Next Sunday Tourny
Sun, 04/01/2012 - 21:15
Next Sunday Tourny
I will be out of town the next two Sundays, next week for Easter and the following week for a beer festival.
Since Jello was runner-up I will defer to him to call the next format.
I'll try to be around some during the week to play test, or to just play some random games.
I was going to suggest 100 card singleton Kscope, so I might put a deck together for fun.
Well I hate to hear youll be out for 2 weeks Parott. If your leaveing me in the driver seat for next week I guess We will try the 100 card singleton Kscope with a kicker all cards must be able to be in a pauper format.
c-ya guys
When I mean out I mean out for 2 sundays i'm sure ill bump into ya during the week parott.
sometimes I typ faster than i think
I made a 100 card singleton last night for fun....I'm thinking doing it pauper will not be easy!
I got online last nigh and saw you jello, but you were gone before I could catch you. I'll prolly be on again tonight sometime.
I will likely be around Sunday, cuz I have no plans (yet) for Easter. That doesn't mean that won't change! 100 card Kscope singleton would be hard enough, but pauper???? Dunno about that. And it would mean I have to build from scratch. Ack!!! I have 100 card common singleton decks from previous Sundays, or tourneys, or leagues, or whatever..... BUT! I luv kscope! Who knows.......
I have a deck for Sunday. So far, we are not doing anything but the usual matinee movie. I was sorta thinking there might be a family get-together, but some are not feeling well, so, unless it is last minute, well, we shall see. So, my deck is made up of one of every multi colored common I have (just about). I even bought a few to make it to 100! My deck is just everything thrown in. Oh yeh, just like my usual decks.....![wink wink](
I got 1 together...Was a challenge but I think we all faced the same thing. So I think we all should be pretty competitive.
See ya in the AM.![cool cool](
I won, I won, I won, I won, I won. Did I say, I won???? LOL. There were 3 of us, Jello, nite and myself. And, we all had pretty much the same deck cuz a kscope, pauper, 100 card singleton deck takes almost every single card that is multicolored. Well, not every, but surely most of them. But, as you know, 100 card singleton is a different deal every game you play, which was true this time, too. It was loads of fun. I think we all played 5 colors. I think we had to. Sometimes there were mana problems, of course. But, the end of this little story is, I will be out of town on my honeymoon cruise (finally!) the next 2 Sundays, so I asked niteowl if he would please be GM for me next week. So, look for his post for the format for next Sunday.
Grats on the win and Have fun on the HOneymoon! guess it will be just nite and me... that is if fort is out again this week