and out of Multiplayer Menus
-Added feature to remove AFK players after a set amount of inactivity
-Added a cooldown to Ops Survial consumable
-Made ammo consumables insta-reload and damage bonus

PS3 Only:
-Fixed wrong DLC Text in the Trophy File
-Added Downloadable Content option to PS3 Main Menu

Xbox Only:
-    Fixed an issue where Mass Effect 3 soft locks in character screen if user unplugs Ethernet at “Checking downloadable content…” after accepting an invitation from multiplayer menu

PC Only:
-Fixed an issue where the Online Pass Activation screen would appear for users despite PC not having a need for an online pass
-Fixed the Galaxy Map search and rescue asset GUI not appearing when using eyefinity
-Fixed an issue where users could not scan on galaxy map when right-click is rebound
-Fixed an issue where having the PC hud (heads up display) (left shift) up when a player dies in multiplayer and revived would cause player unable to move and the hud to remain active

Tue, 05/29/2012 - 10:21
Slater's picture
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Of all the fixes with the new patch, this seems to be a biggie, especially since I have to get up unexpectedly to care for kids. I sounds like private matches will be unaffected though.


The multiplayer portion of Mass Effect 3 relies heavily on teamwork. It is designed to require you to communicate and execute as a team or risk failure. Having someone away from their keyboard/controller for an extended period of time takes away from this experience and can really frustrate a player.

With the release of Patch 3 we’re excited to announce our solution. The multiplayer portion of Mass Effect 3 now has an anti-afk system that will automatically remove players who are idle for two minutes.
Some key points about this feature:

- The system will remove player’s after two minutes of inactivity. Once removed, the player will be placed back in the multiplayer menu and shown a message indicating what they were removed for.

- If a player is removed they will receive zero experience and zero credits from the play session from which they were kicked.

-  Player’s will not be removed from private matches
We understand that at times the player must remove themselves from the game immediately for a short period of time. As such there is no minimum time between being removed and being able to re queue for a match.

We still encourage users to report abuses like these to


Thomas Abram

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