Battlefield 3 Platoons (Xbox & PC)
Sun, 03/11/2012 - 15:09
Battlefield 3 Platoons (Xbox & PC)
Just a heads up for any 2old2play members out there looking to join a BF3 Platoon, we have one for each platform (Xbox/PC) already setup.
Hoplite runs the Xbox one, and I run the PC one. Send requests to "2old2play" in the platoon search and we'll accept them. Thanks guys...
I put in a request to join the Xbox/PC platoons. Who wants to create one for the PS3? Even if there aren't many playing on that console, it's worth creating one for it imo. I play on all the platforms. O.O
2Old2Resist has a platoon setup for the PS3.
A few of us are regularly on.
Thanks for the heads up, I should have known that. Applied and fav'd.
All set!
Applied and fav'd as well.
i accepted 2 invites for the PC Platoon...
someone should start a PS3 2old2play clan, its a good idea...
Is Hoplite MIA? I've put in a request to join the 360 platoon, also sent a PM on here to him.
Yeah, sorry. They are all up to date, as of today.
Still shows my applicaton as "sent" for the 360 Hoplite. GT is Alinon. ;)
Try again because I see no request to join the platoon on the Battlelog page.
So I cancelled my application and tried to re-send it. Now it says the platoon has reached it's maximum allowed soldiers. The max allowed is 100 I guess which is where it's at. I suppose someone will have to start a second platoon.
Just applied to 2old2play west.
Looking forward to some 2old2play BF3!
How do we use this to get into games together? WIll I be able to see platoon mates from the game?
Unfortunately, Battlefield 3 has no mechanism for console players to invite other member of their platoon to their games. In order to do that, they have to be on your friends list.
I really think they should allow console players to send game invites to other members of their platoon. If anyone has played MAG, you may remember that we could do that within that game.
FYI tried to apply to the XBOX platoon and it says the max number of members has been reached.
Ditto. Are there players on there that aren't active anymore? Maybe a thinning of the herd so more of us that still play can get on?
I'm not really active on it, so I could be kicked (I think this is the one I am on) as long as I won't be kicked from the 2o2p rented server. :D
Thanks for the offer, but I wouldn't want to force someone out that actually plays. I was thinking more along the lines of the people who have quit all together or even traded the game in already. Anyone who still actually plays is worth keeping around.
Still hoping that it might be possible to get into the platoon someday. Mainly just so I can join the site server at tiems without being kicked or dropped on other team.
You can always join a recognizable clan (platoon) (2o2s, PPC, etc) or start up your own 2o2p platoon :)
Being in a platoon doesn't mean jack. It won't save you from being kicked if the admin is itchy on the trigger. I put [2O2P] as my clan tag because I'm a free agent of sorts jumping in with various adult gaming clans. Since there's a disconnect between the Battlelog experience and consoles, platoons are really just an easier way of comparing stats to other arithitic players.
But, here, I'll give you the CliffsNotes version: fattLUNCH is good.
for the most part i agree with the above.
I joined PPC the other day just because I end up playing with these guys more than anyone else. Seems like someone from PPC is always online (2fat)! I would suggest reaching out, if nothing else to just get your name out there.
Its so much easier getting into a server where you know 1/4 or more of the people in the server. Everyone uses team chat or party chat - so there is communication!
oh and thx n3rf for the praise. I am about team work and cappin points! Ill run out in the middle of a fire fight to bring ya back from the dead - with no issues!
add me to your XBL friends list if you want: fattLUNCH